

[mɑ?k]     [mɑ?rk]    
  • n. 記號;痕跡;分數;商標
  • v. 弄污;打分;留意;做標記
marked marked marking marks



n. (名詞)
  1. 記號,標記,符號,標志,標識
  2. 馬克(音譯名)
  3. 目標,指標,標準
  4. 靶子
  5. 污點,瘢疤,斑點
  6. 十字押
  7. 成績
  8. 痕跡
  9. 影響
  10. 起跑線
  11. <英>分數
  12. 常態
v. (動詞)
  1. 標志,標明
  2. 做記號于,留痕跡于, 加符號于
  3. (使)注意,留心,注目
  4. 給打分數,(給...)記分數
  5. 表明,明顯表示
  6. 記下,記上,標記上,記錄,錄下
  7. 表示...的位置
  8. 【打獵】記清(禽獸逃匿處)
  9. 釘住
  10. 【橄】作腳跟印
  11. 指示
  12. 表示...的特征
  13. <英>(球賽中)盯(人)
  14. 留下痕跡弄污
  15. 標出


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]痕跡,污點,斑 stain, spot, line, etc., especially one that spoils the appearance of sth
  2. [C]分數,等級符號 a number or letter that a teacher gives for your work to show how good it is
  3. [C]記號,標記 a shape or special sign on sth
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 在…留下痕跡,標出 make a mark or marks on (sth)
  2. vt. & vi. 標志,標明 indicate or denote (sth)
  3. vt. 給…打分 give marks to pupil's work, paper, etc.


  1. a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance);

    "she made good marks in algebra"
    "grade A milk"
    "what was your score on your homework?"

  2. a distinguishing symbol;

    "the owner's mark was on all the sheep"

  3. a reference point to shoot at;

    "his arrow hit the mark"

  4. a visible indication made on a surface;

    "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"
    "paw prints were everywhere"

  5. the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember;

    "it was in London that he made his mark"
    "he left an indelible mark on the American theater"

  6. a symbol of disgrace or infamy;

    "And the Lord set a mark upon Cain"

  7. formerly the basic unit of money in Germany
  8. Apostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel
  9. a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
  10. a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation);

    "his answer was just a punctuation mark"

  11. a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened);

    "he showed signs of strain"
    "they welcomed the signs of spring"

  12. the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament
  13. an indication of damage
  14. a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
  15. something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal;

    "the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer"
    "scored a bull's eye"
    "hit the mark"
    "the president's speech was a home run"

  1. attach a tag or label to;

    "label these bottles"

  2. designate as if by a mark;

    "This sign marks the border"

  3. be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense;

    "His modesty distinguishes him from his peers"

  4. mark by some ceremony or observation;

    "The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade"

  5. make or leave a mark on;

    "the scouts marked the trail"
    "ash marked the believers' foreheads"

  6. to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful;

    "He denounced the government action"
    "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock"

  7. notice or perceive;

    "She noted that someone was following her"
    "mark my words"

  8. mark with a scar;

    "The skin disease scarred his face permanently"

  9. make small marks into the surface of;

    "score the clay before firing it"

  10. establish as the highest level or best performance;

    "set a record"

  11. make underscoring marks
  12. remove from a list;

    "Cross the name of the dead person off the list"

  13. put a check mark on or near or next to;

    "Please check each name on the list"
    "tick off the items"
    "mark off the units"

  14. assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation;

    "grade tests"
    "score the SAT essays"
    "mark homework"

  15. insert punctuation marks into



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The trade mark is an intangible asset of every enterprise.
  2. A recorder pen makes a mark on a chart.
  3. War has left its mark on the country.
  4. After degating only a small witness mark remains.
  5. Why get upset just because you get a bad mark.
  6. He attained a good mark in the examination.
  7. Their brand has a mark of quality.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. They have got a pile of exam papers to mark.
  2. Well, he usually gives each student a mark or grade for each course.
  3. Viola did not fail to mark the words of the old song.
  4. Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.


