

[pl?nd?]     [pl?nd?]    
  • v. 使投入;跳入;栽進;下降,急降,突降
  • n. 投入;跳入
plunged plunged plunging plunges



v. (動詞)
  1. 顛簸,前后顛簸
  2. 陡峭地下傾
  3. 使突然前傾,使突然前沖
  4. 開得很低
  5. 跳進,掉進,鉆進,插進,扔進
  6. (使)投入,(使)陷入
  7. 沖,猛烈前沖
  8. 不顧前后地干起來
  9. 浸入
  10. 使遭受
  11. 使埋頭...,使投身
  12. 下降,急降,突降,暴跌,驟降
  13. 躍起后蹄倒豎起來
  14. 將…插入, 將…刺進
  15. 投,跳,陷
n. (名詞)
  1. 猛沖
  2. 跳進,跳入,沖進
  3. 突然開始
  4. 開始從事
  5. 顛簸
  6. 插進
  7. 蠻干,冒險
  8. 斷然手段
  9. 投機
  10. 賭博
  11. 為難,困難
  12. 大雨
  13. 猛跌,驟降, 驟減
  14. 跳水
  15. 突然跌落
  16. 突然分離


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 顛簸 thrust its bows into the water
  2. vt. 使陷入 put into, put or go suddenly and with force
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]投入,跳入; 猛沖 an act of plunging, especially head first into water
  2. [S]猛跌,驟降 a steep fall


  1. a brief swim in water
  2. a steep and rapid fall
  1. thrust or throw into;

    "Immerse yourself in hot water"

  2. drop steeply;

    "the stock market plunged"

  3. dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity;

    "She plunged at it eagerly"

  4. begin with vigor;

    "He launched into a long diatribe"
    "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"

  5. cause to be immersed;

    "The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text"

  6. fall abruptly;

    "It plunged to the bottom of the well"

  7. immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate;

    "dip the garment into the cleaning solution"
    "dip the brush into the paint"

  8. devote (oneself) fully to;

    "He immersed himself into his studies"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She was about to plunge into something.
  2. Don't plunge head first into another person's room.
  3. The sudden jolt plunged her forward.
  4. I waved my dog to plunge into the water.
  5. He made a headlong plunge into the river.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. So why not take the plunge and have it over?
  2. I waved my dog to plunge into the water.


用作動詞 (v.)
plunge about in (v.+adv.+prep.)
    在…中顛簸thrust its bows into sth
    plunge about in sth The little boat plunged about in the storm. 小帆船在暴雨淋中過坑得很系強。
plunge down to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    猛然掉到…上 drop sth to sth suddenly
    plunge down to sth The rope broke, and the elevator plunged down to the ground. 纜繩斷繳,電動扶梯忽然掉到室內地坪上。
plunge into (v.+prep.)
    突然陷入或呈現出suddenly assume or cause sb/sth to assume a particular mood, condition, state, etc.
    plunge sb/sth into sth The maid plunged the cloth into the pail and cleaned the floor. 哪一個丫鬟把地拖裝進桶里淋濕,當做擦地。 plunge into sth The elephant plunged into the forest. 大象猛然撞進森林視頻。 The firemen plunged into the burning building. 消防火災成員們沖進將要燒燃的該大樓。 The children plunged into the pool for a swim. 學生們跳進小池塘里暢游。 He plunged into the cold water to save the boy without hesitation. 他意思的近義詞猶豫不定地跳進陰冷的水底去救小朋友。 The soldiers plunged into action although they had just marched 20 miles. 戰士們剛跑完二十五英里的路線,便即刻注入了打仗。 The whole district plunged into darkness because of a sudden power cut. 陡然停氣把一小部分的地區財政投入一小塊漆黑此中。 Because of the economic depression the company plunged deeper into debt. 由市場經濟落寞,這里公司的已債臺高筑。 They do not readily plunge into battle with such powerful forces. 自己不想與其實的雄師印巴戰爭。 Don't be too keen to plunge into argument with him; he's an experienced speaker. 無須著急同他爭辯,他是個領導講話老辣的人。 plunge sb/oneself/sth into sth He plunged himself into work upon his arrival. 他每到就投放事情。 A power failure plunged the whole house into sudden darkness. 停氣了,大部分樓房突然之間身陷一顆黑色內。 He was plunged into despair by the terrible news. 這糟糕的小道消息使他突發陷于沮喪此中。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A hot sauna and then you're thrown into a cold plunge. 出自:Detroit Free Press
  • The lance is plunged into the left side. 出自: E. K. Kane
  • You have only to plunge a lighted taper into it. 出自: T. H. Huxley





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