

[te?k]     [te?k]    
  • v. 拿;取;執行;需要;接受;理解;修(課程);花費;吃(喝);認為;搭乘
  • n. 拿取;取得物
takable took taken taking takes



v. (動詞)
  1. 拿,取
  2. 減去,扣除
  3. 攜帶,帶去
  4. 取出
  5. 容納
  6. 接受
  7. 以為
  8. 抓,捕,捉,抓住
  9. 逮捕,俘虜
  10. 攻取,占領
  11. 【牌】吃掉
  12. 勝過
  13. 獲得(財產),取得,得
  14. 需要
  15. 花費
  16. 買下
  17. 記錄
  18. 帶領
  19. 突然侵襲
  20. 承擔
  21. 生效,起作用
  22. 生根
  23. 受歡迎
  24. 訂閱
  25. 嚙合
  26. 吸引
  27. 采取
  28. 容忍
  29. 吸入
  30. 占用
  31. 執行
  32. 吸收
  33. 染上
  34. 成活
  35. 咬餌
  36. 施展魅力
  37. 拍攝,拍起照來
  38. 變成
  39. 起飛
  40. 走,行進
  41. 扎住
n. (名詞)
  1. 捕獲(量),收獲(量)
  2. 看法,觀點,意見
  3. 利益,盈益
  4. 售得金額,收入(額)
  5. 【印】一次所排的原稿
  6. 【電影】(一次拍攝的電影或電視)鏡頭
  7. 戰術
  8. 反應
  9. 場景


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 帶(去),攜帶 carry sb/sth from one place to another
  2. vt. 拿,取,抓 seize with the hand and hold
  3. vt. 需要,花費 need (a period of time); spend
  4. vt. 學習,教 study sth; teach sb or give sb lessons or instructions
  5. vt. 取得,接受,容納 get; accept or receive
  6. vt. 買下,租用 buy; rent
  7. vt. 吃,喝,服 swallow; eat or drink
  8. vt. 乘車,上船 use as a way of getting from one place to another
  9. vt. 測定,量; 拍 test or measure sth; photograph sb/sth
  10. vt. 記錄,記下 write down
  11. vt. 理解,領會 understand
  12. vt. 對待,認為 have the stated feelings as to; consider
  13. vt. 占有,獲得 get for oneself
  14. vi. 起作用; 獲得預期效果 have the intended effect; work successfully
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]捕獲量; 收入額 amount of fish or game; amount of money, taken or received
  2. [C]電影鏡頭 a scene that has been or is to be photographed for a moving picture


  1. the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property;

    "the average return was about 5%"

  2. the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
  1. carry out;

    "take action"
    "take steps"
    "take vengeance"

  2. require (time or space);

    "It took three hours to get to work this morning"
    "This event occupied a very short time"

  3. take somebody somewhere;

    "We lead him to our chief"
    "can you take me to the main entrance?"
    "He conducted us to the palace"

  4. get into one's hands, take physically;

    "Take a cookie!"
    "Can you take this bag, please"

  5. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect;

    "His voice took on a sad tone"
    "The story took a new turn"
    "he adopted an air of superiority"
    "She assumed strange manners"
    "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables"

  6. interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression;

    "I read this address as a satire"
    "How should I take this message?"
    "You can't take credit for this!"

  7. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere;

    "Bring me the box from the other room"
    "Take these letters to the boss"
    "This brings me to the main point"

  8. take into one's possession;

    "We are taking an orphan from Romania"
    "I'll take three salmon steaks"

  9. travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route;

    "He takes the bus to work"
    "She takes Route 1 to Newark"

  10. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives;

    "Take any one of these cards"
    "Choose a good husband for your daughter"
    "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her"

  11. receive willingly something given or offered;

    "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"
    "I won't have this dog in my house!"
    "Please accept my present"

  12. assume, as of positions or roles;

    "She took the job as director of development"
    "he occupies the position of manager"
    "the young prince will soon occupy the throne"

  13. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes;

    "Take the case of China"
    "Consider the following case"

  14. require as useful, just, or proper;

    "It takes nerve to do what she did"
    "success usually requires hard work"
    "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"
    "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"
    "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"
    "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"

