

[stra?k]     [stra?k]    
  • n. 罷工;打擊;毆打
  • v. 打;撞;罷工;劃燃
struck struck/stricken striking strikes



n. (名詞)
  1. 罷工
  2. 罷課
  3. 發現
  4. 【軍】攻擊,空襲,襲擊
  5. 打擊,毆打
  6. 走運,意外成功
  7. 擊,打
  8. 罷市
  9. 進行一次空襲的一群飛機
  10. 報時
  11. 鐘聲
  12. 【棒】擊球失敗
  13. 正球,好球
  14. 【滾木球】第一球撞倒全部木柱
v. (動詞)
  1. 攻擊,打,毆,擊,進攻
  2. 撞,撞擊
  3. 碰,觸
  4. 沖擊
  5. 侵襲,襲擊
  6. 彈奏,奏出
  7. 咬,咬傷
  8. 拆除
  9. 罷工
  10. 抓,抓傷
  11. 照在,照到
  12. 傳到
  13. 打出
  14. 壓出
  15. 刪掉,取消
  16. 降下
  17. 使穿透,使深入
  18. 偶然發現,突然發現
  19. (使)突然想起
  20. 使處于特定狀態
  21. 被鳴報
  22. 被劃著
  23. 被點燃
  24. 被聽到
  25. 咬餌
  26. 行進
  27. 擊出(火星)
  28. 觸礁,擱淺
  29. 下帆
  30. 刺穿, 戳進
  31. 降旗


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 打,擊 hit
  2. vt. 攻擊,襲擊; 侵襲 attack, especially suddenly; (of disaster, disease, etc.) afflict (sb/sth)
  3. vt. & vi. 敲響; 報時; 擦出 make or put into action by hitting
  4. vt. 偶然發現(礦藏等) discover (a material or place)
  5. vi. 罷工 stop working because of disagreement
  6. vt. (突然)產生于(某人的)腦海中 occur to sb's mind
  7. vt. 給…以(深刻)印象 have an effect on; affect with
  8. vt. 取下; 降低 lower
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 罷工〔課,市〕 a time when no work is done because of disagreement, e.g. over pay or working conditions, etc.
  2. [C] 襲擊,攻擊 an attack, especially by aircraft whose bombs hit the place attacked
  3. [C] 突然發現; 走運 success in finding especially a mineral in the earth


  1. a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions;

    "the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled"

  2. an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective;

    "the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn"

  3. a gentle blow
  4. a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball;

    "he finished with three strikes in the tenth frame"

  5. (baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter's knees and shoulders;

    "this pitcher throws more strikes than balls"

  6. a conspicuous success;

    "that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career"
    "that new Broadway show is a real smasher"
    "the party went with a bang"

  1. deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon;

    "The teacher struck the child"
    "the opponent refused to strike"
    "The boxer struck the attacker dead"

  2. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon;

    "This child impressed me as unusually mature"
    "This behavior struck me as odd"

  3. hit against; come into sudden contact with;

    "The car hit a tree"
    "He struck the table with his elbow"

  4. make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target;

    "The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939"
    "We must strike the enemy's oil fields"
    "in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2"

  5. indicate (a certain time) by striking;

    "The clock struck midnight"
    "Just when I entered, the clock struck"

  6. affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely;

    "We were hit by really bad weather"
    "He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager"
    "The earthquake struck at midnight"

  7. stop work in order to press demands;

    "The auto workers are striking for higher wages"
    "The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met"

  8. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly;

    "Light fell on her face"
    "The sun shone on the fields"
    "The light struck the golden necklace"
    "A strange sound struck my ears"

  9. attain;

    "The horse finally struck a pace"

  10. produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically;

    "The pianist strikes a middle C"
    "strike `z' on the keyboard"
    "her comments struck a sour note"

  11. cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp;

    "strike an arc"

  12. find unexpectedly;

    "the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"
    "she struck a goldmine"
    "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"

  13. produce by ignition or a blow;

    "strike fire from the flintstone"
    "strike a match"

  14. remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line;

    "Please strike this remark from the record"
    "scratch that remark"

  15. cause to experience suddenly;

    "Panic struck me"
    "An interesting idea hit her"
    "A thought came to me"
    "The thought struck terror in our minds"
    "They were struck with fear"

  16. drive something violently into a location;

    "he hit his fist on the table"
    "she struck her head on the low ceiling"

  17. occupy or take on;

    "He assumes the lotus position"
    "She took her seat on the stage"
    "We took our seats in the orchestra"
    "She took up her position behind the tree"
    "strike a pose"

