

[ɑ?sk]     [?sk]    
  • v. 詢問;請求;邀請;要求;開價;期待
asked asked asking asks



v. (動詞)
  1. 問,詢問,質問,打聽
  2. 請,邀請
  3. 需要,要求(得到)
  4. 問候,探問
  5. 求,祈求
  6. 討(價),索(價),要價
  7. 向…提問
  8. 請求(準許),懇求,征求,需求
  9. 期望
  10. 罪有應得, 招惹,招致,自找(麻煩),自討(苦吃)(for)
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =Amplitude Shift Keying 幅移鍵控
n. (名詞)
  1. 自動定位
  2. 開價
  3. 要求
  4. 問題
  5. <蘇格蘭>蜥蜴


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 問,詢問 request information (about sb/sth) (from sb)
  2. vt. & vi. 要求,請求 request that sb gives sth or does sth; request permission to do sth
  3. vt. & vi. 邀請 invite (sb)


  1. inquire about;

    "I asked about their special today"
    "He had to ask directions several times"

  2. make a request or demand for something to somebody;

    "She asked him for a loan"

  3. direct or put; seek an answer to;

    "ask a question"

  4. consider obligatory; request and expect;

    "We require our secretary to be on time"
    "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"
    "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"

  5. address a question to and expect an answer from;

    "Ask your teacher about trigonometry"
    "The children asked me about their dead grandmother"

  6. require as useful, just, or proper;

    "It takes nerve to do what she did"
    "success usually requires hard work"
    "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"
    "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"
    "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"
    "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"

  7. require or ask for as a price or condition;

    "He is asking $200 for the table"
    "The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. May I ask a question?
  2. I'm calling to ask you about the delivery.
  3. He'll lend you the money if you ask him.
  4. It was such a big job that he had to ask for help .
  5. I have asked some friends for tea.
  6. I have the right to ask for an explanation.
  7. My father ask me to account for my conduct.
  8. The man asked ten dollars for the book.
  9. As parents, we should not ask too much of our children.


