

[p?t]     [p?t]    
  • v. 放;安置;使處于;提交;記下;表達;出發;開航
  • n. 推鉛球;期貨買賣
put put putting puts



v. (動詞)
  1. 表達,表述,說
  2. 放,擺,擱
  3. 使從事
  4. 發射
  5. 翻譯
  6. 提出
  7. 寫上,書寫
  8. 使受到
  9. 移動
  10. 投擲
  11. 航行,開航
  12. 折磨
  13. 攢錢,積蓄
  14. 推遲,延遲
  15. 推薦
  16. 投入,放進
  17. 給某人添麻煩
  18. 安,裝,安裝
  19. 施加,強加,加入
  20. 攙進
  21. 前進
  22. 駛向流入
  23. 把...用于
  24. 使渡過
  25. <口>出發
  26. 匆忙離開
  27. 發芽
  28. 流向
  29. 使感覺到,使受到…的影響
  30. 猛推
  31. 用力插入
  32. 將…送往,使…前往
  33. 使與…連接
  34. 標上,記,做標記
  35. 使處于
  36. 把…視為
n. (名詞)
  1. 刺,戳
  2. 投,擲,扔
  3. 一扔的距離
  4. 【交易所】使按限價賣出
  5. 發文件
  6. 【商】股票出售權
  7. 約期出售選擇權(在一定期限以一定價格交售一定數量商品的選擇權)
  8. 賣方的選擇


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 放; 置 move, set, place, lay or fix in, on or to a stated place
  2. vt. 使處于(某種狀態) cause sb/sth to be in the specified state or condition
  3. vt. 表達,敘述,說明 express sth in words


  1. the option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
  1. put into a certain place or abstract location;

    "Put your things here"
    "Set the tray down"
    "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"
    "Place emphasis on a certain point"

  2. cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation;

    "That song put me in awful good humor"
    "put your ideas in writing"

  3. formulate in a particular style or language;

    "I wouldn't put it that way"
    "She cast her request in very polite language"

  4. attribute or give;

    "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement"
    "He put all his efforts into this job"
    "The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story"

  5. make an investment;

    "Put money into bonds"

  6. estimate;

    "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."

  7. cause (someone) to undergo something;

    "He put her to the torture"

  8. adapt;

    "put these words to music"

  9. arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events;

    "arrange my schedule"
    "set up one's life"
    "I put these memories with those of bygone times"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He put his hands in his pockets.
  2. She put the grapes onto the platter.
  3. Put down my pen and stop fiddling!
  4. I've put my entire life into a sound and perfect order.
  5. The government has promised to put more police officers on the street.
  6. This gas will put you to sleep during the operation.
  7. I wish you hadn't told me! it puts me in a really difficult position.
  8. The motion was put to the assemblage.
  9. I'll put this lunch on my expense account.
  10. Make sure that you put down every word she says.
  11. How shall I put it?
  12. I want to know how to put this in French.
  13. He put for home after a hurried meal.
  14. The vessel was unable to put to sea on account of the storm.


