

[w?n]     [w?n]    
  • v. 贏;贏得;獲勝;獲得
  • n. 勝利
won won winning wins



v. (動詞)
  1. 贏,成功,獲勝,得勝
  2. 到達,達到
  3. 掙得,賺得
  4. 說服,爭取
  5. 贏得,獲得,得到,奪得,取得,博得
  6. 把吹干
  7. 【礦】采(礦)
  8. 得冠軍,獲第一名
n. (名詞)
  1. 贏,勝利,成功,取勝,獲勝
  2. 贏得物,收益
  3. 冠軍,第一名
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =Whip Inflation Now 立即制止通貨膨脹(1975年美國總統福特發動的對付通貨膨脹及經濟衰退的運動)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 贏得; 獲勝 get by working hard, by being better than others; be successful
  2. vt. 經努力達到 reach or arrive at by effort
  3. vt. 爭取,說服 persuade sb by argument
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 勝,贏 victory in the game, contest, etc.


  1. a victory (as in a race or other competition);

    "he was happy to get the win"

  2. something won (especially money)
  1. be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious;

    "He won the Gold Medal in skating"
    "Our home team won"
    "Win the game"

  2. win something through one's efforts;

    "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"
    "Gain an understanding of international finance"

  3. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.;

    "The home team was gaining ground"
    "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"

  4. attain success or reach a desired goal;

    "The enterprise succeeded"
    "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"
    "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. That horse is a cinch to win the next race.
  2. She has a fervent desire to win.
  3. She needs to win this point to level the score.
  4. He is expected to win the game with ease.
  5. She sat for scholarship but failed to win it.
  6. Her performance won her much critical acclaim.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The team has chalked up its fifth win in a row.
  2. The unexpected win boosted the team's morale.


用作動詞 (v.)
win against (v.+prep.)
    戰勝…,打贏… obtain as the result of fighting, competition, etc.
    win against sb/sth We win against all obstacles. 各位不要了切阻礙,完成了順利。 We will win against his team. 企業將收服他的隊。 It will be impossible for me to win against him. 我或許攻克他。 In the basketball game we won against them by the heavy score of 48 to 22. 這次叛亂棒球賽,公司以48比22的差別賽果消滅了大家。
win at (v.+prep.)
    獲勝; 贏得 gain a victory in a game, event , etc.; gain sth such as money, a prize, etc.
    win at sth John is so lucky, he always wins at cards. 雷德里克真辛運,他玩牌始終贏。 win sth at sth Did you win any money at the races today? 在本文的賽馬中你盈利幾時? Jim won most of the prizes at the Games. 吉姆斬獲了運行會后的大那部分獎券。
win away (v.+adv.)
    爭取過來 cause sb to change his loyalty from sb/sth
    win sb ? away His action might encourage the party to try to win more members away from the opposition party. 他的計劃機會會勉勵該黨從對立統一的黨派中贏得往回大量的成員國。
win back (v.+adv.)
    重新獲得,奪回 regain sth/sb
    win sb/sth ? back What can I do to win my wife back? 我該咋辦這樣才能從新挽救我的前妻? There is still time to win him back by gentle persuasion. 還有時長依據婉言勸說運作把他盡力回到。 The team is determined to win the prize back next year! 哪些團隊決心書去年攻占獎牌! She has managed to win him back. 她早已又得到了他的戀愛。 He has won back their favour. 他重拾刷快了許多人的用戶青睞。
win free
    爭得自由或成功 become free or successful
win out (v.+adv.)
    戰勝,勝過 gain a victory over sb/sth
    win out She finally won out. 結果她早已有了曙光。 I know that whatever you try, you're sure to win out in spite of early difficulties. 我了解到不管是你做怎樣的,既然準備有難平的困難,但確實決定性會出色的。 win out This is a life-and-death struggle concerning who will win out. 真是是一場相關到誰擊垮誰的存亡反侵略。 Correct ideas will certainly win out against erroneous ones. 正確性看法表必然克服問題看法表。 Our product is sure to win out over those of our competitors. .我的護膚品確信會相對比較.我競爭者的護膚品。 win sth ? out Good will win out evil. 善終于會完爆惡。
win over〔round〕 (v.+adv.)
    戰勝,勝過 score a victory overIf they think they are going to win over us by refusing to make any concession, they are mistaken.要是他們認為只要拒絕作任何讓步就可以取得對我們的勝利,那他們就錯了。
win through1 (v.+adv.)
    幫助某人恢復健康 help sb to recover from illnessHis life was almost despaired of, but his strong constitution won through.他幾乎沒有救活的希望了,但他的體質好,終于恢復了健康。
win through2 (v.+prep.)
    通過…獲得…; 渡過 gain sth through sth or doing sth; pull through difficulties, etc.
    win through sth He won through the hardships of his early life. 他熬已過前些年的艱難困苦生活方式。 We won through all difficulties. 他們戰勝難測難題而拿到成就 。 win sth through sth/v-ing We won victory through protracted struggle. 進行不斷的抗爭,我們大家達成了勝利者。 They have won a lot of money through gambling. 顧客賭錢輸掉大多數錢。 World peace can be won only through determined struggle of the people of the whole world. 世間友誼只能有可以通過全世間人艮的決不爭斗性能得到。
win to (v.+prep.)
    說服; 參加; 接受 persuade sb to join a group or accept an idea
    win sb to sth If anyone objects, we will win him to agreement . 如若別人不贊同,.我就說動他容易。 His forceful speeches have won many young people to the Party. 他那有來親和力的演講題目導致多個年輕的人倒入了該黨。 He speaks so well that he should be able to win most of the committee to his opinion. 他很能說,準能使理事會會的大都數會員接納他的角度。
win upon (v.+prep.)
    吸引,獲得…的好感 exercise increasing attraction upon; gain favour or influence with
    win upon sb Her beauty won upon everybody. 她的容顏深深吸引了每各人。 She won upon him by degrees. 她開始收獲他的信任度。 This theory will win upon them. 這種本體論早已使用戶感需求。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The new champions..well deserved their win. 出自:Times
  • The victory for equality of rights was won. 出自: R. Niebuhr
  • People sometimes become invalids in order to win sympathy. 出自: D. Carnegie
  • His strategic aim is to win the credit for solving the deficit problem. 出自:Independent
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