

[t?p]     [t?p]    
  • n. 龍頭;塞子;竊聽
  • n. 輕拍;輕敲;鞋掌
  • v. 輕拍;輕擊;補鞋掌;選擇
  • v. 開發;利用;索要;裝龍頭;竊聽
tapped tapped tapping taps



n. (名詞)
  1. 搭線竊聽,電話竊聽
  2. 塞子
  3. 鞋掌,鞋底
  4. 栓子
  5. 分接頭
  6. 竊聽器
  7. 【醫】穿刺
  8. 龍頭,閥門
  9. 輕拍,輕叩,輕敲,輕打,輕擊,輕扣
  10. 旋塞
  11. 輕敲聲
v. (動詞)
  1. 輕輕敲出
  2. 補鞋底
  3. 接通
  4. 輕拍,輕叩,輕敲
  5. <美>指定,選定
  6. 裝上塞子(嘴子),裝嘴子
  7. 在(樹)上刻痕取液
  8. 在…裝竊聽器,搭線竊聽
  9. 開發,開辟
  10. 討(錢)
  11. 利用
  12. 發掘
  13. 向…索要, 向…乞討
  14. 輸入
  15. 輸出
  16. 輕輕打拍子
  17. 從嘴子里放酒
  18. 出來
  19. 跳踢跳舞
  20. 輕聲走
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =Terminal Adapter for PHS,PHS 的終端適配器


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]塞子,龍頭 an apparatus for controlling the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container, especially one for water
  2. [C][U]竊聽電話 an actor example of tapping; a telephone or connection for doing this
  3. [C][U]輕敲,輕拍 a short light blow
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 輕拍,輕敲 give a tap or taps to
  2. vt. 竊聽 attach a listening device in order to eardrop
  3. vt. 開發利用 make accessible; open up


  1. the sound made by a gentle blow
  2. a gentle blow
  3. a faucet for drawing water from a pipe or cask
  4. a small metal plate that attaches to the toe or heel of a shoe (as in tap dancing)
  5. a tool for cutting female (internal) screw threads
  6. a plug for a bunghole in a cask
  7. the act of tapping a telephone or telegraph line to get information
  8. a light touch or stroke
  1. cut a female screw thread with a tap
  2. draw from or dip into to get something;

    "tap one's memory"
    "tap a source of money"

  3. strike lightly;

    "He tapped me on the shoulder"

  4. draw from; make good use of;

    "we must exploit the resources we are given wisely"

  5. tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information;

    "The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy"
    "Is this hotel room bugged?"

  6. furnish with a tap or spout, so as to be able to draw liquid from it;

    "tap a cask of wine"

  7. make light, repeated taps on a surface;

    "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"

  8. walk with a tapping sound
  9. dance and make rhythmic clicking sounds by means of metal plates nailed to the sole of the dance shoes;

    "Glover tapdances better than anybody"

  10. draw (liquor) from a tap;

    "tap beer in a bar"

  11. pierce in order to draw a liquid from;

    "tap a maple tree for its syrup"
    "tap a keg of beer"

  12. make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently;

    "Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce"
    "My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The water leaked from the tap drop by drop.
  2. She left the tap on and the bath ran over.
  3. The tap on the cask was dirty.
  4. The police had put a tap on his phone line.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He felt a tap on his shoulder.
  2. There was a tap on the window.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The tooth hurts when I tap it.
  2. That girl tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently.
  3. Pick an Album, pick a picture, and tap Choose to confirm.
  4. No load tap ranges should be selected to provide an adequate low-side bus voltage.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. We should tap natural resources.
  2. Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals, why can't he develop and harness other energy resources?
  3. We must tap manpower, land and material resources to the full.
  4. I managed to tap my father for another$10.
  5. My phone is being tapped.


用作名詞 (n.)
on tap
    隨時供應的,現成的 ready for use when needed
用作動詞 (v.)
tap down (v.+adv.)
    輕輕敲下 beat sth slightly
    tap sth ? down Tap the lid down carefully so as not to break the contents. 要把蓋子莞然地敲下來,以防把內部的物件摔碎。
tap on (v.+prep.)
    輕輕敲擊(某表面); 輕擊…(某部位) beat surface of sth; hit sb/sth lightly on (a part)
    tap on sth Someone is tapping on the door. 有在叩門。 It's no use tapping on the door; we can't hear you in the back room. 慢慢的叫門不起作用,企業朝后屋聽找不到了。 I tapped on the window to let her know I was waiting for her. 我輕拍窗子,讓她得知我從等她。 tap sb/sth on sth He tapped me on the shoulder. 他拍怕我的肩胛。 All those not dancing were tapping their feet on the floor. 什么不跳舞的視頻的人都拿腳在防水地板上輕撫地捶打著。 The teacher tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently. 音樂老師不抗煩地手去指敲桌腿。 A wood pecker tapped a hole in a tree. 啄木鳥在樹底下啄一堆個洞。
tap with (v.+prep.)
    用…輕輕敲打 beat slightly with sth
    tap with sth Tap with the heel of your shoe on the window, and he will let us in. 用你的鞋后跟敲窗戶,這個他會我能們擠進去。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Frank fetched him a glass of water from the tap at the sink. 出自: P. Fitzgerald
  • By turning the outside tap the room could be flooded with gas. 出自: Conan Doyle
  • A sharp double tap at the street-door announced the post. 出自: F. Marryat
  • In the cellars of the monasteries the butlers were tapping new and old ale. 出自: T. H. White
  • Wiggling a pen or tapping a typewriter. 出自: H. Crane
  • If she had been carrying a fan she would surely have tapped his arm with it. 出自: B. Pym
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