

[t?k]     [t?k]    
  • v. 滴答作響;給…標記號;運作;空轉
  • n. 滴答聲;一會兒;勾號;壁虱;蜱蟲;枕套;褥套;<英口>賒欠
ticked ticked ticking ticks



v. (動詞)
  1. 發滴答聲,滴嗒滴嗒響
  2. 在滴答聲中度過,把時間滴滴嗒嗒地打發掉
  3. 賒銷(購)(貨物),賒給
  4. 打點
  5. 作記號;給…標記號
  6. 滴嗒滴嗒記錄時間
  7. (鐘表等)工作,起作用
  8. <英>(核對后)勾去
  9. <口>責備,斥責
  10. 使生氣,使煩惱
  11. 打上鉤,打對號
  12. 運轉,進行,持續活動
n. (名詞)
  1. 賒欠,賒(銷)
  2. 【動】壁虱
  3. 枕套;墊套;布套;褥套
  4. 滴嗒(聲)
  5. 記號
  6. 信用
  7. 片刻,一瞬間
  8. 條紋厚棉布
  9. <英口>討厭鬼
  10. 【動】扁虱
  11. 【動】蜱
  12. 放債


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 作滴答聲 (of a clock, watch, etc.) make light, regularly repeated sounds; click
  2. vt. 標出; 打鉤于 mark; check


  1. a metallic tapping sound;

    "he counted the ticks of the clock"

  2. any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animals
  3. a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.;

    "as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name"

  4. a light mattress
  1. make a clicking or ticking sound;

    "The clock ticked away"

  2. make a sound like a clock or a timer;

    "the clocks were ticking"
    "the grandfather clock beat midnight"

  3. sew;

    "tick a mattress"

  4. put a check mark on or near or next to;

    "Please check each name on the list"
    "tick off the items"
    "mark off the units"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The clock ticks very loudly.
  2. My watch doesn't tick because it's electronic.
  3. The teacher ticks off a name on a list.
  4. Listen carefully and tick the sentences which are correct.
  5. That's what makes the world tick.
  6. Buses and taxis tick over rather noisily.
  7. I stopped the car but left the motor ticking over.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. They could hear the regular tick of the clock.
  2. Just wait a tick!
  3. There was a nice red tick in the margin.
  4. Opposite his own name was a small tick.
  5. The tick stops draining you and drops off after you're dead.


用作動詞 (v.)
tick away (v.+adv.)
    過去 (hours, minutes, seconds, etc.) to pass
    tick away The clock ticks away on the shelf. 石英鐘在擱板上滴答滴答地響著。 It was so quiet I could hear my wristwatch ticking away. 旁邊靜悄然的,我會響起他的石英表滴答滴答地響著。 tick away Meantime life in the ward ticked away as usual. 于此這段時間內,icu病房日常跟日常一般,按部就班地進行進去。 As the minutes ticked away they began to lose patience. 隨耗時很多鐘很多鐘地曾經,大家開始變的不經煩了。 tick sth ? away The clock ticked away the time. 秒表滴答滴答地響著,時間段在絲毫點絲毫點過來。 The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting. 直達火地鐵站的秒表滴答不斷,在等待此中幾時間過去的了。
tick off (v.+adv.)
    激怒 make angry or indignant
    tick sth ? off He ticked off the items one by one. 他把這部分產品依次標出。 He ticked off each item on the list. 他核查了清簽購單的每條個工程項目。 She ticked off some of the names on her list. 她把全名單上的一定俗稱勾出現。 Please tick off the titles of the books you wish to buy. 請勾出需要購得的專業書的英文名。 tick sth ? off Each taxi is fitted with a meter ticking off the fare due. 每臺求租車子都裝有個確定車費的計程表。 They ticked off a few specific causes for the price spiral in their country. 她們找出來了她們國產消費水平錐齒輪減速機增漲的多少個重要原故。 tick sb ? off He ticked me off because I was late. 可能我缺席,他責難我。 Why did you tick little Peter off in such a way? 你為啥子這數落小彼得? The boy was ticked off for staying out so late. 男人因回家了太晚而接受指責。 The young man was ticked off for his impudence. 這青年黨員仍然無禮而受苛責。 tick off That was a period which it would be so difficult to tick off in a phrase. 很顯然個非常難用一句句話來簡要的同一個的時代。 tick sb ? off The cancellation of the football match really ticked him off. 足球比賽賽的取銷真把他給氣完了。
tick out (v.+adv.)
    滴答滴答地發出 give forth by repeated ticking beats
    tick sth ? out The telegraph ticked out a message. 發報機滴答滴答地傳來一篇電報。
tick over (v.+adv.)
    吞吞吐吐,支支吾吾 falter


用作動詞 (v.)


  • Questions..that..could be answered either with a simple tick or by writing. 出自: G. Gorer
  • When he had no funds he went on tick. 出自: Thackeray
  • Giving tick unlimited, or even remission of all charges. 出自: R. D. Blackmore
  • His sons..ticking and toying with the daughters of their lord. 出自: Bunyan





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