

[?'pla?]     [?'pla?]    
  • vt. 應用;涂;使專心從事
  • vi. 申請;有關聯
applied applied applying applies



v. (動詞)
  1. 勤奮工作
  2. 努力學習
  3. 適用
  4. 申請
  5. 請求
  6. 使專心從事
  7. 適合
  8. 將…鋪在表面
  9. 運用
  10. 應用(原則)
  11. 把…運用于
  12. 實施
  13. 使起作用
  14. 使適用
  15. 把…用
  16. 用(藥)敷
  17. 使致力
  18. 起作用
  19. 專心致志
  20. 有關系
  21. 相關聯
  22. 使用
  23. 使刻苦努力
  24. 致力于
  25. 有關
  26. 涉及
  27. 手壓
  28. 腳踩
  29. 涂(漆)
  30. 敷(藥)施
  31. 搽用
  32. 接洽(to someone for something)
  33. 應用
  34. 有關聯


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 敷,涂 put on or next to sth
  2. vt. 應用; 使用 bring or put into use
  3. vi. 適用 have an effect related
  4. vi. 申請,請求 request sth
  5. vt. 使刻苦努力; 致力于 cause to work hard or with careful attention


  1. put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose;

    "use your head!"
    "we only use Spanish at home"
    "I can't use this tool"
    "Apply a magnetic field here"
    "This thinking was applied to many projects"
    "How do you utilize this tool?"
    "I apply this rule to get good results"
    "use the plastic bags to store the food"
    "He doesn't know how to use a computer"

  2. be pertinent or relevant or applicable;

    "The same laws apply to you!"
    "This theory holds for all irrational numbers"
    "The same rules go for everyone"

  3. ask (for something);

    "He applied for a leave of absence"
    "She applied for college"
    "apply for a job"

  4. apply to a surface;

    "She applied paint to the back of the house"
    "Put on make-up!"

  5. be applicable to; as to an analysis;

    "This theory lends itself well to our new data"

  6. give or convey physically;

    "She gave him First Aid"
    "I gave him a punch in the nose"

  7. avail oneself to;

    "apply a principle"
    "practice a religion"
    "use care when going down the stairs"
    "use your common sense"
    "practice non-violent resistance"

  8. ensure observance of laws and rules;

    "Apply the rules to everyone"

  9. refer (a word or name) to a person or thing;

    "He applied this racial slur to me!"

  10. apply oneself to;

    "Please apply yourself to your homework"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. We should not only know the theory but also how to apply it to practice.
  2. The plastic coating is easy to be applied on any surface.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. I am applying for a fellowship.
  2. Above terms shall apply unless otherwise mention.


用作動詞 (v.)
apply for (v.+prep.)
    申請 ask for
    apply for sth He applied for a passport. 他申批普通護照。 To whom should I apply for a licence? 我大概向誰請求資質證呢? He applied for an entrance visa. 他使用入關簽證辦理。 They apply for permission to use the tennis court. 孩子辦理借租這款網場地。 I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship. 我確定申請辦理助學金。 Lynd and hundreds of young people like him applied for the post of typist. 林德和幾千個像他各樣的共青團實現這點打字員的職務。 I've applied for job with that company. 我已請求到那所廠家任職發言。
apply oneself to (v.+pron.+prep.)
    致力于,專心于 cause oneself to work hard at or with careful attention
    apply oneself to sth He applied himself to his new job. 他努力的干好新的工作上。 Now he applied himself to the job in earnest. 他現下嚴肅認真地干這做工作。 You must apply yourself to the job you have to do. 你不得不精力干好你該干的工作的。 She applied herself to her new duties with great enthusiasm. 她憤懣熱情高漲地投資回報她的到任務中。 Apply yourself to your study. 全身心于你的實驗吧。 He applied himself closely to the study of the English language. 他勤奮好學借鑒英語圖片。 He is now applying himself to the study of traditional Chinese medical science. 他當今正致力于打造于中醫婦科的探討。 apply oneself to v-ing They applied themselves to producing bikes. 大家 奮力產生立刻車。 He applied himself diligently to learning French. 他不辭勞苦地學荷蘭語。
apply to (v.+prep.)
    向…申請或要求 make a request to
    apply sth to sth Apply some medicine to his wound. 回報他的刀口上點藥吧。 The surgeon applied some ointment to my burnt fingers. 產科大夫在我燒傷的小趾上敷了了些外用藥。 Apply the paint evenly to both sides of the door. 光滑地在門的倆面上漆。 Apply the paint to the prepared wood and allow it to dry. 把漆面涂在備好的圓木上,讓它個人干透。 I apply my eyes to the microscope. 快把眼珠子緊密結合電子顯微鏡。 This cream is best applied to the face at night. 類似這些香脂盡量傍晚搓臉用。 The lotion should be applied sparingly to the skin. 這一洗液應不勻地涂在皮膚特效上。 This adhesive must be applied to both surfaces which are to be bonded together. 要黏接的倆個面都有必要涂上各種黏合劑。 apply to sth/v-ing The same applies to us. 相對我們的也是一種樣。 This rule cannot apply to children. 此類規范不采廣泛用于小朋友。 This book applies to beginners. 這書對初專家很恰當。 The method applies to our work. 這點方式方法采使用在他們的業務。 I don't think what he says applies to you as much as to us. 讓我他話對你并不同于針對我們那么好適宜。 The Act applies to all restaurants and cafes. 該政令實使用全部餐飲店和喝酒吧。 This rule applies to freshmen only. 這一條守則只適在于二本大學一年時間級畢業生。 These regulations only apply to the younger children. 許多規程只適用人群于較小的未成年人。 What I have said applies only to some of you. 我要說的只相互關系到他們中間的有部位人。 The money applied to the relief of the victims of the flood. 此筆錢使用于權利救濟遭到水災的災民。 These principles apply to learning maths. 許多基本準則常應用于數學中自學。 apply sth to sth In this way they can better apply theory to practice. 這自己就能更佳地把概念采取到實際中去。 He applies his mind to the difficulty. 他集中注意力重視這些情況。 apply to sb/sth For particulars apply to Mr. Brooker. 信息請向布魯科丈夫咨詢。 We applied to the authorities for assistance. 咱們向派出所重定向作用。 She applied to a college. 她請求鉆個學。 They applied to the government for financial help. 大家 請求部門助學。 They applied to other medical institutions for assistance. 他向另外醫院組織 求救。 Shall we apply to fraternal factories for help? 他們能不能應標準小哥廠開赴?


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He applies his handkerchief to his mouth. 出自: Joyce





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