

[r?'ɡɑ?d]     [r?'ɡɑ?rd]    
  • v. 尊敬;視為;注視;留意;和 ... 有關
  • n. 關心;尊敬;注意;致意;考慮
regarded regarded regarding regards



v. (動詞)
  1. 注意,留意
  2. 注視,凝視
  3. 看待,對待
  4. 注重
  5. 尊敬,尊重,敬重
  6. 看,瞧
  7. 關心
  8. 考察
  9. 考慮
  10. 顧慮
  11. 重視
  12. 把...看做,把...視為,把...認為,將...認為,把...看作
  13. 與...有關
n. (名詞)
  1. 關心,關注,牽掛,惦念
  2. 尊重,尊敬,敬佩
  3. 注意,留意
  4. 致意,問候
  5. 考慮
  6. 好感
  7. 關系
  8. 注重,器重
  9. 注視,凝視,注目
  10. 事項


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 認作 consider in the stated way
  2. vt. 注視; 注意 look at in the stated way; pay attention to
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]注意,關心 attention to or concern for sb/sth
  2. [U]尊重,尊敬 esteem or consideration; respect
  3. [P]致意,問候 kind wishes; greeting
  4. [U]關于某人或某事,在這點上 in connection with sb/sth; in this〔that〕 connection; concerning sb/sth


  1. (usually preceded by `in') a detail or point;

    "it differs in that respect"

  2. paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people);

    "his attentiveness to her wishes"
    "he spends without heed to the consequences"

  3. (usually plural) a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare;

    "give him my kind regards"
    "my best wishes"

  4. a long fixed look;

    "he fixed his paternal gaze on me"

  5. the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded);

    "it is held in esteem"
    "a man who has earned high regard"

  6. a feeling of friendship and esteem;

    "she mistook his manly regard for love"
    "he inspires respect"

  7. an attitude of admiration or esteem;

    "she lost all respect for him"

  1. deem to be;

    "She views this quite differently from me"
    "I consider her to be shallow"
    "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"

  2. look at attentively
  3. connect closely and often incriminatingly;

    "This new ruling affects your business"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The artist was highly regarded.
  2. I regard reading as a form of recreation.
  3. He regards the bad weather as a prognostic of failure.
  4. He regarded the famous scientist with worship in his eyes.
  5. Mary regarded the photo intently.
  6. He seldom regards my advice.
  7. That does not regard me.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. No one showed the least regard for his feelings.
  2. I have done that out of regard for my sister.
  3. We have a great regard for the advanced workers.
  4. John is a pilot held in high regard.
  5. You should pay more regard to safety on the roads.
  6. If you should see him, please give him my regards.
  7. Give my best regards to your parents.
  8. The skyscraper have been built with no regard for us.


用作動詞 (v.)
as regards
    關于,至于 concerning or connected with sb/sth
    as regards sb/sth As regards John,I will write to him at once. 置于羅伯特,我不請馬上板子送到客戶手中,都是對我們贊不絕口,寫信。 As regards the contract, the second paragraph must be changed. 依于這個合作合同,最后段就必須更該。 You needn't worry as regards the cost of the operation. 你不用放心不下微創的花費。 As regards money,I have enough. 止于錢,我是夠花的。
regard with( v.+prep. )
    以(某種心態)來看(某人或某事) have an opinion about (sb/sth) showing (a way of feeling about him〔her〕 or it)
    regard sb/oneself/sth with sth She was regarding me with smiling eyes. 她笑瞇瞇地看去我。 For a moment she regarded me with wide eyes. 一 會兒,她黑眼珠睜得大麥田瞧著我。 The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them. 衣冠楚楚的理事會們毛骨悚然地看上去孩子們,而且孩子們掌握找看不到另一個穩慎的問題來安排孩子們。 She regarded dressmaking with great dislike. 她對縫紉外套衣服很抵觸。 Mary's father regarded Jim with disapproval even after they were married. 就算在瑪麗和吉姆出嫁之后,她父親母親都是瞧不上吉姆。 He was small and well dressed, and seemed to regard himself with some importance. 他高個子低,衣冠楚楚,神仿佛自以有的了沒有。 I regard his behaviour with suspicion. 我對他的做法感覺到懷疑是。 We regard these developments with grave concern. 我們大家尤為了解這部分發展。
用作名詞 (n.)
in this〔that〕 regard
    在這〔那〕點上 in this〔that〕 connection
in〔with〕 regard to
    關于某人〔某事〕,在這點上 in connection with sb/sth; in this〔that〕 connection; concerning sb/sth


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • I am a bard of no regard Wi' gentlefolks. 出自: R. Burns
  • Views differ as to how the book is to be regarded. 出自: J. Orr
  • She tended to regard most men..as children. 出自: B. Pym
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