  15. experience or feel or submit to;

    "Take a test"
    "Take the plunge"

  16. make a film or photograph of something;

    "take a scene"
    "shoot a movie"

  17. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract;

    "remove a threat"
    "remove a wrapper"
    "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"
    "take the gun from your pocket"
    "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"

  18. serve oneself to, or consume regularly;

    "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"
    "I don't take sugar in my coffee"

  19. accept or undergo, often unwillingly;

    "We took a pay cut"

  20. make use of or accept for some purpose;

    "take a risk"
    "take an opportunity"

  21. take by force;

    "Hitler took the Baltic Republics"
    "The army took the fort on the hill"

  22. occupy or take on;

    "He assumes the lotus position"
    "She took her seat on the stage"
    "We took our seats in the orchestra"
    "She took up her position behind the tree"
    "strike a pose"

  23. admit into a group or community;

    "accept students for graduate study"
    "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member"

  24. ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial;

    "take a pulse"
    "A reading was taken of the earth's tremors"

  25. be a student of a certain subject;

    "She is reading for the bar exam"

  26. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs;

    "the accident claimed three lives"
    "The hard work took its toll on her"

  27. head into a specified direction;

    "The escaped convict took to the hills"
    "We made for the mountains"

  28. point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards;

    "Please don't aim at your little brother!"
    "He trained his gun on the burglar"
    "Don't train your camera on the women"
    "Take a swipe at one's opponent"

  29. be seized or affected in a specified way;

    "take sick"
    "be taken drunk"

  30. have with oneself; have on one's person;

    "She always takes an umbrella"
    "I always carry money"
    "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"

  31. engage for service under a term of contract;

    "We took an apartment on a quiet street"
    "Let's rent a car"
    "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"

  32. receive or obtain regularly;

    "We take the Times every day"

  33. buy, select;

    "I'll take a pound of that sausage"

  34. to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort;

    "take shelter from the storm"

  35. have sex with; archaic use;

    "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"

  36. lay claim to; as of an idea;

    "She took credit for the whole idea"

  37. be designed to hold or take;

    "This surface will not take the dye"

  38. be capable of holding or containing;

    "This box won't take all the items"
    "The flask holds one gallon"

  39. develop a habit;

    "He took to visiting bars"

  40. proceed along in a vehicle;

    "We drive the turnpike to work"

  41. obtain by winning;

    "Winner takes all"
    "He took first prize"

  42. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness;

    "He got AIDS"
    "She came down with pneumonia"
    "She took a chill"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Please take the trash to the garbage can.
  2. Take money from the bank when needed.
  3. We are ready to take your order.
  4. It takes a lot of money to live in that city.
  5. The journey from London to Oxford takes about an hour and a half.
  6. Bob did not take the job because it was a blind alley.
  7. I hope you will take the advice in good part.
  8. How am I supposed to take that remark?
  9. I shall take literature and mathematics this spring.
  10. How long will it take me to get there?
  11. She took another sip of tea.
  12. I take this seriously. It's a matter of principle.
  13. She always takes the bus in order to save some money.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Love includes gives and takes.
  2. The lioness brought her take to her baby.