用作動詞 (v.)
put about( v.+adv. )
    改變航向 change the direction
    put sb/oneself about Don't put yourself about! 別麻煩! He was much put about by the report of his friend's death. 他老朋友過世的提醒使他很郁悶。 He was very much put about by the false accusations brought against him. 他為對他的誣告尤為覺得。 愁眉不展 苦惱 He told her that it was useless for her to put herself about. 他提醒她苦惱沒有價值。 I was much put about. 我很愁眉不展。 put about The ship put about. 該船優化了飛行方法。
put about
put across1( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉解釋,被理解 communicate sth successfully
    put sb/sth ? across He knew how to put his ideas across. 他明白如可使自己看待他的觀念。 I am not putting my meaning across very well. 我就沒有我自己的意思就是說得很知曉。 He could not put across his point of view to the audience. 他還沒有使現場觀眾諒解他的看法。
put across2( v.+prep. )
    用欺騙的方法使(某人)接受或相信 cause acceptance of or belief in sth by sb, by deceit
    put sth across sth We must put a new bridge across the river to take the increased traffic. 為順應加劇了的公路網量,咱們可以在河上再架這座新橋。 The boatman put me across the river. 船夫就將我渡過了河。 The bigger boats will be able to put more people across the river. 大學點的船如何把多的人渡過河去。 put sth across sb You can't put that across me. 你休想騙我想信那事。 You'd better not try to put anything across him. 你最合適別欺瞞他其余情況。 Don't think you are going to put that story across us. 你就說用一個歷史故事來誘騙我。
put aside( v.+adv. )
    撇開,儲備 leave aside; store or reserve
    put sth ? aside You must put aside your work for a time and take a holiday. 你不得不把上班撇開1段精力來休個假。 She put her book aside, and we had a talk. 她把書擱到邊,自己對話變得。 One should always put a little money aside for a rainy day. 某私人總應積贊點錢以供時不時之需。 I have put aside five minutes to talk to you. 我熔融擠出五小時來與你溝通交流。
put at( v.+prep. )
    猜測,估計 guess sth to be an amount
    put at sth The worshippers put their gifts at the feet of the god. 做禮拜日的人把獻祭投入神像胯下。 put at sth I put her age at 55. 我想測她的年齡在56歲左右時間。 put sth at sth What would you put the radius at? 你可能這曲率半徑有幾米? I put the distance between the two cities at about five miles. 我預計這多個地區相互的距為5英里影響。 He put the time of the accident at about two o'clock. 他預計出車禍的日期大慨是2點。 I put the weight at about fourteen pounds. 我預計它的權重約為14磅。 His income can probably be put at 8000 pounds. 我基本上他一年收錄8000人民幣。 The total of the armed forces in the theatre of operations was put at about 50,000 men. 哪一個戰區的總軍力大概約為50,000人。
put away( v.+adv. )
    打消,放棄,拋棄 give up
put back( v.+adv. )
    撥回,向后推 move backwards
put by( v.+adv. )
    儲存,存放在一邊 save for future use
    put sth ? by He had put by a good sum during a working lifetime. 他事情新一輩子,也花光新一大筆錢。 I am not going to allow them to put this question by, as they have done before. 我就會令他們像以上一件把這位故障 擱到一側去。 He put the idea by until he was at leisure to consider it carefully. 他把你這個業障放另一邊,到空閑時再去用心確定它。 Whatever he got besides his basic salary was put by for his old age. 只要在常規年薪意外的使收入他都存一起僅作年事已高時用。
put down( v.+adv. )
    批評 criticize
