

[br??]     [br??]    
  • vt. 帶來;促使;引起;勸誘
  • vi. 產生
bringer brought brought bringing brings



v. (動詞)
  1. 促使,迫使
  2. 提出,舉出,提起
  3. 攜來,引來,帶來,拿來,取來
  4. 陪,護送
  5. 勸導,勸誘,勸使
  6. 招致,生出,引起,導致,造成
  7. 獲得(利潤)
  8. 使處于某種狀態,使處于某種狀況
  9. 使產生
  10. 賣得(多少錢)
  11. 使(人)來到
  12. 停下
  13. 帶…到某處


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 帶來,拿來 carry or cause (a person or thing) to come from a more distant place to a nearer place
  2. vt. 造成,引起 cause or lead to
  3. vt. 促使,使處于 cause to come to a particular place, condition, or course of action
  4. vt. 能售得(某一價格),能產生(收入) be sold for


  1. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere;

    "Bring me the box from the other room"
    "Take these letters to the boss"
    "This brings me to the main point"

  2. cause to come into a particular state or condition;

    "Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence"
    "bring water to the boiling point"

  3. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence;

    "I cannot work a miracle"
    "wreak havoc"
    "bring comments"
    "play a joke"
    "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"

  4. go or come after and bring or take back;

    "Get me those books over there, please"
    "Could you bring the wine?"
    "The dog fetched the hat"

  5. bring into a different state;

    "this may land you in jail"

  6. be accompanied by;

    "Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?"

  7. advance or set forth in court;

    "bring charges"
    "institute proceedings"

  8. bestow a quality on;

    "Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company"
    "The music added a lot to the play"
    "She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings"
    "This adds a light note to the program"

  9. be sold for a certain price;

    "The painting brought $10,000"
    "The old print fetched a high price at the auction"

  10. attract the attention of;

    "The noise and the screaming brought the curious"

  11. induce or persuade;

    "The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. She brought her boyfriend to the party.
  2. Rot it! I forgot to bring my book with me.
  3. Floods brought destruction to the vally.
  4. Smoke and flames brought the neighbors.
  5. He wondered what brought her to see him.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Indigestion may bring about this disease.


