

[?m'pl??]     [?m'pl??]    
  • v. 雇傭;使用
employable employability employed employed employing employs



v. (動詞)
  1. 雇(用),雇傭,受雇
  2. 使從事于,(使)忙于,(使)專心于
  3. 設置
  4. 安排,差遣,操持
  5. 使用,利用,采用,用
n. (名詞)
  1. (為某人所)雇用,受雇,替某人工作
  2. 使用
  3. 職業,工作(現用于詩)
  4. 服務


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 雇用 give work and pay to; take on or appoint a person as a paid worker
  2. vt. 使用,利用 make use of
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]雇用,受雇; 服務 employment, service
  2. [C]工作,職業 job


  1. the state of being employed or having a job;

    "they are looking for employment"
    "he was in the employ of the city"

  1. put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose;

    "use your head!"
    "we only use Spanish at home"
    "I can't use this tool"
    "Apply a magnetic field here"
    "This thinking was applied to many projects"
    "How do you utilize this tool?"
    "I apply this rule to get good results"
    "use the plastic bags to store the food"
    "He doesn't know how to use a computer"

  2. engage or hire for work;

    "They hired two new secretaries in the department"
    "How many people has she employed?"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. They employ casual labor to pick the fruit
  2. You must employ someone to oversee the project.
  3. Why do you think we should employ you?
  4. Different artists employ different painting techniques.
  5. We employ different security techniques to protect the database.


用作動詞 (v.)
employ about (v.+prep.)
    雇用 give work and pay to
    employ sth about sth It is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifling matters. 真遺憾的是,像他也許有方能的人甚至被常做干一類瑣事。
employ at (v.+prep.)
    雇用 pay sb to work (at a particular place, or rate of pay)
    employ sb at sth/v-ing The company employs thousands of men at its car factory. 這種工司在新汽車廠雇傭了數萬名民工。 Large numbers of female workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay. 多地女職工以最便宜待遇受雇。
employ for (v.+prep.)
    把…用來做 use sth to do sth
employ in (v.+prep.)
    使忙于,使從事于 be busy with sth or do-ing sth
    employ oneself/sth in sth/v-ing She employed all her free time in sewing. 她把其他空閑時刻都拿出來做針線活。 He employed his spare time in reading. 他借助空閑日期寫作業。 He employs himself in reading after work. 下班時光今后,他把時光花在寫作業上。 He is employing himself in compiling a dictionary of English idioms. 他正顧著編纂2本用英語習語詞典下載。 She employed herself in writing. 她主要從事寫作技巧。 We should always be employed in something. 我們大家總得干些事。 They were employed in scientific researches. 孩子 考證掛靠科學生命科學研究生命科學研究。 More scientists are being employed in studies to develop new medicines. 很多的科學性家稍后專業從事建設仿制藥的研發。 She was employed in watering the flowers. 她忙著給花澆灌。 The children were employed in weeding the garden. 子女們正忙著給園藝除草。 She was employed in copying letters. 她被雇來抄寫信件。 For a day or two we were busily employed in unpacking and laying out our property to the best advantage. 小編開啟行裝,流程軟裝飾,向來忙了五天。 He was employed in a bank. 他在開家信用社運作。
用作名詞 (n.)
in the employ of〔in sb's employ〕
    受…雇用,在…任職 employed by


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Employ your chiefest thoughts to courtship. 出自:Merchant of Venice , Shakespeare
  • She employed frequently all the improper words she knew. 出自: J. G. Cozzens
  • They were going to take a leaf out of the Germans' book and employ poison gas. 出自: C. S. Forester
  • A complicated puzzle on which to employ his wit. 出自: A. Wilson
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