

[fet?]     [fet?]    
  • vt. 取來;賣得;給(某人)一擊
  • n. 取得
fetcher fetched fetched fetching fetches



n. (名詞)
  1. 拿來,取來,拿取,取
  2. 詭計,謀略,妙計
  3. 活人的魂,生魂,人將死時的離魂 ,魂
  4. 相同物
  5. 行程,兩點間的距離
  6. 風浪區
  7. 銜回獵獲物
v. (動詞)
  1. 取,取來,拿來,帶來,(來)拿去
  2. 請來, 接來,找來,去請…來,接去,接…去
  3. 銜回,取回,叼回(獵物)
  4. 推導出,演繹出,引出(論據、真理等)
  5. 吸(一口氣),(費勁地)發出(嘆息、呻吟等)
  6. 賣得,售得(若干價錢)
  7. <口>吸引,迷住,使陶醉,強烈感染
  8. 【海】到達,抵達,趕上(別的船)
  9. <口>給...以(一擊、一拳等)
  10. 擊倒,擊斃
  11. 使發出,使得;誘出(回答等);使出來,使流(淚、水、血等)
  12. 取物,攜帶
  13. 【海】航行,駛,航進,前進,取道
  14. 【海】轉回,轉航


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 接來(某人),取來(某物) go for and bring back
  2. vt. 使發出; 吸引 cause to draw forth; attract
  3. vt. & vi. 〈非正〉售得(若干價錢) sell for (a price)
  4. vi. 抵達,到達 arrive at some place


  1. the action of fetching
  1. go or come after and bring or take back;

    "Get me those books over there, please"
    "Could you bring the wine?"
    "The dog fetched the hat"

  2. be sold for a certain price;

    "The painting brought $10,000"
    "The old print fetched a high price at the auction"

  3. take away or remove;

    "The devil will fetch you!"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Fetch me the tape from my drawer.
  2. Shall I fetch your coat for you?
  3. This house should fetch a good price.
  4. The picture should fetch 2000 pounds at auction.
  5. She fetched him a terrific slap in the face.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Hence, the system needs to fetch the needed data as soon as possible.The existing way is based on file prefetching.
  2. His sale is certain to fetch a good price on the transfer market which will expand the club's budget for signing new talent during January.


用作動詞 (v.)
fetch and carry
    打雜,遞遞拿拿 do a part time job; be assistant
    fetch and carry Her whole morning was spent in fetching and carrying. 她全部當天上午都要做雜務。 This dog can fetch and carry at his master's command. 這狗能按寵主的職事取送地方。 fetch and carry for sb John was annoyed because his boss expected him to fetch and carry for him all day. 蓋倫很惱火,因此他的創業者愿終日派遣他。 You are expected to fetch and carry for everyone in the office. 愿意你聽候辦公裝修室任何人的聽候。
fetch from (v.+prep.)
    招來(某人),引起 attract or cause sb/sth
    fetch sb/sth from sth She rose and fetched a chair from the office. 她坐起去辦公裝修室搬到來了把沙發椅。 He had to leave his wife along while he fetched the doctor from the town. 他去城內請醫生專家的那時候,說不定讓媳婦一種人呆著。 fetch sb sth from sth Fetch me the tape from my drawer. 請讓我柜門里的磁帶取回來。 Please fetch me a clean handkerchief from my bedroom. 請來我的兒童臥室拿一小塊干凈徹底手帕來。 Please fetch me the papers from Mr. Johnson's office. 請來阿奇博爾德遜丈夫的企業室內去把文件下載要我買來。 fetch sb/sth from sb/sth His words fetched angry shouts from the crowd. 他的時候在大學生消費群體中誘發半個片憎恨的吼聲。
fetch in (v.+adv.)
    創利; 招來〔進〕(錢財、人等) produce profit; attract (sth as money, or sb)
fetch out (v.+adv.)
    使(某人)為…而罷工 cause sb to stop working because of sth
fetch over (v.+adv.)
    勸說(某人)改變其觀點 persuade sb to change his opinion
fetch round (v.+adv.)
    改變(方向); 勸說 change the direction of sth; persuade sb to change his opinion
fetch to (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉使(某人)蘇醒(常指突然地) cause sb to regain consciousness, often rather suddenly
    fetch sb to Jacelin has fainted, this bucket of water should fetch him to. 杰斯林昏從前了,這桶水會使他復活過來的英文。
fetch up (v.+adv.)
    〈英·非正〉接受 receive sth in the end
    fetch up The car suddenly fetched up before a big tree. 那輛新汽車老是在每棵小樹前停下來了。 fetch sb/sth ? up He was fetched up short by the red light. 他忽然間被信號燈攔下。 fetch up When Jim's driving, we never know where we'll fetch up. 當吉姆行使時,小編從來都不都清楚小編將到什么地方。 We fetch up at the wharf exactly on time. 我們公司很如期停靠港口。 I hear they fetched up simultaneously at the spot. 聽來說兩人時候運到現場視頻。 The boy's ball fetched up on the garage roof. 小孩子的球被扔到停車位上方走了。 He will fetch up in prison if he goes on taking risks like that. 假如他還再次探險的,他也就會進戒毒所的。 fetch up She's been fetching up all morning. 她已干嘔一個多個點半。 fetch sth ? up The child has fetched up all dinner again. 那男孩又新發現的次把吃的工具吐過而來 。 He was very ill and fetched up all he had eaten. 他病得很嚴重,把吃進去了的玩意都吐出來的出來的。 fetch sth ? up Please fetch up the teathings. 請把荼具買到樓底下來。 fetch up (as) n\u002e/adj\u002e Who would have guessed that he would fetch up as director of the firm? 怎能想收獲他會變成了品牌的總裁大人? After making his fortune, he fetched up poor when he died. 他奪得好幾回片身家,死的之后卻走投無路。 fetch up Be careful, you could fetch up by getting hurt. 警惕!你被傷著的。 fetch up If you don't work hard, you'll fetch up nowhere. 若他說的努力運轉,你就是一無所成。 I never dreamed that I would fetch up with such a lot of property. 我白天做夢也沒感到我將有著這樣大一些家庭財產。 fetch up After trying so hard, the writer fetched up with a contract. 經由艱辛認真,哪個文學家最終新簽了。 Jim entered the competition, not hoping for much, but fetched up with first prize! 吉姆參與比賽勝出是更多,很想兌換頭獎。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A great fetch of imaginative power. 出自: J. C. Shairp
  • She believed she had seen his fetch as a forerunner of his death. 出自: M. Leadbeater
  • 'Rum,' he repeated, 'Rum! rum!' I ran to fetch it. 出自: R. L. Stevenson
  • Do let me come and fetch you, because look, it's raining outside. 出自: M. Drabble
  • Fetch,..puppy, go fetch. 出自: E. Albee
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