    put sth ? down Put down that book and help your mother with the dishes. 松開那小說,幫你自己洗餐具套裝。 Put down the window, please. 請把窗門放不下。 Just as I put the telephone down, the doorbell rang. 如果你放不下座機號時,門鈴響了。 put sth ? down We must put down the enemy's attack. 我們的務必打退對敵的作戰。 They had to call the police in order to put down the riot. 這些 只有叫來警方以平定騷亂。 The troops were called out to put down the disturbance. 出擊了軍事部隊去平叛騷亂。 The uprising was put down with the utmost ferocity. 農民起義被極度慘烈地前去鎮壓咬下去了。 put sb/sth ? down Can I put you down for the trip to Guilin? 去廣州度假旅游我給登記怎麼樣? When Betty read English books she always put down interesting expressions. 貝蒂看英語書時都是把有意思的的展示策略記出來來。 Let me put down your telephone number lest I forget it. 令我熟記你的手機 快遞單號,免得想不起來。 Please put your name and address down on this pad. 請在便箋簿上記錄你的人名和IP地址。 Everything he said was put down at once. 再說一句話沒多久被記了接下來。 put sb/sth down as/for sth/sb At first they put down the complaints as radical talk. 本來孩子 指出此類牢騷都在情緒化言詞只不過。 We put the boy down as nine years old. 咱們想必這小男生有9歲。 We may safely put him down as a person with a small mind. 大家應該有找準地認定他是個胸襟短淺的人。 They put him down for a fool. 她們感覺他是個傻瓜。 put sth down to sth/v-ing I put his bad temper down to having had an unhappy childhood. 我要他的壞脾性歸之于他有災殃的幼時。 He put the poor harvest down to bad weather. 他把換成不到位歸咎于壞時候。 They'll put it down to his craziness. 孩子 會把事情情事歸因于他的有精神一高一低常。 The disease was put down to bad drinking-water. 這皮膚疾病被我認為是由假冒食用水的因起的。 put sb ? down He is severely put down for his careless work. 他因工作上的粗心胸寬廣意而面臨了嚴格的處罰,罰款的反省。
put forth( v.+adv. )
    盡力 try one's best
    put forth Leaves are putting forth. 盾牌正處于形成。 Do you think these little trees will put forth before long? 你相信等樹木一陣子就可能長胡特嗎? put forth sth Trees put forth buds and leaves in spring. 花草在初春生根長葉。 At this time of the year all the chestnut trees put forth blossoms. 每一年的的你這個之時 粟子樹都結果實。 put forth sth Representatives from various units have put forth several suggestions. 好多行業的代表性說出一堆些小編建議。 The officials of government of many countries have put forth a better system for preventing world war. 有很多國地方政府首腦推出了了個比較好的避免 世紀決戰的方案。 put forth sth He put forth all his strength so as to reach the camp in time. 他使得出混身的爆發力以便能立即抵達露營地。
put forward( v.+adv. )
    推薦 recommend
put in1( v.+adv. )
    進港停泊 enter a harbour to anchor
    put sth ? in He put his head in at the window. 他從窗口最大化從后面伸入來。 引出直接引語 “Don't forget us,” she put in. “別忘了我們公司,”她放進的說。 put sth ? in The teacher always put in a good word for his former pupils. 那一個名師怎是為他過去教過的大家說句漂亮話。 put in that-clause He put in that he must resign. 他插嘴說,他必定輕易離職。 While they were discussing the car accident,Frank put in that the road was icy. 當孩子 座談會汽年問題時,弗蘭克插嘴說在路上包括著冰。 put sth ? in She always puts in an hour's reading before breakfast. 早飯前她總會讀小時英文書。 Mary puts in an hour's piano practice every evening. 瑪麗每天夜晚練1個個鐘頭古箏。 put sb/sth ? in He put in a caretaker. 他調任打了個個管理工作員。 The candidate was put in by a majority of one thousand. 這點備選拔人才以五百票的往往再次獲得。 Which party will be put in at the next general election? 下一起大填充顏色哪黨派會當選為統治? put in The ship put in at the harbour and remained there for a day. 游輪進港在哪兒停沒事天。 After the fire, the ship put in for repairs. 起火后那船進港維護保養。
put in2( v.+prep. )
    使…處于某種狀態 cause sth to be in a state of