用作動詞 (v.)
take aback( v.+adv. )
    使吃驚,使驚呆 surprise; astonish
    take sb aback The reply took him so much aback that for a moment he was lost for words. 這樣回答使他驚訝,一瞬間不清楚道說些怎樣的好。 The little girl screamed and it took us aback . 小男孩的狂叫聲嚇了我們的一跳。 We were all taken aback by the news of the Chairman's resignation. 的主席提出辭職的新聞使自己都感覺驚嘆。 Jenny was taken aback by some of the portraits. 表中些許肖像畫使詹妮恍然大悟。 I was taken aback by what I saw. 我把閉上眼睛看見的嚇新一跳。
take after( v.+prep. )
    長得像; 性格類似于 resemble a parent or close relative in appearance or character
    take after sb She takes after her mother. 她生長像她媽媽。 My great-grandfather is terribly forgetful and I take after him,I can never remember anything. 我的曾爺爺相當健忘,我像他,任何也記不停。 Margaret takes after her father in being strong-willed. 瑪格麗不遠萬里志堅強的人,像她父母。 With her light hair and blue eyes Mary seems to take after her mother, but in character she is more like her father. 瑪麗那淺灰長頭發和藍眼角使她嫁給去像她寶媽,而她的脾氣則很多像她父親母親。
take against( v.+prep. )
    制止… begin to work or do sth against (sth/sb) so as to prevent or stop it or him〔her〕
    take action against sb/sth They took legal action against him. 它們對他訴諸民法。 It's time to take action against the rising crime rate in this city. 算是制定方案以避免整個地區犯罪分子率持續增長的那時候了。 Action will be taken against anyone who breaks the law. 所有構成犯罪者都將受控告。
take amiss( v.+adv. )
    〈正〉把…理解成惡意,因而生氣 become angry for misunderstanding
    take sth ? amiss Please don't take it amiss if I venture to point out your errors. 比如我勞煩體現了你的錯誤操作,請最好不要見怪。 His joke was taken amiss by some of the company. 他開戲謔語錄使幾塊閨蜜較低興。
take apart( v.+adv. )
    拆開; 拆卸 separate a small machine, clock, etc. into pieces
    take sth ? apart Take the watch apart and see if you can find out what's wrong with it. 把這部分表拆裝工作開,看來你可不可以尋找到病癥那兒兒。 One error might make it necessary to take the whole thing apart and start over again . 只需出一方面錯誤率,就得都是拆下來,完后加裝。 He took the machine apart to show every detail of its operation. 他把服務器拆下,讓大眾看作業的沒個細節點。 To take the tower apart would mean wasting a lot of labour. 要把這座(生理反應)塔拆下來會揮霍一大批勞動者。 The reviewer mercilessly took apart the young writer's first novel. 網評家把這時年少做者的首部小說集暗諷得一無是處。
take it as read
    認為沒有必要; 可以認為是真的 accept sth as true or right without the need to hear it, talk about it, etc.
take away( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉使大吃一驚 surprise sb very much
    take sth ? away I've just come in to take the dirty dishes away. 我是來取再用的菜盤的。 Please don't take your hand away, it makes me think that you don't like me. 請不用車把拿開,那會叫我看作你就很愛我。 If you can move up behind the gunman you may be able to take his gun away without a fight. 比如你可以摸到那帶槍的歹徒背后,能夠不用了搏斗就可以把他的槍奪下來了。 Not to be taken away. 不需要拿回去。 These books are for reading in the library, and may not be taken away. 這書可以在閱覽室館閱讀賞析,不許不得不拿出去。 take sb/sth ? away I'd like to take you away for a holiday, but I don't know when we shall be able to afford it. 我就想帶你飛去旅居,可我也要知道人們什么東西情況能付得起此筆花銷。 That school is terrible; I shall take the child away at once. 那學院太可怕了,我之后就把學生取走。 You have no business taking another man's wife away with you. 你沒得動力沖掉同一個有夫之婦。 What takes you away so early? 為何東西你這己經走? They would allow foreign investors to take away their capital gains. 許多人合法外國人股權個人投入資金者把股權投入資金所獲的利潤率沖掉。 The prisoner was taken away by an armed guard. 1個持槍的獄警把女犯人拿走了。 take sb/sth ? away from sb/sth The child was taken away from its parents on the recommendation of social workers. 這樣的閨女經社會上獎勵操作師推薦對方從其長輩哪兒領死了。 These magazines must not be taken away from the library. 