用作動詞 (v.)
ask about (v.+prep.)
    詢問,打聽 request information concerning (sth/sb)
    ask about sb/sth Uncle Hill asked about you the other day. 前些今天日子希爾大叔問出過你。 Newspaper reporters have been asking about the missing child all day. 新問采訪記者一每天在打探那么消失的幼兒的短信息。 I'll ask about it when I go to town. 我賣瓜時去問一下這件事。 He went to the station to ask about the trains. 他到直達火站去詳細了解直達汽車環境。 The director is asking about those papers that you promised to have ready. 主管真正查問你從前為他籌備的這些材料。 ask sb about sth We must ask him about it. 我國有必要問你他有件事。 I have nothing more to ask you about apart from these questions. 除此之外等等一些問題,我不會有其他人要了解到了。
ask after (v.+prep.)
    詢問…的健康 enquire about the health of sb
    ask after sb When I met Mrs. Smith this morning she asked after you and the children. 接下來那么我偶遇史密斯少奶奶時,她祝福短信你和我嬰兒們。 Jones has been asking after you; he's heard you've been ill. 瓊斯一只在探問你的健康生活運行,他聽你病了。 He asked after your health. 他向你問好。 Was Aunt Sarah asked after, too? 也向薩拉嬸嬸問侯啥時候?
ask for (v.+prep.)
    自找麻煩 behave so as to cause trouble
    ask for sth Might I ask for a photograph of your little daughter? 我能夠要張你小外孫女的照片視頻嗎? They all asked for the job. 孩子們都想要做這款事業。 The miners are asking for another increase in pay. 煤礦工人們耍求再擴大底薪。 He asked for time to think all this over. 他請求給我點精力把這一起細致入微仔細觀察。 If you get into difficulties, don't hesitate to ask for advice. 你如果有遇到困苦,要盡快向人求教。 I asked for the taxi to come at 8 o'clock. 我需要租售車8點鐘來。 He asked for an interview with the Premier. 他規范會客委員長。 May I ask for your views on a few questions? 我想否你要們闡述一下對這幾個的問題的認識? She sent me a postcard asking for your address. 她寄跟我一張圖明信片找你的注冊地址。 He has written to his friends in Ha'erbin, asking for information. 他開始為他哈爾濱市的網友寫了信去詳細了解具體情況。 ask sb for sth We often asked the veteran workers for advice. 你們往往向老工人們求教。 He constantly asked them for criticism. 他通常規范我們對他給出教育批評指導意見。 Why don't you go and ask her for help? 你為什么不去找她幫你? They asked the waiter for their bill. 這些人向工作員要訂單。 I'll ask the leadership for half a day's leave. 我可以向官員請一整天假。 They asked him for his address. 他找他要他的位置。 I should have asked him for a shot of penicillin. 我時應讓它為我打打針青霉素的。 ask for sb He is very ill and keeps asking for his daughter. 他病得很強,三番兩次規范見他的外孫女。 There's a woman at the door, asking for Mr.Sharp. 門上這位老年婦女要見夏普叔叔。 There's been someone here asking for you. 昨天有些人來尋找。 Go to the office and ask for the secretary. 到接待室室去找行政秘書。 ask for it She has been teasing the dog for weeks, and I'm not surprised it bit her— she certainly asked for it. 多個周一來,她時不時在逗弄哪一條狗,這狗咬了她我點基本上不覺得稀奇古怪——這也是她自找的。 They asked for it by using that rude manner with me. 他于我心理狀態粗野,想找困擾。 She's asking for it in acting like that. 她這樣子做是自尋憂慮。 What made you do that?It was asking for it. 你為哪些這般做?就是自找不便。
ask in (v.+adv.)
    請(某人)進來 invite sb to enter
    ask sb ? in Mr.Brown is at the door, shall I ask him in? 布朗老公在門邊,我是可以請他過來嗎? I asked him in for a drink. 我請他接到吃點濃縮果汁。
ask of (v.+prep.)
    向…要求,要求… request sth from sb
    ask of sb It's not too much to ask of you to clean your own shoes. 幫你刷自身的鞋,這規定要求并不過度。 You are asking too much of them. 你對其耍求太高。 She's not strong.We can't ask too much of her. 她身體健康對比弱,對她的標準不可以太高。 You asked of me more than you asked of the others. 你規定規范我的比規定規范自己的多。 ask sth of sb/sth I would like to ask a favour of you. 或許求你幫個忙。 I asked my way of a passer-by. 我向一名人行道人問了路。 He asked my opinion of the pictures. 他請我對那一些畫提提意見和建議。
ask out (v.+adv.)
    請(某人)外出 invite sb to a show, meal, etc.
    ask sb out Mr. and Mrs. Brown are not at home, some friends have asked them out. 布朗夫人和布朗太都是在家中,有幾塊小伙伴邀孩子出門了。 I asked her out to lunch. 我請她進去吃火鍋。 This is the third time he asked me out. 那就是他然后次請我外出時。 She's busy tonight; she's been asked out to dinner. 今天晚上她沒空,被人請她度假吃東西。 I've been asked out to a dance on Saturday. 許多人請我時間六去到庭畢業舞會。
ask over (v.+adv.)
    請(某人)來自己家 invite sb to one's home, usually for a short time
    ask sb over I asked her over to my house. 我邀請人她到他家來。 They asked us over to dinner. 孩子們邀請好友這些 到孩子們家外面吃飯。 We haven't seen them for ages; why not ask them over for lunch on Sunday? 我國大半年沒了追到大家 了,為何周天請大家 回家里吃中飯呢?
ask to (v.+prep.)
    邀請…參加… invite sb to be one's guest at (an event or occasion)
    ask sb to sth Do I have to ask all my relatives to the wedding? 我須要應邀一切的親威添加婚禮慶典嗎? They asked me to their wedding party. 這些人請我參加這些人的婚宴。 When Jerry asked me to her house I usually made some excuse. 每每杰瑞請我到她房子里去時,我一個勁接口推托。 I am asked to more social affairs than I have time to attend. 應邀我到場的社會中話動許多,我未的時間都去到場。
ask up (v.+adv.)
    請(某人)上樓 invite sb to come upstairs
    ask sb up Please ask him up. 請把他請來二樓來。 They asked me up. 你將我要到了樓頂。 When the doctor arrives, ask him up. 麻醉醫生到來了請他上樓。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Asking to her why she had trespaced his commaundments. 出自: Caxton
  • It is axed at the mouth of the wyse. 出自:Bible (Coverdale): Ecclesiasticus
  • The other axed ye price, he sayed: xx. nobles. 出自: H. Latimer
  • Knocking at the taverns, And asking every one for Sir John Falstaff. 出自:2 Henry IV , Shakespeare
  • They asked them, saying, Is this your son? 出自:Bible (AV): King John
  • Ask your own heart; and nothing is so plain. 出自: Pope
  • Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs. 出自: Goldsmith
  • Once I ask'd him of his early life. 出自: Tennyson
  • I..asked him what o'clock it was. 出自: Dickens
  • I asked her her maiden name. 出自: G. Borrow
  • Animals are such agreeable friendssthey ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. 出自: George Eliot
  • A farmer of whom I asked the way. 出自:Oxford English Dictionary
  • 'Dost thou give news for love, or dost thou sell it?' Kim asked. 出自: R. Kipling
  • If you want to know the time, ask a P'liceman! 出自: E. W. Rogers
  • Often Jeff would ask her, did she really love him. 出自: G. Stein
  • Where was he this morning, for instance? Some committee, she never asked what. 出自: V. Woolf
  • If Hitler had come into the conversation she would have interrupted to ask who he was. 出自: G. Greene
  • It was the question that Nessim asked himself repeatedly. 出自: L. Durrell
  • I seldom asked my father..about our relations near or distant. 出自: Day Lewis
  • Father Patrick asked me if I'd like to be a priest. 出自: K. Laffan
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