    put sth in sth Put sugar in the coffee, please. 請把糖放至美酒里。 He puts his hands in his pockets. 他機身進到這一領域錢包里。 Put the eggs gently in the basket. 莞然地把蛋制品放在竹籃里。 Put the vegetables in the pan with very little water and heat quickly. 把青菜倒出煎鍋里,少放些水訊速采暖器。 We ought to put the children in the back seat; it's safer. 當我們可以把閨女們放置于以后位子上,這般更人身安全。 put sth in v-ing Every morning I put half an hour in reading. 我每天都在早讀二個h。 I've put a lot of work in improving my English. 我下了有很大的時間研習英語怎么說。 put sth in sth His study is a chaos; it takes long to put his papers in order. 他的書櫥一塊狼藉,歸類好他的系統文件要花好長耗時。 The secretary put the files in alphabetical order. 女秘書把案卷按數字依次翻整好。 Let's put everything in order and dust the office clean. 我們可以把東西調整好,把辦公樓室打掃房間掉。 The surprise attack put me in a fix. 那次瞬間侵襲使我趨于穩定難題。 All goods should be put in order on the shelf before the supermarket opens. 超極餐飲市場營業前,所有的商品都需要雜亂地排順在重型貨架上。
put in for( v.+adv.+prep. )
    推薦 recommend sb for promotion, an award , etc.
    put in for sth The workers are putting in for an increase in wages. 建筑工人們現在必須擴大公司。 She put in for a transfer to another office. 她審請調到其它部事業。 Did you put in for that post in the library that you were speaking about the other day? 你可有有使用這一天你講起的兒童圖書館館的那些職業? put sb in for sth The commanding officer is putting Sergeant Green in for the Victoria Cross. 指揮員官倡議授于給格林中士維多利亞十字勛章圖片。
put into( v.+prep. )
    把…譯成,用…表達 express a thought in words; translate sth into another language
put it on
    索價過高 overcharge
put off1( v.+adv. )
    丟棄,擺脫 rid oneself of
    put sth ? off We put off the trip. 小編把這些行程拖遲了。 They put off the picnic because of the rain. 如果雨天,他倆推延了野餐。 They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas. 這些取決把交互順延到萬圣節節日后。 He had to put off his trip to Japan for two weeks. 他只能把他的島國之行延遲決定的兩個時間。 Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off. 是由于會場現狀分析不佳,大賽拖延了。 The appointment was put off because of his illness. 主要是因為他生了病而推延了情人約會。 put off v-ing If you think you are sick you should not put off going to the doctor. 假如你認為生病,不需要拖,趕緊看主治醫生。 There is always a temptation to put off doing an unpleasant task as long as one can. 針對不合意的差使,員工盡已經如期不做。 Don't put off making the arrangements until the last minute. 不可以拖到在最后很多鐘才展開分配。 put sb ? off I wanted to say something, but her face quite put me off. 我壓根來想說兩句話,但聽到她的臉色發黑,又找不到挫折開口子了。 We are going there tomorrow — not even bad weather could put us off. 咱們昨天要去那里,縱使天汽欠佳也得去。 They had intended going into the country for the day, but were put off by reports of traffic jams. 這些人原先今后這一天到村里去,但有人說客運堵住就作只不過。 put sb ? off Emil's poor condition put him off. 埃米爾的極端境遇使他大不高興。 Her failure in algebra has put her off. 她的代數不及格使她甚感心情低落。 We are not going to allow a little difficulty like that to put us off. 自己不允許讓這般同一個卑微的難就使自己泄氣。 She has been put off by his offensive remarks. 隨著他出言不遜,她感到恐懼較低興。 Don't be put off by the price; it's worth much more really. 最好不要被價位嚇住,實際那設備的價值觀源源不斷超越了其價位。 Don't be put off by a little difficulty like that. 別是因為怎么這一豆豆比較困難就泄氣。 put sb ? off Ask the conductor to put you off at the Odeon . 暗示售票處員在奧汀信息提示你下來。 Would you please put me off at the railway station? 請我就在火車動站下車時。 Where do you want to be put off? 你在哪里兒下來? put sb ? off I don't like music playing when I'm working. It puts me off. 我熱愛的工作時放音樂,那會使我分析。 He was just going to hit the ball when somebody sneered and put him off. 合理合法他要去擊該球時,有人會在另一邊釋放恥笑聲,使他分了心。 If I am once put off I find it very difficult to recapture the same train of thought. 就讓旦給予打擾了,查覺各自不好到原本的的理念拉上來。 The singer was put off by a sudden noise outside, and was unable to continue. 這位男歌手受到了外賣沒預兆的喧嘩聲的要素,他唱不小去過。 put sth ? off We forgot to put off the radio before we went out. 出門前我忘啦關錄音機。 Please put off all the lights as you leave the building. 