

['pr?kt?s]     ['pr?kt?s]    
  • n. 練習;實行;習慣;業務
  • v. 練習;實踐;開業;執業
practicer practiced practiced practicing practices



n. (名詞)
  1. 練習,實習,學習
  2. 實踐,實行,實施
  3. 習慣,慣例,常規
  4. 業務,工作
  5. 實際
  6. 營業,開業
  7. 【律】訴訟手續
  8. 實用
  9. 老練,熟練
  10. 主顧
  11. 習俗
v. (動詞)
  1. 訓練,鍛煉,練習
  2. (經)常做,慣做,慣常地進行
  3. 開業,從事
  4. 實踐,實行
  5. 實習
  6. 追隨
  7. 策劃陰謀,詐騙


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]練習,實習 regular or repeated performance or exercise in order to learn to do sth well
  2. [U]實踐,實際 the actual doing of sth (rather than the idea of it)
  3. [C]業務 the business of a doctor or lawyer
  4. [U][C]慣例,常規 a repeated, habitual, or standard act or course of action


  1. a customary way of operation or behavior;

    "it is their practice to give annual raises"
    "they changed their dietary pattern"

  2. systematic training by multiple repetitions;

    "practice makes perfect"

  3. translating an idea into action;

    "a hard theory to put into practice"
    "differences between theory and praxis of communism"

  4. the exercise of a profession;

    "the practice of the law"
    "I took over his practice when he retired"

  5. knowledge of how something is usually done;

    "it is not the local practice to wear shorts to dinner"

  1. carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions;

    "practice law"

  2. learn by repetition;

    "We drilled French verbs every day"
    "Pianists practice scales"

  3. engage in a rehearsal (of)
  4. avail oneself to;

    "apply a principle"
    "practice a religion"
    "use care when going down the stairs"
    "use your common sense"
    "practice non-violent resistance"

  5. engage in or perform;

    "practice safe sex"
    "commit a random act of kindness"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.
  2. We must put our plans into practice.
  3. You should make a practice of being on time for work.
  4. I have a culture and art practice in my company.


用作名詞 (n.)
in practice
    在開業中 running business
out of practice
    疏于練習 not having spent time doing practice
put〔carry〕 into practice
    實施,實行 actually do sth (that was previously only planned〔thought about〕)
    put〔carry〕 sth into practice We have discussed the plan continually for several weeks; now the time has come to put it into practice. 我已間隔好幾種個禮拜挑選這進度表了,當今得到付諸快速執行的那時候了。 He is good at constructing theories but not good at putting them into practice. 他擅于于創建人系統論上,但不敢于把他的系統論上付諸社會實踐。 His plan broke down when it was put into practice because he had not given enough attention to details. 他的工作方案在實操中無效了,是因為他對地方問題不誘發滿足的重要。 It's time I carried my intentions of hard work into practice. 應該是你把想勤奮好學運行的準備付諸雷霆行動的是了。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • It being accepted practice to start conversation by asking people what they do. 出自: J. Barzun
  • Not all the arts of diplomacy are learned solely in its practice. 出自: D. Acheson
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