

[ble?z]     [ble?z]    
  • n. 火焰;烈火;光輝;(光或色彩的)展現;(感情的)迸發;(動物面部的)白斑;記號
  • v. 燃燒;發光;迸發;傳播;在(樹皮)上刻記號
blazingly blazed blazed blazing blazes



n. (名詞)
  1. 火焰,烈火
  2. 光輝,閃光,光明,強烈的光
  3. 爆發,迸發,激發
  4. 白斑,臉上的白斑
  5. 記號,刻痕
  6. 猛烈的掃射
  7. <俚>地獄
  8. 火災
  9. 鮮明的色彩
  10. 燦爛,輝煌
  11. 炫耀,炫示,展現
  12. 【撲克牌】一手五張人頭大牌(不成特殊花色或套牌,但可贏兩對)
v. (動詞)
  1. 冒火焰,發火焰,熊熊燃燒,猛烈地燃燒
  2. 閃耀,發強光,發亮光,閃閃生輝,放光彩
  3. (眼睛)怒視
  4. 大肆宣揚,傳播,宣布
  5. (槍)連續射擊
  6. 使燃燒,使發火焰
  7. 炫示,炫耀
  8. 在(樹皮)上刻記號
  9. 迸發,爆發,突然動怒
  10. 閃耀出,放出…的光彩
  11. 開拓,開辟(道路等)
  12. 引起對…的注意
  13. 顯示出
  14. 領導,領先,作開路先鋒
  15. <廢>吹奏


n. (名詞)
  1. [S]火焰,烈火 bright flame or fire
  2. [S]光輝,閃光 a bright show
  3. [S]迸發,爆發 sudden outburst
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 熊熊燃燒,著火 burn with flame
  2. vi. 發強光,放光彩 shine brightly
  3. vi. 發怒 burst out with strong feeling


  1. a strong flame that burns brightly;

    "the blaze spread rapidly"

  2. a cause of difficulty and suffering;

    "war is hell"
    "go to blazes"

  3. noisy and unrestrained mischief;

    "raising blazes"

  4. a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted;

    "a glare of sunlight"

  5. a light-colored marking;

    "they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes"
    "the horse had a blaze between its eyes"

  1. shine brightly and intensively;

    "Meteors blazed across the atmosphere"

  2. shoot rapidly and repeatedly;

    "He blazed away at the men"

  3. burn brightly and intensely;

    "The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze"

  4. move rapidly and as if blazing;

    "The spaceship blazed out into space"

  5. indicate by marking trees with blazes;

    "blaze a trail"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. We warmed our hands near the blaze of the campfire.
  2. The firemen were unable to control the blaze.
  3. Seven people died in the blaze at the nightclub.
  4. The blaze of your eyes can burn the beaven and earth.
  5. The new building was a blaze of light.
  6. The gardens in summer are a blaze of colour.
  7. Their marriage took place amid a blaze of publicity.
  8. In a blaze of anger he shouted at us.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The following morning the building was still blazing.
  2. Lights were blazing in every room.
  3. The tree will blaze with lights on Christmas.
  4. He blazed up without warning.
  5. The news was blazed all over the daily papers.
  6. He blazed a path through the forest.


用作動詞 (v.)
blaze abroad (v.+adv.)
    宣揚,傳播 spread
    blaze sth ? abroad They blazed the news abroad. 大家 媒體傳播這種報道。 She blazed her discovery abroad everywhere. 她一大堆傳播她的找到。 He always blazed his idea abroad. 他三處弘揚他的論題。 His fame was blazed abroad by the country's newspapers and television. 根據國產英文報紙和電視視頻的宣導,他名揚天地了。 His success was blazed abroad in his home-town. 他獲得成功的發消息在他的我的家鄉被媒體傳播要開。
blaze away (v.+adv.)
    不停地燃燒; 連續開火 continue burning; shoot rapidly and continuously (at sb or sth)
    blaze away The fire blazed away and destroyed the whole hotel. 爆紅反復丙烷燃燒,損壞了全部火鍋店。 The captain ordered the men to blaze away . 上尉下令新手陸續射擊訓練。 blaze sth ? away He blazed away all his ammunitions. 他把很多的中子彈1口臭打光了。
blaze down (v.+adv.)
    炙曬; 燃燒著掉下 burn fiercely down; come down in flames
    blaze down The sun blazed down. 陽光炙曬著。 The plane was seen blazing down behind the hill, where it crashed. 他們瞧見那架戰機燒著掉到山那里,撞毀了。 The sun blazed down on us. 一縷陽光長時間照射在咱們的身上。
blaze up (v.+adv.)
    復燃; 發怒,發脾氣 burn again; increase in heat, anger, or violence
    blaze up The fire blazed up when we thought it was out. 讓我們自以為那火開始變暗,無意又著在一起了。 The dry wood blazed up. 干木質點著了。 She blazed up at the insult. 遭到上述侮辱了她大怒了。 Mary blazed up when Jim angered her. 吉姆惹瑪麗時,她走紅。 In a moment his temper blazed up. 他的氣性一下下子病發出來。
blaze with (v.+prep.)
    因…而漲紅臉 turn red in the face because of
    blaze with sth He blazed with anger because his car was stolen. 因車丟失了,他有異常懊惱。 Jenny blazed with anger when she heard how her mother had been treated. 珍妮聽了爸爸的磨難,氣得臉發燙。


用作名詞 (n.)
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • How the blazes you can stand the head-work you do, is a mystery to me. 出自: Dickens
  • What the blue blazes is all this? 出自: Day Lewis
  • Masses of mesembryanthemums blazed with an intense magenta glare. 出自: Aldous Huxley
  • The sun blazed on them. 出自: G. Orwell
  • The white woman's eyes blazed. 出自: J. Updike
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