

[r?'si?v]     [r?'si?v]    
  • v. 接到;收到;接待
received received receiving receives



v. (動詞)
  1. 領受,接到,收到,接收
  2. 接發球
  3. 承認
  4. 接待,會客,接見,招待
  5. 得到
  6. 經受,遭受
  7. 承受,頂住,支住
  8. 容納,收容
  9. 收買(贓物)
  10. 體驗
  11. 對…作出反應
  12. 【宗】領圣餐


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 收到,接到 come into possession of sth that is given or sent to one
  2. vt. & vi. 接納; 接待 accept as a visitor or member; welcome


  1. get something; come into possession of;

    "receive payment"
    "receive a gift"
    "receive letters from the front"

  2. receive a specified treatment (abstract);

    "These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation"
    "His movie received a good review"
    "I got nothing but trouble for my good intentions"

  3. register (perceptual input);

    "pick up a signal"

  4. go through (mental or physical states or experiences);

    "get an idea"
    "experience vertigo"
    "get nauseous"
    "receive injuries"
    "have a feeling"

  5. express willingness to have in one's home or environs;

    "The community warmly received the refugees"

  6. accept as true or valid;

    "He received Christ"

  7. bid welcome to; greet upon arrival
  8. convert into sounds or pictures;

    "receive the incoming radio signals"

  9. experience as a reaction;

    "My proposal met with much opposition"

  10. have or give a reception;

    "The lady is receiving Sunday morning"

  11. receive as a retribution or punishment;

    "He got 5 years in prison"

  12. partake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament
  13. regard favorably or with disapproval;

    "Her new collection of poems was not well received"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Neither John nor I am to receive the award.
  2. I was on vacation last week and didn't receive your fax.
  3. He was received as an honoured visitor.


用作動詞 (v.)
receive from (v.+prep.)
    從…獲得,收到(某物) obtain (usually sth) from sb
    receive sth from sb I didn't buy the book,I received it from the writer as a gift. 這哲學書不只你并不是我買的,并且我們送你給我的新年禮物。 These farmers receive generous subsidies from the government. 這部分農村能夠得到了地方政府的海量補帖。
receive into (v.+prep.)
    接納(某人)加入(某群體、組織) welcome the return of sb into a group which he〔she〕 had left
    receive sb (back) into sth They received him into the Trade Union. 自己吸收他為商會的人。 We received him into our family as a son. 咱們收他為養兒。 You can be received into the Church after instruction into our beliefs. 在會給你討論式當我們的教義往后,你就都可以被得到為教授的全體成員。 He was received into his teacher's favour. 他有教師的寵溺。 When she wanted to return to the Church after a long absence, she was received back into the fold most warmly, with no questions asked. 她搬出學好以及較長時段了,當她機會折回時,也沒有被碰到所以原因,往往遭受十分濃烈的迎接。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I..Did in your name receive it. 出自:Two Gentlemen of Verona , Shakespeare
  • I could not write a letter or receive one without my mothers having to read it. 出自: L. Kennedy
總目錄 緒論 查詞時代