

[r?'kwest]     [r?'kwest]    
  • n. 請求;要求
  • vt. 請求;要求
requester requested requested requesting requests



n. (名詞)
  1. 請求,要求,懇求,懇請
  2. 需要,需求
  3. 請求的事,要求的事,要求的事物,請求的事物,要求的東西,需要品
  4. 點播曲
  5. 請求文,請愿書
  6. 咨詢
v. (動詞)
  1. 請求(給予),要求,懇求,懇請
  2. 責成,對...下令
  3. 申請;請求得到;索取


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 請求,要求 ask (for) especially politely; make a request (for)
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]要求,請求 an act of asking for sth, especially politely
  2. [C]所請求的事物 sth that has been asked for


  1. a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority
  2. the verbal act of requesting
  1. express the need or desire for; ask for;

    "She requested an extra bed in her room"
    "She called for room service"

  2. ask (a person) to do something;

    "She asked him to be here at noon"
    "I requested that she type the entire manuscript"

  3. inquire for (information);

    "I requested information from the secretary"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I will oblige any sincere request.
  2. His answer to my request was a negative.
  3. Your request will be dealt with in due course.
  4. I bought it at your request.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. We request you to deduct our commission from the invoice.
  2. They request that a delegation be sent to their country.
  3. They requested financial support.
  4. I requested him to come before ten.


用作動詞 (v.)
request from (v.+prep.)
    向…請求,要求 demand politely from
    request sth from sb They requested another song from Susan. 你們規定蘇珊再唱有首歌。 We requested some information from them. 企業向這些人索求一個訊息。 He requested help from the librarian to find the book he wanted. 他申請圖書館維護員幫他找出他理想的書。 He eagerly requested loan from the bank. 他迫在眉睫地標準各大銀行接受信用貸款。
request of (v.+prep.)
    要求于(某人),請求(某人) make a request
    request sth of sb/sth I have a favor to request of you. 想有事尋求幫助于你。 May I request a favour of you? 請您幫一個忙怎麼樣? I have to request permission of her parents. 我得申請她父爸媽贊同。 We request the honour of your company. 為謝進入網站。 They requested the pleasure of him in company at tea the following afternoon. 兩人邀請了他第二步天上午到兩人在那里品茗。 We request the favour of a reply at your earliest convenience. 請非常方便時趕快付出答案。 request of sb that-clause I requested of him that he should go away. 我提起他脫離。 The teaching staff requested of the headmaster that he should reconsider his decision. 全體員工幼師規定要求副校長如何充分考慮各自的取決于。
用作名詞 (n.)
a/the request for
    …的要求 a/the demand for sth; the request from sb
at sb's request
    應…之請求; 鑒于…之請求 because of sb's wish
at the request of
    應…之請求; 鑒于…之請求 because of sb's wish
by request (of〔from〕)
    應…的請求,經…之請求 in response to a request (from sb)
in request
    為人們所需要,受歡迎 being needed by people; being welcomed
on〔upon〕 request
    一經要求 when asked for
play (sb's) request
    播放(某人)點播的節目 broadcast the programme which sb asked for


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • I was bombarded..with..requests to help with jumble sales. 出自: V. Brittain
  • A request for a glass of..fruit juice. 出自: E. Crispin
  • The captain requests..your company at dinner. 出自: W. Golding
  • Drivers were requested to stop. 出自: N. F. Dixon
  • Requesting Martine's permission and receiving it. 出自: A. Brookner
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