離職這棟商品樓時,希望你把很多的燈都關住。 Under the official regulations the central heating was put off on March 15th each year. 按官方規定,年均2月20日關閉程序批發商采暖。 put sb ? off When he asked her to name a day for their wedding, she put him off. 當他要她訂個訂婚的時候時,她卻支支吾吾不談。 He tried to put me off with a vague promise. 他曾多次以含混的許諾來敷衍我。 He put her off with the excuse that he had too much work to do. 他接口有眾多操作要做,把她打奶油死了。 He'll probably try and put you off by promising to pay next week; but don't believe him. 他很概率會說好下個禮拜付賬而以便我的歌詞敷衍之前,你是否千萬別聽他的。 I'm not going to be put off with that excuse. 你沒有被那一個說辭敷衍過往的。 I won't be put off with such vague promises. 種含混的誓言是敷衍不下我的。 put sth ? off It's warm outside.Put your coat off. 外較炎熱,把衣服脫了吧。 Please put off your shoes before entering this holy building. 在進去這所崇高的圣殿前,請把鞋取下。 put sth ? off You must put off your doubts. 你有必要除去你的困惑。 He had put off all personal cares. 他已消除半個切本人的記掛。 It's time to put off those foolish ideas and become serious. 該放棄這里的無知的感觸,再謹慎考量了。 It's good to have put off the responsibility of the chairmanship. 不好歷屆主席,無官一襲輕,這太恢復。
put off2( v.+prep. )
    使注意力從…上移開 distract sb's attention from
put on1( v.+adv. )
    把(鐘、表的針)向前撥 move the hands of a clock or watch forwards
put on2( v.+prep. )
    分配任務 assign sb some work or task
put out( v.+adv. )
    使脫關節,使脫臼 cause to be out of joint; dislocate
    put sth ? out It's rude to put out your tongue at people. 對人吐舍頭并不是禮貌性的。 After a couple of minutes,I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man. 少許的鐘未來,我漫沒經心地伸到手,出示結尾有塊蘇打餅干,但是瞥了那個女人一圈。 As the spring is coming, all the trees are beginning to put out green buds. 春天了了,景觀樹都開啟噴出環保的幼芽。 put sth ? out They quickly put out the fire. 孩子 飛速將火澆滅。 Be sure to put out the light before you go to bed. 你上床睡覺前切實熄燈。 The firemen worked hard but were not able to put out the fire. 消防員女隊費了一定勁,但沒能將火撲救。 A downpour of rain put out the children's bonfire. 一陣一陣暴雨把男孩們的營火都澆滅了。 Smoking is forbidden here. Please put your cigarette out. 這邊不許吸二手煙,請將您的煙變暗。 The fire was soon put out. 火比較慢就消滅了。 put sth ? out The company puts out 25 new machines every month. 這店裝修公司任何月退出25臺新機氣。 The firm puts out 1000 bales of cotton sheeting every week. 這一家集團公司每周7天生輸出1000包純棉被單布。 The firm has put out an increased number of bicycles this month. 好幾家總部這三個月上升了隨意車的產出量。 The engine puts out thirty horsepower. 這臺熱車機可行成30匹馬力。 This engine puts out more electric current than the other one. 這臺電站機比另個臺發的電多。 put sth ? out They have already put out a new periodical. 大家已是刊發了種新的刊物。 The printers put out three numbers of the magazine in the first year. 哪些發行發行商1、年發行發行了三期雜志社。 They put out fifty new books last season. 去每季度,孩子 出了四十種新小說。 The government will put out a new statement tomorrow. 部門將于未來公布的幾項新書面聲明。 This magazine is put out every Friday. 我英文雜物每禮拜五出版社出版。 put out We put out at the crack of dawn. 我們公司在破曉時出航。 Fishermen usually put out to sea in the early morning. 漁民通暢一大早出航打魚。 The ship put out to sea. 船出航飛行。 A coast guard boat put out through the waves. 這艘海域值勤艇破浪駛離海域。 put sth ? out We put out the washing. 我把要洗的羽絨服衣服送回洗衣加盟店去洗。 All repairs are done on the premises and not put out. 全部的整修都有家庭進行,不送回外邊去做。 put sb/oneself ? out We are so sorry to put you out by arriving so late. 請稍等,各位如此晚才到,問題老婆了。 Would it put you out to spare you just a few minutes? 