這類雜質不可帶入出閱覽室館。 His Olympic medals and trophies were taken away from him. 他的奧林匹克獎牌和獎牌被收了走。 take sth ? away This drug should help to take the pain away . 這藥也可以消腫止痛。 If you put picric acid solution on a burn it will take the pain away at once. 倘若是你苦味酸水溶液涂在燒傷處可再次解痛。 I'm sorry, my attention was taken away for a moment. 對沒法,今天我走神了。 take sth ? away (from sth) 27 take away 3 leaves 24.27 減去3還湊夠24。 What is left when you take away 25 from 100?100 減去25還剩大小? take sth ? away I'd like three pieces of chicken to take away , please. 我就要買好幾塊鴨肉帶出去。 take sth ? away Don't let him take away your freedom to think for yourself. 別讓我違背你自立想的政治權利。 take sth ? away The shock news quite took my breath away . 這突要是來的信息內容這不我會吃驚溢于言表。
take back( v.+adv. )
    (使)回憶起; (使)回到 (cause to) recall earlier experiences to sb; carry back to
take down( v.+adv. )
    記錄; 記下 write sth down in order to make a record of it
take for( v.+prep. )
    信以為真; 認為理所當然 consider as true or already settled; accept as a matter of course
    take sth for sth Will you take $500 for the car? 你愿以500人民幣買這一輛汽車嗎? Tom took the blame for his brother's mistake. 湯姆為他妹妹經受。 He was ready to take the consequences for his act. 他做好準備制造他的行動計劃所造成的的危害。 take a turn for the better His illness has taken a turn for the better. 他的癥狀已然惡化。 The weather took a turn for the better in the afternoon. 下午三點的天氣變好啦。 take a turn for the worse Her illness has taken a turn for the worse. 她的病情嚴重嚴重了。 The situation in that country is taking a turn for the worse. 那叫一個部委的行勢在受到破壞。 take it for granted that-clause I just took it for granted that you had been told about this. 我可是看作你如圖道了這件事情情事。 A teacher cannot take it for granted that his students always do their assignments as required. 英語老師沒法想但是地而言的學生總會按標準要求搞定做業。 Mr. Richard took it for granted that his son was doing well at school and he felt much relieved. 理查德教授總覺得小兒子在院校學得很不錯,所以感覺很寬慰。 We took it for granted that they would come and join us in the discussion. 我滿自認為孩子們某種能來繳納我的挑選呢。
take from( v.+prep. )
    摘自 remove (sth) from (usually sb or a place)
    take sth from sth This well-known saying was taken from Serve the People . 那句名言名句摘自《為人正直民產品》。
take in1( v.+adv. )
    對…信以為真 believe sth false
take in2( v.+prep. )
    打(某人)的(身體某部位) hit sb in part of the body
take off1( v.+adv. )
    與(某人)激烈爭斗或爭吵 fight or argue with sb seriously
    take sth ? off I asked you not to put hot cups on the piano; take them off at once, please! 我跟是我不好過別把熱茶杯擺在大提琴上,請趕緊把她們搶走。 I can't take the lid off, it's stuck! 這蓋子給卡住了,我拿不加起來。 Help me to take this handle off. 來幫我把這柄取算下來。 Last night's strong wind nearly took the roof off! 前不久的刮風差有一點把房檐刮下了。 take sb/sth ? off A gentleman takes his hat off when greeting a lady. 君子向女土打道謝時一定要脫帽的。 I shall never take off this ring which you gave me until I die. 唯有我或者,我決不摘下來你對我的這類戒。 Taking off his coat, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child. 他脫下來外包裝,跳進水并且沒有及時正確地處理里去救那溺死的小孩子。 I knew that my father regarded me as a woman instead of a girl, the first time he took off his hat to me when we met. 當自己的爸爸想見我第一點次脫帽向我致意時,我得知他以經已不將我歸結為小女孩兒并且歸結為某位成熟的女人了。 You've done a remarkably fine job — I take my hat off to you! 你干得真很棒——自己深表崇拜! take sth ? off In order to save the seriously wounded soldier, the surgeon decided to take off his left leg. 從而救治哪位打傷站士的生命圖片,產科醫師判斷將他的左腿截去。 take sb ? off Before the ship sank, all the passengers were safely taken off. 船沉前其他的乘客的安全都被救回我來了。 take off The six boys got into the car and took off for the drug store. 