

['?tr?bju?t]     ['?tr?bju?t]    
  • vt. 把 ... 歸于
  • n. 屬性;標志;象征;特征
attributable attributer attributed attributed attributing attributes



n. (名詞)
  1. (人或物的)屬性,特性,特征,品性,品質
  2. 標志,象征,表征
  3. 【語法】修飾語,定語,屬性形容詞,限定詞(在名詞短語中修飾名詞的形容詞)
  4. 【邏輯學】屬性,性質
  5. <廢>名譽,榮譽
v. (動詞)
  1. 把…歸因于...,把…歸咎于,認為…是由于
  2. 認為…是某人所做,認為是…所為
  3. 認為…屬于,認為…是某人所有,認為…是某人創造,認為某作品出自某人之手,認為…是…產生
  4. 把(某品質)歸于某人,認為某人具有(某品性)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 認為…是; 歸因于 … regard sth as belonging to, caused by or produced by sb/sth
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]屬性,特性 a quality forming part of the nature of a person or thing


  1. a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished;

    "self-confidence is not an endearing property"

  2. an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity
  1. attribute or credit to;

    "We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"
    "People impute great cleverness to cats"

  2. decide as to where something belongs in a scheme;

    "The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Most historians attribute such declines to wars and conquests.
  2. Many people's success can be attributed to hard work and a bit of luck.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Public perception can also create a legal right for an attribute of a product.
  2. The attribute that indicates that the same copy of a routine cannot be used by another task.
  3. A scepter is the attribute of power.
  4. Lightning bolts are an attribute of Zeus.
  5. Grounding is a necessary attribute to ascension.


用作動詞 (v.)
attribute to (v.+prep.)
    認為某事〔物〕屬于某人〔物〕believe sth to belong to sb/sth
    attribute sth to sb/sth/v-ing I attribute our success to him. 把我我們的的獲得成功歸功于他。 I never attribute mean motives to anyone. 你在不把卑劣的驅力加在所有人陰莖上。 They attributed the blame for the reverses to their superiors. 許多人認同挫敗的承擔有賴于許多人的上司。 He attributed his failure to poor judgment. 他把超時歸因于評斷不正確。 She attributes her great age to a carefully planned diet. 她把她的長命歸功于傾力讓的生活。 She attributed her illness to the cold weather. 她把個人的病歸因于濕冷的天氣查詢。 The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus. 專家們把一些病癥的病源屬于一款內部錯誤的病毒感染。 She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck. 她以為她的勝利基勤勞善良和一點兒點運氣好。 Her teachers attributed her learning difficulties to emotional problems. 她的政治老師們把她的學習成績難題歸因于情感故障 。 The President attributed the worsening situation to increased guerrilla activity. 首相把日益增長惡變的形勢歸因于游擊隊促銷活動增添。 Jim wrongly attributed his failure to bad luck. 吉姆不對地把你的超時歸咎于好運不佳。 He attributed it,I believe,to a political cause. 我想信,他把這種事情事的行為歸因于哲學。 To what do you attribute this delay? 你得說這件事拖延的病因是啥? He partly attributes his good health to careful living. 他把良好個部分歸因于活動生活心中有愛留意。 We attribute our success to being in the right place at the right time. 我把順利完成屬于天和地德。 He attributes his success to working hard. 他判定他的完成是艱難工作的的成果。 Someone knew enough felt that his crime would be attributed to her. 有一個體積極熟知 時候,因為他犯下的罪相應與她有關于。 The car accident was attributed to faulty brakes. 這件事車禍事故被指出是車輛的剎車鍵盤失靈引致的。 This incident cannot be attributed merely to carelessness. 這些事故案例的時有發生沒辦法只是歸因于麻痹大意。 Lung cancer has been partly attributed to smoking. 現代人認同肺癌患者部份是在吸煙者引發的的。 attribute sth to sb Most experts have attributed the drawing to Michelangelo. 基本都數領域專家覺得這幅畫產自米凱朗琪羅之手。 The remark was later attributed to Karl himself. 這樣的話就這樣被指出是卡爾個人說的。 The unsigned painting was wrongly attributed to Raphael. 這幅未簽字的畫被誤看來是拉斐爾的作品集。 Marcello's work was at first attributed to his brother Benedetto. 馬爾賽洛的詩集剛剛開始被以為是他的兄弟們本內代托所提。 This comedy has been traditionally attributed to Mark Twain. 這出喜劇電影據稱為馬克·吐溫所提。 This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare. 大眾一般而言人為這出表演是莎士比亞所寫。 This song is usually attributed to Schubert. 這詩歌曲一般是被相信是舒伯特的影片。 attribute sth to sb/sth He attributes wisdom to his teacher. 他因為他的導師有智慧生活。 Some scientists attribute intelligence to ants. 一些有效家指出螞蚊有耐力。 He attributed this pottery to the Bronze Age. 他因為這樣的陶器是尊盤年代的的遺物。
用作名詞 (n.)
be an attribute of
    是…的本性〔象征〕a quality forming part of the nature of a person or thing


用作動詞 (v.)
用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ ~+介詞


  • But mercy is above this sceptred sway,..It is an attribute to God himself. 出自:Merchant of Venice , Shakespeare
  • It is surprising how soon historical personages become invested with romantic attributes. 出自: T. Wright
  • These two townes were attributed to Flaunders by reason of gage. 出自: Ld Berners
  • What celsitude of honour Plinius Secundus attributeth to Trajan in his funeral oration. 出自: Bacon
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