  18. form by stamping, punching, or printing;

    "strike coins"
    "strike a medal"

  19. smooth with a strickle;

    "strickle the grain in the measure"

  20. pierce with force;

    "The bullet struck her thigh"
    "The icy wind struck through our coats"

  21. arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing;

    "strike a balance"
    "strike a bargain"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages.
  2. The coalminers have been out on strike for several weeks now.
  3. The strike has delivered a heavy blow to the management.
  4. His spirits sagged after that strike.
  5. Next, the local press carried an order by the city's garrison commander forbidding soldiers to strike students.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He offered to strike the boy with his cane.
  2. He struck the man a blow at the chin.
  3. Be careful not to strike your head against the mantel.
  4. His words incited them to strike.
  5. I am sure the bus drivers will strike.
  6. The girl struck a match to light a cigarette.


用作動詞 (v.)
strike against (v.+prep.)
    為反對…而罷工 refuse to work to express opposition to sth
    strike against sth My arm accidentally struck against the table. 我的臂膀碰巧撞倒椅子上。 The child's head struck against the wall. 小孩子的頭撞在水泥墻。 strike sth against sth He struck his head against the doorpost and fell to the ground in a faint. 他的頭撞已到門框上,倒在盆里暈了結束。 strike against sth The women have threatened to strike against unequal pay. 女子們恐嚇說要罷課,抵制不平等原則的對待。 They decided to strike against the dismissal of a colleague. 自己決定性擺工游行解雇自己的女同事。 The workers struck against the company for better working conditions. 工友們召開游行規定要求公司的持續改善你們的運轉具體條件。
strike at (v.+prep.)
    打擊(某人、物) try to hit or aim a blow at sb/sth
    strike at sb/sth He struck at me repeatedly with a stick. 別用棍子總是向打了來。 They struck at the enemy from every conceivable angle. 許多人從所有的能隱秘她的區域影響的敵人。 We struck at several of his units simultaneously. 小編互相嚴厲打擊了他的幾家。 She found a chance to strike at Cage. 她找有一個大家凱奇的機率。 We avoided the enemy's main forces and struck at his weak spots. 企業錯開仇人主力部隊,懲治這些人的軟肋。 We must go deeper and strike at the roots of the trouble. 人們要深入到著,吸引住疑問的問題隸屬。 Many of the newspapers struck at the government's latest plan. 不少家報刊雜志到攻擊鎮政府的2017最新計劃怎么寫。 strike blows at sth They have struck heavy blows at the new-colonialists. 大家凝重嚴重打擊了新殖民注意者。 The Taiping revolution gave history a great push forward by striking blows at the imperialist and feudal forces. 安全天國的大革命狠狠插依法打擊了帝國自由主義和封建制勢利,關鍵在于遠遠持續推進了發展歷史推動。
strike back (v.+adv.)
    反擊,回擊 hit back
    strike back As he grows older he begins to strike back. 當他車齡大點時便開始還擊號角。 When he attacked me, naturally I struck back. 他惡意攻擊我時我自然生態要進行還手。 They were ordered to strike back. 他領命反攻。
strike down (v.+adv.)
    襲擊; 擊斃 attack; kill常用于 be ~ed 結構
strike in (v.+adv.)
    插嘴 interrupt
    strike in “I know where she was!”He struck in. “我指導她哪點兒!”他插嘴說。
strike off (v.+adv.)
    印刷 print用于 be ~ed 結構
strike on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    偶然想起; 偶然得到 think of sth suddenly
    strike sb on〔upon〕 sth She struck him on the nose. 她一擊打在他的鼻頭上。 He struck John on the shoulder. 他擊打羅伯特的肩上。 strike on〔upon〕 sth He said he struck on the book in a secondhand bookstore. 就說這此書是他也偶爾在想開舊書局里夠買的。 I struck on the idea when at work yesterday. 我前天工作時突發體會出這樣特別注意。 I've just struck on something which might be of use to us. 我昨天晚上會想到這個技巧也許 會對于我們實用。 He struck upon the solution quite by accident. 他偶然間想盡了整個搞定措施。 At this sight, he struck upon a happy idea . 看出這問題,他記得好幾回個好顧慮。
strike out (v.+adv.)
    擬出 plan