出現失誤你一點鐘時會弄亂你的計劃方案嗎? Will it put you out if I bring another guest? 我比如再帶1個賓客來,會不太會幫你彰顯糾紛? Please don't put yourself out. I can do it myself. 不糾紛你的,我不錯屬于自己做這款事。 He could help us if he would be willing to put himself out a little. 這樣他想要出點力,他要能的幫助我們都的。 Mother was always willing to put herself out to help people. 自己總之不嫌繁瑣地去幫到人。 He was very much put out by the late arrival of his guests. 求美者姍姍來遲使他大感不妥。 put sb ? out He never compromises on matters of principle and doesn't care who he puts out. 在要求狀況上他從來不讓步,不用擔心抵毀人。 You could tell that his rudeness had put her out by the way she slammed the door. 從她砰地1聲把門關了的反常模樣你就是可以判別,他的粗野惹得她心情不好了。 She was put out by her husband's remark. 她被她老公說的話惹惱了。 She was very much put out by your rudeness. 你的莽撞使她受窘。 The traveller was much put out by the loss of his bag. 一個客人因此不見了手拿包而煩心。 She never gets put out even by the most difficult matters. 最困苦的事可是會使她擔擾。 He seemed greatly put out by the arrival of the new workers. 等等新建筑工人的迎接幾乎使他很惱火。 put sth ? out He slipped on the stairs and put his ankle out. 他在室外樓梯上滑一個多跤,踝肘關節脫臼了。 I can't play tennis today; I've put my shoulder out. 我昨天可以打網球,所以我的膀子脫臼了。
put over( v.+adv. )
    成功完成 carry out successfully
put through1( v.+adv. )
    接通(電話) connect by telephone
put through2( v.+prep. )
    使…通過 make sth pass through any process
put to( v.+prep. )
    把…毀掉 ruin; finish completely
put together( v.+adv. )
    組成整體 form a whole by combining parts
    put sth ? together It's easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again. 拆換一部電影機器設備比重是什么新裝修配起非常容易。 I must put my thoughts together before I go on the platform. 在上黑板講演剛剛,我應該我把我的思絮翻整一番。 This toy can be taken apart and put together with ease. 這樣小玩具可簡單地拆解再裝的時候。
put two and two together
    得出結論 draw a conclusion from some small details
put up( v.+adv. )
    包裝 pack in parcels, boxes, etc.
    put sth ? up Please put up your hand if you have any questions. 誰要有話題,就請抬手。 He put up his umbrella to keep off the rain. 他撐住傘去遮雨。 Girls used to put their hair up on their seventeenth birthdays. 過往的她16歲生日會時就將頭發束了。 Would you please help me to put the shelf up? I can't do it myself. 你能夠給我把書櫥抬上去嗎?我自行干打不開。 put sth ? up They put up a tent when they go there. 顧客一有那處就支起了賬蓬。 I want to put up a fence between our property and our neighbour's. 你要在公司和房東的地產開發相互之間修道籬笆。 They put up many buildings last year. 19年大家 蓋了不少超高層住宅。 The Smiths are going to put up a new house. 史密斯家備考構造新苑小區。 These buildings were put up in 1972. 這一些樓建于1972年。 The new library will be put up soon. 新的電子圖書管將沒多久便修建起。 A new supermarket will be put up in this neighborhood next year. 下年要在這種居住者區建屬于一家超及市場上。 Has the machinery been put up ready for the broadcast? 播報器械按照正在什么時間? put sth ? up We'd better put up a notice here. 咱們最棒在那里貼兩張通告。 The students put up a poster on the bulletin board. 考生們在布告欄上貼好幾個張廣告海報。 You are not allowed to put up advertisements on this wall without special permission. 沒有越來越不可以,不可以在這兒面墻面上禁止吸煙汽車廣告。 It was the old man who put up the “FOR RENT” sign. 一位孤寡老人貼出了“招租”的門頭招牌。 It's time we put up the Christmas decorations in the living room. 自己該在生活室里安排一點萬圣節裝飾物了。 The notice was put up by the editorial board of the school journal. 布告是校刊編委會貼的。 The names of the candidates will be put up on the college notice board. 獲選拔的名兒將貼在職業學院的廣告牌上。 put up We put up for the night at a farmhouse. 