7個小朋友進去了轎車,匆匆忙忙走了去大藥房了。 I'd like to take off for the country as soon as I've finished work tomorrow. 我覺得下星期本職工作一結尾就到山里去。 take sb/oneself ? off The director has taken the visitors off to his office. 運營經理把求美者送到他辦公區室去啦。 Take yourself off, you're not wanted here. 你跟我走吧,這里不必須要 你。 take off The tiger took off from the ground with a powerful spring. 小老虎從地之上忽地一躍而起。 Watch that bird taking off from the branch! 要注意看那只鳥從梢頭飄走來! take off A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down. 小型飛機可以隨便起降和降低。 We took off so smoothly that the passengers could hardly feel it. 他們的船舶飛機飛行越來越穩定性,順風車主近乎還沒有feel到。 take off The attack will take off from our position near the harbour. 將從人們在海港口周邊的陣地建設上組建進行攻擊。 take sth ? off The early morning train is being taken off for the summer. 早班大巴車秋冬季將停止。 The 5 a.m. train has long been taken off. 12點5點的那趟車已然被撤除了。 take sth ? off It is said the concert has been taken off. 據了解音月會已是被退出了。 The play was taken off after only three performances. 這出戲只演了三隊就中斷公演了。 take sth ? off We have taken the fish off, as it was not good. 這魚不佳,企業把它從菜單起來碰掉。 take sth ? off I'm so pleased that I've been able to take off all that weight and get into my good clothes again! 我的控制體重終會大減,有哪些飄亮的服裝又合腳了,我好愉快! They took off 25 percent discount for each article. 兩人給一件商品是都打多七五折。 take sth ? off The government has promised to take off the new tax as soon as possible. 當地政府承諾盡早下降新收稅額。 take sth ? off I'd like to take next Monday off to visit my sister in hospital. 想必下個禮拜一休兩天假,去照顧我那往院的妹妹。 I'm going to take a week off next month. 下月要休假有一個周。 You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work? 你應該睡覺,為甚么難休假二周呢? take sb ? off Bob likes to take his teachers off. 鮑勃想要效仿他的講師。 Bill took off Winston Churchill to perfection. 比爾借鑒丘吉爾,借鑒得惟妙惟肖。 The children do like to take off the new teacher, who has a noticeable manner of walking. 那為新進的政治老師爬樓梯的樣式很很,兒童們很非常喜歡復刻他。 take sb ? off The captain decided to take Snow off and try a slower bowler. 對方絕對把斯諾撤下,換有一個舞蹈動作慢一定的投球手相信我。 take off After a slow start, the plan soon took off and was accepted by all the directors. 該預計已經開始時進度放緩,但忽然沒多久便贏得了成功的,關鍵在于獲得了了全部的高管的簽字。 The circle of supply and demand should soon take off as the country's trade position improves. 鑒于中國進出口貿易話語權的緩解,供銷某種會非常快的突然出現發達情勢。 take off We must provide some really interesting new courses where the students can really take off. .我須要設定一系列同學們正真最愛確實實妙趣橫生的新課標體系。 Many young people take off on loud music. 多個活力人聽得到喧噪的音樂就快感起來。 take sb ? off She was taken off by a rare tropical fever some years ago. 幾過年前本身難見的熱病奪要往她的活力。 take oneself off A quarrel was developing between husband and wife; it was high time I took myself off. 丈夫出軌與小淫越吵越利害,我該滾開才行。 take off the gloves Watch out for trouble when the director takes off the gloves to his Board! 當那名高管要與高管會爭執變得,要堅決杜絕出亂子!
take off2( v.+prep. )
    坐下休息 sit down and rest
take on1( v.+adv. )
    拉走 drag away
take on2( v.+prep. )
    冒險; 碰運氣 attempt sth in spite of the possibility of failure; take a risk
    take sth on v-ing Let's go to Mary's house.We can take a chance on her being there. 讓我們去瑪麗家吧。碰碰牌運,有可能她在那里呢。
take out( v.+adv. )
    找到做某事的簡便方法 find an easy way to do sth
take out on( v.+adv.+prep. )
    發泄 express one's feelings by making suffer
    take sth out on sb Every time he had a bad day at work he would come home and take it out on his wife and children. 常常他中午崗位不調心時,返回到家里裝修則會向小淫兒子發性格。
take over( v.+adv. )
    接管; 接替 accept sth from (sb else)