    strike out After working as an employee for many years,Bill suddenly decided to strike out and open his own shop. 比爾做了二十多年員工時候,太過突然定要各自茶葉店。 Smith refused to live the tame easy life that he could have lived but struck out for himself. 史密斯愿意過那一種循規蹈矩、享福舒適度高的生存而他自己奮斗努力回來。 strike out on sth He decided to strike out on his own. 他打算自己創業。 He quit his job and struck out on his own as a publisher. 他辭去之前的運行,孤身生產經營出書社。 strike out He struck out for the shore. 他死勁向河邊游去。 Without hesitation, he struck out towards the beach. 他一點不瞻前顧后趕來海攤游去。 He fell overboard and struck out towards the shore. 他從船艙掉泡水里,便豁出去向海岸游去。 The explorers struck out for the desert. 探勘人員管理精神狀態抖擻趕來庫布齊沙漠進發。 He decided to leave the path and strike out across the grass. 他取決于距離道路,從草坪上穿在過去。 strike out The man lost his temper and struck out wildly. 這人因發火而大創造手。 If the animal feels trapped, he will strike out wildly. 若是 惡魔察覺困在困難,它就會死命攻擊力。 He's a man who strikes out with his fists whenever he's angry. 他這各人一槍怒馬上會揮拳打人事件。 strike sth ? out Strike out the old address and write in the new one. 把舊的網址劃掉,寫上架的。 He took a pen and struck out two paragraphs from his essay. 他握住筆把他的原創文章劃了一段。 Strike out the questions which do not apply to you. 刪出什么對各位沉重感用的間題。 strike sth ? out He struck out a plan for himself for the next year. 他開始為我擬寫了下幾年的計劃方案。
strike through1 (v.+adv.)
    刪去 remove sth
    strike sth through If there are any words you think not right, just strike them through. 有甚么詞你會認為不適合適的的,也許刪除好好。
strike through2 (v.+prep.)
    劃破; 照亮 bright
    strike through sth The light strikes through the darkness. 那道亮光刮破了絕望。
strike up (v.+adv.)
    開始(交談); 建立起(友誼等) start to make a conversation, friendship, etc.
    strike up The band struck up when the guests of honour entered the hall. 當紅貴賓邁入宴會廳時,樂團奏起了樂曲。 strike sth ? up The orchestra struck up the National Anthem. 管弦樂隊組合奏起了國歌。 As the actors began putting on their makeup, the band struck up a tune. 影視演員開端美容時,搖滾樂隊奏起樂曲。 The musicians struck up the wedding march. 樂師們奏起了婚宴采取曲。 strike up sth He struck up a lively conversation with his fellow passengers on the train. 他在火車身上跟旅伴們關注地遲疑不決了。 Ordering a cup of tea,I struck up a conversation with the manager. 要新一杯茶,和副總侃侃而談起床。 He'd strike up conversations with people to hear them speak in the local accent. 他總幫別人們溝通交流想聽本縣的家鄉話。 Alice and I struck up a friendship immediately. 我和老師艾麗斯再次創建了深厚友誼。 They struck up a friendship on their tour of Guangxi. 孩子是在海南景點旅游時變成 兄弟的。 It's easy to strike up a friendship with people you meet on holiday. 在旅游度假時碰見的人很加容易和他再交網友。 I struck up an acquaintance with him while on my trip to Sichuan. 我是在去四川省的路口和他知道的。 I'd first struck up an acquaintance with him while waiting for a train. 我和我他頭回相遇是在同時等高鐵火車的期間。 It did not take her long to strike up acquaintances in her new school. 她沒花多說時長就在新院校里見到了些人。
strike with (v.+prep.)
    為…所觸動,被…所迷住 feel the effect of (a strong feeling)
    strike sb/sth with sth She struck me with her open hand. 她打玩我耳光。 He was striking his dog with his whip. 別用鞭子抽打狗。 It's not easy to strike the ball with such a narrow piece of wood. 用這么多個窄木棍打乒乓球不是更容易的。 strike sb with sth Cage was struck with pneumonia in her youth. 凱奇青春時得過支氣管炎。 Her brother was struck with heart disease when he was thirty. 她妹妹三十歲時得過二尖瓣病。 strike sb/sth with sb/sth I was struck with wonder as I saw the train for the first time. 我一是次發現火車時間時真的驚詫不堪。 Mary was greatly struck with the film star. 瑪麗完整被是誰影星給迷住了。
用作名詞 (n.)
be〔go〕 on strike
    在〔開始〕罷工〔課〕 be engaged in〔start〕 an industrial or students' strike, etc.
come〔go〕 out on strike
    舉行罷工 be engaged in〔start〕 an industrial strike


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+副詞+介詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 ~+介詞


  • Rather than the usual dog fighting, F19 goes for the silent strike. 出自:CU Amiga
  • Impatient, she strikes straight down the steps to the..promenade. 出自: M. Gee
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