

['ɡ?e?(r)]     ['ɡ?e?r]    
  • v. 聚集;集合;收集;推測
  • n. 聚集;褶子
gatherer gathered gathered gathering gathers



v. (動詞)
  1. 聚集,聚攏,集攏,集合,召集
  2. 收集,搜集
  3. 使聚集
  4. 收拾
  5. 漸增,增加,增長
  6. 積蓄,蓄積,積聚
  7. 采集,摘,摘取
  8. 使皺起
  9. 皺起來,皺攏,蹙眉
  10. 推測,猜想
  11. 征收
  12. 化膿,出頭,生膿,潰爛
  13. 收攏、歸攏(分散的東西)
  14. 收割
  15. 圍住,包圍
n. (名詞)
  1. 聚集,集合
  2. 衣褶,折裥,皺裥
  3. 收獲量
  4. 收縮
  5. 積蓄
  6. 內翻耕作法
  7. 膿瘡出頭
  8. 打褶裥織物


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)聚集; 集合 (cause to) come together
  2. vt. 收集; 漸增 obtain (information or qualities) bit by bit
  3. vt. 采集,采拾; 收割,收獲 collect or pick
  4. vt. & vi. 推斷; 了解 understand from sth said or done
  5. vt. 把…圍住,拉緊…; 打褶子 pull sth around or close to sth; draw together in folds or pleats


  1. sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching
  2. the act of gathering something
  1. assemble or get together;

    "gather some stones"
    "pull your thoughts together"

  2. collect in one place;

    "We assembled in the church basement"
    "Let's gather in the dining room"

  3. collect or gather;

    "Journals are accumulating in my office"
    "The work keeps piling up"

  4. conclude from evidence;

    "I gather you have not done your homework"

  5. draw together into folds or puckers
  6. get people together;

    "assemble your colleagues"
    "get together all those who are interested in the project"
    "gather the close family members"

  7. draw and bring closer;

    "she gathered her shawl around her shoulders"

  8. look for (food) in nature;

    "Our ancestors gathered nuts in the Fall"

  9. increase or develop;

    "the peace movement gained momentum"
    "the car gathers speed"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Clouds gather before a thunderstorm.
  2. People began to gather outside the palace.
  3. We'll gather at the school gate at eight tomorrow.
  4. He took the trouble to gather the materials for me.
  5. I gather everyone has passed the exam.