    take sth ? over The strikers took over the factories. 罷課工人們交接了廠家。 She took over his work after his departure. 他偏離已經,她接手了他的業務。
take to (v.+prep.)
    覺得某事容易學 think it easy to learn
    take sb to sth We usually take the children to school in the car. 人們一般代駕送女兒們讀書去。 The children were taken to Richmend Memorial Hospital for examination. 女兒們被帶回去里士滿機構去作體質健康撿查。 take to sth The criminals took to the hills to escape from police. 犯罪分子們為了讓避免巡警而逃入林中。 take sb to sth Father is ill, so he's taken to his bed. 父親母親病了,因臥床休養了。 take to sb/sth/v-ing He took to Sally from the moment he met her. 他一時到薩莉就很愛上她了。 She thought she would be nervous looking after the horses but she soon took to them. 她原一位她會很怕養馬的,但她比較快喜好起同旁內角出來了。 We ask him if the Russians would take to golf. 咱們總問俄羅斯人是否能夠喜歡大眾排球。 Bill took to drink while he was a sailor. 比爾在當水手時很愛渴酒。 He has recently taken to staying in bed of a Sunday morning. 他近期喂養了一周日清晨睡醒了后不睡醒了的適應。 take to sth/v-ing After a few years as a teacher he left the profession and took to journalism. 他當上了多長時間幼兒老師往后,又改行當起央視記者來。 He took to repairing watches in his spare time. 他現在開始根據空閑時間段修表。 take to sth He took to French as though it had been his native language. 他總感外語就好比民族語言這樣加容易學。 Father tried to teach John to swim, but John didn't take to it. 父母親視圖教蓋倫玩耍,但蓋倫非常難直到學會。
take up( v.+adv. )
    有力地支持〔維護〕… support sb's idea or argument
    take sb/sth ? up Take care not to take up the hot coals with your bare hands. 警惕別掉光手去拿燙煤。 He took up the telephone receiver and began to dial. 他手拿著的電話聽筒剛開始撥打碼。 Taking up a child under each arm she ran out of the fire. 她一單抱起的孩童,沖開火熱。 take sth ? up The men are coming tomorrow to take the stair mat up, ready for our move. 工友們昨日要來掀掉行走樓梯地氈,為小編般家作打算。 This old tree will have to be taken up by its roots. 這棵古樹就必須連根拔起。 Half the road surface is being taken up to lay new electric wires. 以便埋新導電連接,半截橋面被掀起。 take sb/sth ? up Who will take breakfast up to your mother? 誰上樓讓你有媽送吃早點? Please take these letters up to the main office. 請把那些函件帶到國家安全總局。 take sth ? up This kind of paper claims to be able to take up more liquid than any other kind. 其實種紙比別的紙吸潮性強。 take sth ? up It's very difficult to take up a dropped stitch in this pattern. 此類織法要補針難以。 take sth ? up Now the fashion tells us all to take our skirts up again! 如今的的潮流式樣又讓我們都把服裝弄短! take sth ? up It can take up the whole afternoon to prepare a meal. 預備個痛快飯一直要費點一下午的時間段。 The table takes up too much room. 這張桌腿占的問題過多。 That big clock will have to go, it takes up too much space in the small hall. 那么大鐘得拿回去,它沒有你小廳里占的地兒很大。 Writing in another language demands so much effort that it takes up all my attention. 用別的是一種表達閱讀寫作太費勁,我得全心全意以赴才行。 take sth ? up When does the Minister take up his office? 這位組長哪時任職? I hope to take up my new duties as your chairman at the next meeting. 我愿在下屆洽談會以我們CEO的身分逐漸事業。 take sth ? up At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian. 在60歲時他現在開始練習俄語水平。 When did Joan first take up music? 瓊是些什么情況下展開對歌曲感欲望的? I wish I'd never taken up smoking. 我應該開始不吸煙者就可以了了。 take sb ? up Jane will be lucky if she is taken up by the famous singer. 如若簡受到那名最牛唱歌家提挈,她會有走運。 Beckett was taken up by Joyce before becoming a famous writer. 貝克特在當上代表作家之后受到了過喬伊斯的指導意見。 take sb/sth ? up The train stops here to take up any further passengers, and then goes fast all the way to London. 火車你在里泊車,再上些車主,進而短時間直駛舊金山。 take sth ? up Joan took up the story when her sister forgot the next detail. 瓊的姐姐記得了后面的英文的事實人物性格,瓊便之后講講去。 I put the telephone down and took up my work again. 我放不下辦公電話一直干我的活。 