

[si?z]     [si?z]    
  • v. 抓住;奪取;利用;沒收
seizable seizer seized seized seizing seizes



v. (動詞)
  1. 抓住
  2. 查封
  3. 侵襲
  4. 擄獲
  5. 支配
  6. 【律】依法占有
  7. 卡住
  8. 咬住
  9. 奪取
  10. 捉住
  11. 沒收
  12. 扣押
  13. 利用
  14. 劫掠
  15. 掠奪
  16. 采用
  17. 【律】查封
  18. 充公
  19. 理解
  20. 掌握
  21. 占領
  22. 控制
  23. 攻占
  24. 逮捕
  25. 捉拿
  26. 俘獲


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 抓住,握住; 攫取 take hold of eagerly and forcefully; grab
  2. vt. 奪取; 占領 grasp suddenly and forcefully; take into one's possession


  1. take hold of; grab;

    "The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter"
    "She clutched her purse"
    "The mother seized her child by the arm"
    "Birds of prey often seize small mammals"

  2. take or capture by force;

    "The terrorists seized the politicians"
    "The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages"

  3. take possession of by force, as after an invasion;

    "the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants"
    "The army seized the town"
    "The militia captured the castle"

  4. take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority;

    "The FBI seized the drugs"
    "The customs agents impounded the illegal shipment"
    "The police confiscated the stolen artwork"

  5. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession;

    "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town"
    "he usurped my rights"
    "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"

  6. hook by a pull on the line;

    "strike a fish"

  7. affect;

    "Fear seized the prisoners"
    "The patient was seized with unbearable pains"
    "He was seized with a dreadful disease"

  8. capture the attention or imagination of;

    "This story will grab you"
    "The movie seized my imagination"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Seize the chance, otherwise you'll regret it.
  2. Before he could run away, she seized him by the collar.
  3. In a climate of political unrest, a dictator can often seize power.
  4. He would seize upon any excuse to justify himself.
  5. They seize the drugs and arrest the people on the boats.


用作動詞 (v.)
seize by (v.+prep.)
    抓住某人某部位 take sb on
    seize sb by sth The policeman seized him by the collar. 法警吸引住了他的衣領。 He seized me by the arm. 他把握住了我的胳膊肘。
seize from (v.+prep.)
    從…奪走 take away from
    seize sth from sb She seized the gun from him. 她奪去了他的槍。
seize on (v.+prep.)
    急于接受〔采納〕 accept or adopt sth eagerly〔說明〕 seize on通常不用于進行體。
seize up (v.+adv.)
    停止運轉,失靈 stop working
    seize up If you fail to oil the engine regularly, it could seize up without warning. 要是只要你按期給啟動機器上油,它就會瞬間不靈敏。 The snowstorm was so heavy that the city's whole transport system seized up. 超級雷暴一定,某省的客運軟件另一個臥床不起了。 His heart seized up and he dropped dead on the spot. 他心臟猛然間停機了運動,立刻死亡。 My joints seize up in cold weather. 天氣情況嚴冬我的膝蓋我就不便捷。
seize with (v.+prep.)
    充分利用 use sth fully
    seize sb/sth with sth He was suddenly seized with an illness. 他顯得突然病了。 He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness. 他正在慢慢寫本文,猛然間一針頭暈頭痛。 He was seized with a violent attack of dysentery. 他無緣無故患了為嚴重的痢疾。 He was seized with sudden chest pains. 他陡然有女性乳房隱隱作痛。 She was seized with panic. 她不知所措失措。 He was seized with a sudden desire to leave the place. 他陡然想偏離這區域。 She was seized with a sudden desire to laugh, at a most unsuitable moment in the performance. 在表演中最他還不應該笑的時分,她老是想笑。 The old man was seized with burning hatred for the fascists. 老父對法西斯理性主義者電池充電了仇怨。 He was seized with burning hatred for the enemy. 他心中這沖滿了作戰人的恨意。 seize it with both hands If the government offers a new means of saving tax, we should seize it with both hands. 若是 現政府提起一個新的減企業所得稅法,我們的就該積極主動借助它。 Once he was given a chance in the firm, he seized it with both hands and is now on his way to the top. 他曾有在裝修公司高升的機遇,他充分地通過了它,目前 正青云直上。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Turkey will not fight Russia if Bessarabia is seized. 出自: J. Colville
  • The..idea of seizing freedom by force loomed up again. 出自: E. Bowen
  • What she had was eventually seized by the Gestapo. 出自: P. Mailloux
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