用作動詞 (v.)
gather from( v.+prep. )
    從…中推斷出 understand sth because of sth that sb says, or other signs
    gather sth from sth These little animals gather nuts from the ground in the autumn, and store them for the winter. 這樣小家禽冬天從上揀起大杏仁,存放上來能夠過夏。 She has in the main gathered her medical experience from practice. 她關鍵辦法應用中沉淀了醫療服務閱歷。 These souvenirs were gathered from all parts of the world. 這種紀念活動品都可以時代各區域收集整理的。 gather from sth Every time there is an accident, a crowd seems to gather from nowhere. 夜深人靜時展現事故案例,熱議者便蜂擁到來。 gather sth from sth That is what I gathered from his speech. 從他的演講題目中我所熟知的這就是此類。 I could gather nothing from their statement. 從大家的聲明怎么寫中我抓不好之類知識。 I didn't gather much from the confused story he told me. 他跟他說的古事相混淆不清,我就該如何了解。 gather from sth that-clause I gather from his letter that he is very happy now. 從他的來訪我推想他現下尤其高興。 Did you gather from what the man said that he intended to make a deal for the house? 從這他人所指的來說,你可否而言他開始打算買這所別墅? I gathered from the way she replied that she wasn't very enthusiastic. 從她回答問題的反常模樣我看看出她不太燙心。 gather from sth wh-clause I could not gather from his appearance whether he was satisfied or not. 從他的文字表情看,我講不準確他能否不錯。 I could not gather from his expression whether he was against or for the plan. 你在他的表達上看不了他是贊成是否認這里策劃。
gather in (v.+adv.)
    打折褶 draw material together into small folds, as by sewing
gather round〔around〕1 (v.+adv.)
    圍攏 come together in a crowd
    gather round〔around〕 Gather around, and I'll tell you a story. 各位圍來,我給您們講個劇情。 Gather round, friends, and hear the news! 老人,大家圍攏起床,聽新鮮事了! The people gathered round, curious to know what was happening. 朋友圍了了圈好奇心地想都知道發生了甚么事。 Gather round, ladies and gentlemen, and see this wonderful new invention. 男式們,先森們,請緊靠點觀察這一項新研制成功吧。 When the accident happened, quite a crowd quickly gathered round. 交通事故發生后,迅速就在外圍集中了諸多人。 gather round〔around〕 to-v When we left the place, quite a crowd of people gathered around to see us off. 咱們跳出那場所時,很多的人圍攏來離別詩。
gather round〔around〕2( v.+prep. )
    支持,擁護 support; stand by
    gather round〔around〕 sb/sth He warmly shook hands with those who gathered around the rostrum. 他同聚在一起在總書記臺周邊的人耐心握手。 After supper they gathered around the table and worked together. 晚餐后,這些追著書桌坐在,一塊操作。 A small crowd gathered round the speaker to hear what he had to say. 一伙人匯聚在演說者的附進,聽他要講些哪個。 gather sb/sth round〔around〕 sb/sth The speaker gathered a small crowd round him, eager to listen to what he had to say. 演講賽者把一伙極想聽他要講任何的人脫穎而出在他的周邊。 The kindergartener gathered the children around her. 幼兒園幼兒園小朋友園漂亮阿姨把幼兒們聚合在她周邊。 The boy gathered his toys round him. 這閨女把電動玩具收縮來放于自行身邊的。 gather round〔around〕 sb The whole class gathered round the student who had been unfairly failed, and demanded another examination. 那么大家在考試成績致使被太不公平與效率的正確看待而不及格,班里同班同學在他的旁邊,想要令他重考。
gather to( v.+prep. )
    使向…聚攏; 使集攏 collect sb/sth, or things towards sth
    gather sb/sth to sth We must gather the people to our side. 你們的必然要把人艮聚集地到你們的的另一邊。 The dressmaker gathered the cloth to the narrowest part of the waist. 一位縫紉在衣服褲子的腰部位打褶縮緊。
gather together (v.+adv.)
    冷靜下來; 控制住自己 sober; calm; control oneself
    gather together The clouds are gathering together and it's going to rain. 云在積聚,天要降雨了。 gather sb/sth ? together She gathered some friends together. 她約了些好朋友到一同。 We must gather the people together to demand our rights. .我都必定把國人團結一心上去去爭奪.我都的追求。 They gathered their belongings together and set off. 孩子們把我們的材料打理好,然而動身了。 Gather the ends of the wool together and tie them in a knot. 把毛線結都縮回去下來,把它們的磨成有一個結。 We should often gather together what we have gained in teaching. 我們都可以時常個人總結輔導工作經驗。 Gather together what we have learnt. 把你們學的信息個人總結了解吧。 gather oneself together I shall have to gather myself together to face the whole board of directors. 我得冷戰出來以好全部整個監事會。 You should gather yourself together firstly under conditions of great danger. 在至極安全風險的現象下你還應第一有效控制住自己的。
gather up (v.+adv.)
    〈美口〉拘捕 arrest
    gather sth ? up The child gathered up his toys and put them away. 那孩童收重拾自已的玩家,把它們之間放著。 We gather up from various sources a great amount of firsthand data. 各位從各式各樣原因收集整理了很大第一次手相關資料。 Gathering up his scattered papers, he pushed them into his case. 他把小散亂污企業的檔案歸置來,塞進檔案夾里。 I gathered up my few things and left. 我收撿起僅有的幾身知識就脫離了。 If you gather up your strength, you'll be able to do the work well. 如何你分散氣血得話,是能做到某項事情的。 gather sb/sth ? up She gathered up the child in her arms. 她雙手將男孩抱了一起。 As the car was overcrowded, we had to gather up our legs. 是由于車子的著實交通擁堵,自己不容許不把腿縮開來。 Gather up your muscles and jump. 緊實腿部肌肉,隨后起跳。 gather sth ? up Gathering up all his courage, he turned to face the enemy. 他鼓足力量,搖身正確對待大量。 gather oneself up Gather yourself up, and you'll surely succeed. 振作著,你就能需會成功的 。 gather sb ? up Gather him up! 洞察他!


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He would in time gather a great crowd round him. 出自: R. Lynd
  • He had gathered up in his novels the two divided strands of Restoration fiction. 出自: G. Greene
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