take sth ? up All the other children in the bus took up the song. 公用設施各類汽車上的另外的自己學生們也都牽著唱上那首歌來。 The whole crowd took up the shout. 正個客戶群體都吶喊著。 take sth ? up I'd like to take the boy's case up with a good lawyer. 我覺得把那閨女的刑事案件還給1位完善的的律師辦理手續。 I'll ask the next speaker to take up your suggestion. 我將請下一味講演稿人淺談你的建立。 take sth ? up I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town. 我原吸收你的請,搭你的車鄉下。 take sb ? up I must take you up here,I cannot agree. 我務必此處截斷你說一下,我不會能容易。 You won't get far with your statement before the chairman takes you up short! 也許不能說幾句話毛主席還會折斷你! I took him up sharply when he mentioned the wrong date. 當他談到那位錯識的日期英文時,打摔斷了他話。 take sth ? up The girls will take up a collection at the end of the concert. 音樂視頻會尾聲時,老姑娘們就是募集愛心捐款。 take sth ? up When can we take up the new shares? 讓我們之類時會能夠付新股票走勢的錢? He kindly offered to take up the note of my debt. 他善意地確立會為我付 欠帳單。 take up The boat has been in the water a long time, and the boards have taken up. 這艘船已防水長長的時了,船板都緊了。 take sth ? up Take up those loose ropes, your tent will fall down! 把哪些地方松了的根繩束緊,你的賬蓬要倒了! This part of the machine is for taking up the film. 電腦的上述機件用做系緊膠卷。 These wires must be taken up or the machine will not work. 有必要把這個電纜繞緊,反之機氣難以日常運轉。 take up arms against sb/sth All the young men of the village offered to take up arms against the neighbouring people who kept attacking them and stealing their cattle. 內襯的年輕時候人都會握住巨劍,迎接哪幾種不停攻他并盜竊他生畜的鄰村人。 take up a attitude〔position〕 Once he's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that there's nothing to be afraid of. 仍然他通過處置的對待,再要使他應該哪些都不必懷疑就不便了。 I wonder if he really means that, or if he's just taking up a position on the matter. 也不吃道他是真有那中事實呢,還實際上此時狀況上證明一下子我自己的思想觀點。 take up the cause of sth More people are beginning to take up the cause of children's rights. 有非常多的人著手做貢獻于定期維護孩童合法權利的行業中。 take up a challenge He said you can't possibly finish in time; are you going to take up his challenge? 他對我說你未才能提早實現; 你想法得到他的試煉嗎? take up sth for sth Someone has to take up the cudgels for children's rights, as the children are helpless to do it themselves. 都要的人來下大力運維少兒基本權利,為了兩人各自未有努力實現取。
take up with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    對…發生興趣,致力于; 忙于 take interest in sth; put one's heart into sth; be busy with sth
    take up with sb/sth She has taken up with the fellow she met in London. 她就已與那一個她在紐約碰上的人結交了。 She has taken up with some very strange people. 她和點很詭異的人社交重視。 Frank has taken up with Lucy lately. 弗蘭克近日常與露西在一同。 He has taken up with a bunch of pleasant, hardworking friends. 他深交新一批本性開心快樂、運行努力的的伙伴。 take up with sb/sth He is not one to take up readily with new ideas. 他并不算同一個樂于學習新思維中的人。 take up with sth She took up with the idea of becoming a musician. 她專心想是一位樂曲家。 take sb up with sth He can't help, he's too taken up with his own problems. 他幫接受啥子忙,他她的難題還預防接受呢。 He's very taken up with his new job. 他執意撲在新的運行上。 I am quite taken up with the author's style. 我如此感興趣這家著者的風。
用作名詞 (n.)
on the take
    受賄; 伺機吞噬〔攫取〕 take a bribe; wait to capture or snatch sth


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Small boats being used to ferry the takes of fish to the..steamer. 出自:Daily Telegraph
  • Clouds and..sun succeeded each other, like takes in a film. 出自: W. Golding
  • An unprecedented sum but peanuts in terms of the movie's ultimate take. 出自:Listener
  • The Turks had taken two Castles in Hungary. 出自: A. Lovell
  • They're not taking me alive. 出自: J. Wain
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