小編在一家農舍投宿了夜。 We put up at a small hotel on the outskirts of the town. 我門在1家處于鎮郊的小旅店寄宿。 You're welcome to put up in my home for the night. 歡迎詞我在俺家留宿。 put sb ? up We can easily put you up for the night. 我門就可以毫不猶豫費力地計劃你隔夜。 When the travellers went to the inn, the innkeeper put them up comfortable for the night. 游客們觸達旅店后,商家把顧客舒過癮服地安裝過來包夜。 put sth ? up The workers try to put up productivity. 民工從而延長生育率。 We are planning to put up the rate of interest. 讓我們正預計延長收益率。 Every time a new tenant moves into that flat, he puts up the rent a bit more. 悄悄地新家客住進那套酒店式公寓,他總要把租價加快有一點。 Universities have just put up their fees. 所有上大學不久前提升了書費。 The grocer's put the price of coffee up again . 雜貨鋪商又將各種咖啡的價錢提高了了。 It's necessary to put the wages up on the basis of increasing production. 必須 在增強生產的的理論知識上增強底薪。 The government has promised that taxes will not be put up again this year. 國家以經許諾2018年不能加強稅利。 put up Do you really intend to put up for that seat? 你真有今后自薦為什么行政職務的得票率人嗎? He has not made up his mind whether or not to put up for mayor again this year. 他已經關鍵近幾年會不最后競職區長。 put sb ? up The Liberals are putting Jim up again in the election. 自由度黨在改選中之后候選人吉姆。 Though some suggested putting up Johnson as a candidate, the majority seemed to be for Jones. 雖有的人選舉蓋倫遜為侯選角,但大部份數人卻或許贊成瓊斯。 His name was put up for chairman of the committee. 他被提出為該常務專委會CEO。 put sth ? up He'll supply the skill if you put up 80,000 yuan capital. 我就出80,00元資產,他將能提供系統。 The millionaire put up a lot of money for the church. 驚呆了100萬富翁為愛國會捐了有很多錢。 The State decided to put up another two million yuan to expand the enterprise. 國家的定再撥200萬來搬遷你這個品牌。 put sb/sth ? up The drivers have put up a fierce struggle against their employer. 師機與顧主選取了劇烈的抗爭。 They put up stubborn resistance. 自己來了頑強拼搏的抵擋。 He put up a good fight against his sickness. 他同常見疾病作堅韌的抗爭。 Very little resistance was put up by the enemy. 敵機沒要怎么采取抵擋。 put sth ? up You have put up a good case, but I still have to decide against you. 你提到了了個較好的事例,只不過我仍不應不提到疑義。 What excuse can you put up for your actions? 我會系統闡述甚么理由可以證明來為大家的動作狡辯呢? Here,I'd like to put up an idea for your consideration. 我覺得在那里提個意見建議供你決定。 put sth ? up The farmers put up the apples in barrels. 農家們把蘋果6手機放到桶內。 She put up a parcel for her daughter, who was away at college. 她為在外市鉆個學的娘一起的。 Mother will put up a packed meal for us to take on our walk. 爹媽將把飯包在一起使他們揣著在路口吃。 The medicine is put up in small bottles. 藥被裝入小瓶里。
put up to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    向…通告 suggest; offer to
put up with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    忍受,容忍 bear; tolerate
    put up with sb/sth I can't put up with her another day; she never stops complaining. 她整日報怨,我就天我不能容忍了。 It isn't easy to put up with people who are impolite. 是沒有彬彬有禮的人是最讓人難易妥協的。 I don't see how Jack can put up with his wife. 我也確定杰克是怎樣的能承受得了他的媳婦兒。 We had to put up with a lot of noise when the children were at home. 娃兒們再家時,小編吵吵嚷嚷小編也得接受現實。 Why should we put up with such terrible working conditions? 當我們為那些要忍氣吞聲這樣相對惡劣的工作上經濟條件呢? I can't put up with this toothache any longer. 我從此隱忍不了了這樣子的牙疼了。 I can no longer put up with his rude behavior. 我我就沒有寬容他的粗魯表現了。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+副詞+介詞 ~+介詞


  • Wear thy good rapier bare, and put it home. 出自:Othello , Shakespeare
總目錄 附表 查詞的歷史