

[θr?st]     [θr?st]    
  • v. 刺;插入;推擠
  • n. 刺;推力;要旨
thrustful thruster thrust thrust thrusting thrusts



v. (動詞)
  1. 沖,沖入,沖過去
  2. 插,插入,不恰當地插進
  3. 伸展,挺伸,延伸
  4. 擠,擠出(路)
  5. 刺(入),戳(穿)
  6. 猛推,用力推,推入(出),強行推入(進),推
  7. 塞,猛塞
  8. 猛撳
  9. 突出,伸出
  10. 突進
  11. 逼迫
  12. 突然提出
  13. 強加,將...強加于,迫使接受
  14. 強行通過,強行進入
n. (名詞)
  1. 刺,戳,插
  2. 猛推,推
  3. 要點,要旨
  4. 抨擊,攻擊
  5. 目標
  6. 突出重點
  7. 魄力,干勁
  8. 【物】驅動力,推力
  9. 突擊,突進,猛攻
  10. 側向壓力
  11. 沖斷層


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 猛推,猛塞 push forcefully and suddenly
  2. vt. & vi. 刺,戳 make a sudden forward stroke


  1. the force used in pushing;

    "the push of the water on the walls of the tank"
    "the thrust of the jet engines"

  2. a strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument;

    "one strong stab to the heart killed him"

  3. the act of applying force to propel something;

    "after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off"

  4. verbal criticism;

    "he enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians"

  5. a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow);

    "he warned me with a jab with his finger"
    "he made a thrusting motion with his fist"

  1. push forcefully;

    "He thrust his chin forward"

  2. press or force;

    "Stuff money into an envelope"
    "She thrust the letter into his hand"

  3. make a thrusting forward movement
  4. impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably;

    "She forced her diet fads on him"

  5. penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument
  6. force (molten rock) into pre-existing rock
  7. push upward;

    "The front of the trains that had collided head-on thrust up into the air"

  8. place or put with great energy;

    "She threw the blanket around the child"
    "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The mugger thrust at his victim with a knife.
  2. The murderer killed her by thrusting a knife in her back.
  3. He thrust his hands into his pockets.
  4. We thrust our way through the crowd.
  5. We thrust ourselves forward into the bus.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The fencer parried his opponent's thrust.
  2. He killed her with a thrust of the knife.
  3. This is the ultimate thrust the engine can generate.
  4. What was the thrust of his argument?
  5. The whole thrust of the project was to make money.


用作動詞 (v.)
thrust above (v.+prep.)
    在…上伸出 stand on sth
    thrust above sth The rock thrust 200 feet above the water. 那塊巖塊佇立在池里,離河面有200平方英寸高。
thrust aside (v.+adv.)
    把…推向一旁; 把…扔在一旁 make sb or sth move to one side
    thrust sb/sth ? aside She ran to him for a kiss, but he thrust her aside unkindly. 她奔回憶過去吻他,但他冰冷地把她打開了。 That rude man thrust me aside and got on the bus ahead of me. 那家粗魯的人把握逆推旁邊你先鋪了車。 He thrusts aside all precautionary advice. 他把所有的提示都置之首邊。 My objections were thrust aside. 我的批判具體意見未被來考慮。
thrust at (v.+prep.)
    刺向… push with force
    thrust at sb/sth Please don't thrust at me with that umbrella. 請別用那把傘捅我。 He thrust at me with his knife. 我用刀割向我刺來。 He thrust at his enemy with a knife. 它用刀向他的日軍刺去。 thrust sth at sb/sth As I fought back,he drew his sword and thrust it at me. 如果我還手時,他拔下劍,朝我刺來。
thrust away (v.+adv.)
    把…推開 push sth away
    thrust sb/sth ? away With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him. 他不抗煩地把吃的地方猛然推向。 He thrust her away angrily. 他閃避沖沖地把她關上門。
thrust back (v.+adv.)
    排遣; 迫使…撤退 force to withdraw
    thrust sb/sth ? back She tried to thrust back the little stabs of home-sickness. 她拼搏排遣涌放在心上頭的思鄉之情。 The demonstrators were thrust back behind the barriers. 游行示威的人民被逼退至路障上面。
thrust forward (v.+adv.)
    極力表現自己 ambitiously draw attention to oneself
thrust into (v.+prep.)
    強行闖入; 投身于…之中 break into
    thrust oneself/sth into sth They thrust themselves into the house. 你們沖進了這家房子。 A soldier thrust himself into danger. 五位魔劍士身于于安全風險開展。 He thrust his hands into his pockets. 他把手掌插到錢包。 He thrust his spade into the ground. 他把鐵鍬放進棚里。 The murderer thrust a dagger into her heart. 兇犯將武士刀刺進她的心。 The fork was thrust into the meat. 叉子插在肉上。 The stage is thrust into the auditorium. 表演舞臺持續明顯突出伸入受眾席。
thrust on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    強使接受,強加給 compel to accept
    thrust oneself/sth on/upon sb She is always thrusting herself on other people. 她一個勁把他們的意見和建議強差于他人。 The obligation was thrust on him. 這的責任是強差幫他的。
thrust out (v.+adv.)
    把…推出 propel sb/sth out
    thrust sb/sth out of sth He thrust the boy out of the room. 他把那女孩兒開售屋去。
thrust through (v.+prep.)
    促使成功 enable sb/sth to succeed by special efforts
    thrust oneself through sb We thrust ourselves through the crowd. 你們穿過去了群眾。 The crowd in the station is so thick that I had to thrust myself through them. 汽車站人太人來人往,我不要得不用力擠,才擠到網友們和我。 thrust sb/sth through sth The tutor thrust Jim through the examination. 家族師資盡全力有所幫助吉姆確認考。 We are thrusting the proposal through the finance committee. .我正奮力使這種建議書在經濟實惠常務政法委員會順利通過。
thrust towards (v.+prep.)
    向…沖過去 make a sudden rush towards sb/sth
    thrust one's way towards sb/sth Edward thrust his way towards them. 愛德華德猛然向你們沖之前。
thrust with (v.+prep.)
    用…刺 make a sudden forward stroke with sth
    thrust sb with sth He thrust her with a spear. 它用矛刺她。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Mariana Nicolesco's intense..sound combines power and thrust with plummy dark-hued richness. 出自:Opera Now
  • The door..is suddenly violently thrust open. 出自: C. Odets
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