

[d?'v??t]     [d?'vo?t]    
  • vt. 致力于;奉獻給;把...專用于
devotement devoted devoted devoting devotes



adj. (形容詞)
  1. <古>獻身的
n. (名詞)
  1. (女)熱心之士
v. (動詞)
  1. 專心致力于,致力(于),專心于
  2. 獻(身),貢獻,將...奉獻(給),供奉
  3. 把...專用(于)
  4. 聽任
  5. 專門追求
  6. 放在
  7. 專門陳列
  8. 集中
  9. 服務于
  10. 詛咒,咒罵
  11. 注定,命定


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 把…奉獻(給),把…專用(于) set apart for; give completely to


  1. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause;

    "She committed herself to the work of God"
    "give one's talents to a good cause"
    "consecrate your life to the church"

  2. dedicate;

    "give thought to"
    "give priority to"
    "pay attention to"

  3. set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use;

    "this land was devoted to mining"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. You must devote your attention to your work.
  2. After he graduated, he continued to devote himself to the research.
  3. He devoted himself entirely to music.
  4. He started to study ecology and decided to devote his whole life to the science.
  5. He devoted a great sum of money to books.


用作動詞 (v.)
devote to (v.+prep.)
    致力于… give (oneself) freely and with care to (sth)
    devote sth to sb/sth/v-ing The newspaper devoted a special column to a discussion of the problem of the world's population. 這店文摘周刊創造特刊來研討會環境人口結構間題。 The newspaper devotes two pages to comics. 舊報紙用兩頁展板來刊載日本漫畫。 They agreed to devote part of the park to the playground. 這些曾我同意將的公園的這部位辟為體育運動場。 They are all terribly busy men and cannot be expected to devote their time to this investigation. 其全都相當忙的人,不是期望其用任何周期去參與一種調研。 He devotes his time to the garden. 他把時候都用在城市公園里了。 Now she devoted most of the time to this work. 現下她把大一部分時光都用在這個運作出了。 She devoted her life to the cause of peace. 她把一世奉獻給了和睦人事。 He has been devoting his whole life to benefiting mankind. 他把我的平生榮譽獎給了做出貢獻社會的人事。 Each nurse also devotes two evenings a week to studying medical literature in her field. 每位醫生每季度還用兩大半夜來學與她工作上業內的分子生物學醫學文獻。 She devoted her life to helping homeless children. 她的的一生都是在幫忙無家可歸的小朋友們。 He devoted every Saturday afternoon to fishing. 他把各個禮拜六的下午的時刻都花在釣魚上。 He devoted all his spare time to helping his students with their English. 他把大多數的余業精力都用到益處他的高中生學英語怎么說。 She devoted too much time to dressing. 她在穿起穿搭上花的時段不多了。 I have to devote part of my income to repaying my debts. 我不要得不取出幾局部營收來中用還債。 We should devote every effort to finding out the principle contradiction. 公司一般大力尋得通常問題。 This magazine is devoted to science. 這樣的自媒體專載專業新聞稿件。 This department of the store is devoted to machine tools and engineering needs. 品牌門店的該部是專業銷售機床和工業工具的。 My lecture will be devoted to the study of aesthetics. 我的精彩演講特意談美感實驗。 I should think the Welsh are the only people in the world whose only national festival is devoted to music and poetry. 我看來威爾士人是市場上在你種族文化獨一無二的節日英語努力行樂器音樂和詩篇演繹的獨一無二種族文化。 Utterly devoted to the people, he gave his life in saving his patients. 他衷于人們,把終其一生人力采用解救提高的寶寶。 We are quite devoted to the little girl. 企業尤其非常喜歡這是小女娃。 Half of these plots are devoted to raising improved seeds. 哪些地區的總量一半被來培植種苗。 devote oneself/sb to sb/sth/v-ing He devotes himself to his sick wife. 他專注于安慰著他病了的丈夫。 He devoted himself to his lessons. 他用心強院于課程。 Jim is devoted to his wife and family. 吉姆設計方案噓寒問暖他的愛人和家長。 All the soldiers were devoted to their leader. 整個出租車兵都擁護孩子的頭領。 A true artist is devoted to his work. 實打實的藝家獻身于他的藝。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • All Christians are by their Baptism devoted to God. 出自: W. Law
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