用作名詞 (n.)
hit〔miss〕 the mark
    〔未〕做成某事物,〔未〕達到目標 succeed〔fail〕 in an attempt to do sth
leave〔make〕 one's mark on〔upon〕
    留下持久的(好或壞的)印象 leave a lasting (good or bad) impression on
make one's mark
    出名,成功 become famous, successful, etc.
not be〔feel〕 quite up to the mark
    不如平時身體好,有精神 not feel as well, lively, etc. as usual
overstep the mark
    做得或說得過分; 超出限度 do or say more than one should or more than is wise or acceptable; go too far
up to the mark
    達到要求的標準 equal to the required standard
用作動詞 (v.)
mark down (v.+adv.)
    給低分 give a low mark
mark for life
    留下終生的傷痕 make a lasting wound in the body or effect on the mind, etc.
    mark sb/sth for life Terrible grief can mark a mother for life. 巨形的悲傷會給做姐姐的心里上留有抹不掉的傷疤。 After the car crashed, the driver's face was marked for life. 碰車后,專用車司機的臉上痘痘流下了不可能的印痕。
mark off (v.+adv.)
    區分 distinguish
mark out (v.+adv.)
    表明,表示 make a note of sb for advance in his work
    mark sth ? out They marked out the tennis court with white paint. 這些 用白漆標出了網足球場的分界。 mark sb/sth out for sth Within a month of joining the firm,James has been marked out for early promotion. 杜蘭特走進這所子公司還沒到有三十天時間就已被選定應立即酌情升降。 He seemed marked out for trouble. 他幾乎這輩子要遭受困擾的。 The sports field has been marked out for the track-and-field meet. 田徑賽的用地早就劃好。 Some popular science books were marked out as “required” for the students. 幾個科普小知識書目被特定為學員必讀名著知識。 mark sb ? out His qualities mark him out as a born leader. 他的口感得出結論他生就就適當當領導干部。 He had been marked out for an army career from early childhood. 他從比較小的之后就已也許要過戎馬巔峰。
mark up (v.+adv.)
    標記 write down
    mark sb/sth ? up Some shops marked up the goods unfairly. 有為數不多的幾家店的貨價提升 得不合理。 If we mark up Jones on two or three papers he will just scrape a pass. 這樣他們在瓊斯的三兩份卷子上拉某些分,那他會委曲求全及格。 If we mark him up a tiny bit, he'll just get through. 自己唯有給它略作半小紅點成績排名,他就就能夠湊和使用了。 During an economic crisis the price of goods is often marked up. 區域經濟信任危機過后,貨品報價通常上浮。 Everything in the shop will have to be marked up if the tax is increased. 假設天津園區稅收加劇,那么好超市里每件知識的價額都得加快。 Cigarettes will have to be marked up now that the tax on them has been increased. 如果細支煙稅新增了,細支煙的銷售價格也得增長。 mark sth ? up He read through the manuscript and marked it up with his objections. 他手稿通讀了了遍,并在沒有批準的部位標了譜號。 A boy was kept busy marking up the runs on a board. 雜役忙著把車的班次寫在布告牌上。
mark with (v.+prep.)
    以…為標記,以…表明 make a mark or marks on sth; show sth with sth
    mark with sth His face slightly marked with the smallpox. 他面部稍有三點麻子。 mark sth with sth Mark approval with a nod. 搖頭晃腦表述答應。 He marked the floor with his boots. 他穿的長靴子在復合木地板上存留了印記。 A zebra is marked with stripes. 斑馬屁股上有一個紋。 The spot where the hero fell is now marked with a huge mass of flowers—yellow gladioli, white lilies, pink carnations and red roses. 在人物光榮犧牲的區域,現再種著兩小片花對于圖標:有土黃色的劍蘭、純白色的香水百合、粉藍色的百合花和藍色的薔薇。 The exit sign was marked with an arrow. 產品出口處的符號用一方向箭頭寫出。 Spelling mistakes have been marked with red ink. 拼讀問題已用紅筆劃下。 His face is marked with grief. 他的腦門出現悲痛欲絕的動態表情。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Men that have past by a Rock at Sea, set up some mark, thereby to remember their former danger, and avoid it. 出自: Hobbes
  • All that time stood Rosamund Page..on the turf marked out for the party's firing-place. 出自: Browning
  • William is the gardener. He keeps the paths and marks the tennis courts. 出自: A. Christie
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