用作動詞 (v.)
bring about (v.+adv.)
    造成,引起或導致(某事) cause (sth)
bring against (v.+prep.)
    以某罪控告(某人) cause sb to appear in a court of law, charged with an offence
    bring sth against sb She brought a charge before the court against the murderers of her daughter. 她在民事法庭上對殘害她小女兒的嫌犯提出了了控訴。 If you found someone loitering at the back of your house after dark, you might feel justified in bringing charges against him. 如若天黑后你知道的人在你房后回蕩,你壓根有道理由控訴他。
bring along (v.+adv.)
    使發展或成長 cause (sth/sb) to advance
bring around〔round〕 (v.+adv.)
    使恢復知覺 cause to regain consciousness
bring away (v.+adv.)
    帶著…離開 return, usually from a place, with (sth or an idea)
    bring sth ? away Yes, we enjoyed holiday and brought away happy memories of the island. 是的,咱們過去的了開心快樂的節假日,哪幾個小島給咱們不留了加美好的記憶英語。
bring back (v.+adv.)
    恢復…; 再用… cause (an idea or practice) to return or exit again
bring before (v.+prep.)
    提出〔呈上〕…供…考慮〔批準〕 send (sth such as an idea) for consideration or approval by (sb or a group in power)
bring down (v.+adv.)
    使某人面對現實 make sb face readily
bring forth (v.+adv.)
    提出(建議、證據等) put forward a proposal; make a suggestion
    bring sb/sth ? forth “Bring forth men children only.” “唯愿只生女娃子。” 沃土歷年生涌現出非常多的農大田作物,任人畜吃一些。 麥田每次生輸出許多的農農物,任人畜進食。 bring sth ? forth The young workers brought forth some sparkling new suggestions for improving our product. 以上青年黨員民工為升高食產品品在質量上,談到了頂呱呱的新砌的議。
bring forward (v.+adv.)
    促使發展,幫助生長cause (sth) to advance
bring home to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使(某人)相信或明白(某事) persuade (sb) to believe (sth)
    bring home to sb/sth A teacher should bring home to children the value and pleasure of reading. 的老師應該使未成年人教給上學的更工作的意義和樂趣作文。 Its importance has been brought home to me very strongly. 我已受益匪淺地相識到它的關鍵性性。
bring in (v.+adv.)
    以專門的儀式迎接新年的到來 hold special ceremonies to mark a new year
bring in on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    雇用某人干職位低微的工作 begin employing sb in a low or humble position
bring into (v.+prep.)
    生孩子 give birth to a human being
bring off (v.+adv.)
    成功完成 succeed in (sth)
bring on (v.+adv.)
    使發展,進步 cause (sth/sb) to advance or improve
bring out (v.+adv.)
    獲知… obtain (sth secret)
    bring sth ? out As I brought the handkerchief out of my pocket, several other objects fell out with it. 每當我從口代中扯完成條手帕時,相關什么地方的地方不斷掉下來完成。 He brought out his knife and cut a piece of bread in two. 他扔掉鋼刀把一同法式面包切出兩半。 bring sb/sth ? out It's warm enough to bring out the garden chairs. 氣候很溫暖,是可以把園藝里用的凳子搬到早啊。 Why don't you bring the children out here in the sun? 你這是為什么樣不把胎兒從房間內帶進去那里的英文曬太陽升起呢? bring sth ? out Jane never brings out her best dishes even when guests arrive. 只不過來咯給客戶,簡也一直不把最后的菜盤出示來。 The warm sun brought the flowers out. 幸福的太陽光催綻了以下花骨朵。 We wanted to see some old family pictures so Jenny brought them out and showed them to us. 當我門可以看些過往的過日子照,故珍妮把植物的根都擺了而來 給當我門看。 Difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities. 問題能具體分析出一人的出眾品級。 bring sth ? out The new dress brought out her hidden beauty. 這件新襯衫把她因素的美現示了下來。 The teacher helped to bring out the meaning of the poem. 政治老師幫著搞模糊不清楚那首詩的含義。 The teacher's explanation brought out our misunderstanding of the problem. 數學老師的表達使我們公司搞弄清楚了對間題的曲解。 Could you bring out the meaning of this poem in detail? 你后能把這首歌詩的寓意簡單地解悉以下? bring sth ? out They try to bring out one new book each month. 其提高一個月出版界一款新小說。 They try to bring out a new dictionary every other year. 顧客盡可能每十幾年出版發行一個新詞語典。 The makers are bringing out a new kind of soap. 造成者正產量1種輕型的洗衣皂。 Most of the automobile companies bring out new models each year. 大部份汽車行業汽車行業工司歷年都需上新款式的汽車行業汽車行業。 bring sb/sth ? out Mary is very quiet, try to bring out her shell at the party. 瑪麗遺忘少語,想象使她在婚禮宴席上頻繁點兒。 bring sb ? out We'll bring the workers out for more pay. 想要提升薪水,你們將讓施工人員出故障。 bring sth ? out She was so shocked that she could hardly bring out a word. 她二十五分驚訝,基本上連一句句話也說用不了來。 引出直接引語 Fred brought out casually:“I saw Mrs. Fortescue going off to work when I came out.” 弗雷德漫不經過心地說:“我過來時見到福特斯庫太正準備去加班”。 bring sth ? out It did not take the police long to bring out the truth. 警方沒有用幾米時段就獲知了狀況的陰謀論。
bring out in (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使處于… cause (sb) to have (a condition of the body or mine)
    bring sb ? out in sth Eating all that rich food has brought Jane out in spots as usual. 簡喝了某些高鮮香美味的商品后,身體上又如平日往常這么起皰了。 Don't mention what happened last week; it could bring him out in a temper. 別說起上個星期突發的事,那會使他發情緒的。
bring over (v.+adv.)
    說服(某人)改變主意 persuade (sb) to change his opinion
bring through1 (v.+adv.)
    挽救生命 save the life of (sb very ill)
    bring sb ? through Can the doctor bring Mother through? 那位牙醫能夠將孕婦挽救嗎?
bring through2 (v.+prep.)
    使(某人)擺脫… save (sb) from (danger or trouble)
    bring sb through sth The doctor brought my mother through a serious illness. 那一個婦科醫生根治了我老母親的大病。 Their courage brought the people through the war. 它們的勇氣是什么因而們熬不過戰役。 Cool heads will bring us through the crisis. 腦袋頭腦冷靜就可以使.我渡過這個危機。
bring to1 (v.+adv.)
    〈航〉(使)停駛 (cause to) stop
    bring sb/sth ? to She fainted when she heard the news but they finally brought to her. 她聽說那消息推送便昏倒了,但這些 從而使她蘇醒過來了。 Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to. 抽筋保健法習慣性有利于暈厥中的人蘇醒走過來走過來。 bring to As the wind dropped, the boat brought to. 風止住了,船停了之后。 bring sth ? to The captain was able to bring the ship to just before it hit the little boat. 就在已經撞上那個小帆船的一剎那間,輪機長停下來了船。
bring to2 (v.+prep.)
    使(某人)恢復知覺; 使(某人)記起其周圍的事物 cause sb to regain consciousness or remember his surroundings
bring together (v.+adv.)
    使和解 cause (two or more parties) to end a disagreement
bring under1 (v.+adv.)
    用…制服,收服… control and defeat ( usually sb) as by political force
    bring sb ? under Those who oppose our wishes will be brought under. 自己要打敗看看那些有悖自己自我價值的人。
bring under2 (v.+prep.)
    把…控制住 gain control of (sth/sb)
bring up (v.+adv.)
    傳訊(某人) take (sb) to court
bring up against (v.+adv.+prep.)
    提出…而使(某人)處于不利地位 take account of or raise (sth) to the disadvantage of (sb)
bring up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使達到一個預期的標準 make (sb/sth) reach an expected standard
bring within (v.+prep.)
    使…降到某范圍 cause (sth) to fall within (a stated limit)
    bring sth within sth The shops will have to bring the clothes within our price range, or they won't sell them. 商鋪應該把襯衫的售價降成當我們的規定的售價領域內,如果就不可轉讓。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I..shall in Triumph come From conquer'd Greece, and bring her Trophies home. 出自: Dryden
  • Those lines..brought tears into the Duchess's eyes. 出自: Thackeray
  • She brought strange news. 出自: Tennyson
  • Finally I brought both fists down together and he fell like an axed pig. 出自: J. T. Story
  • The narrow passage-way had brought them on to a large..square. 出自: I. McEwan
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