

[?b's??b]     [?b's??rb]    
  • vt. 吸收;吸引 ... 的注意;吞并;承受
absorbable absorbingly absorbability absorbed absorbed absorbing absorbs



v. (動詞)
  1. 吸收,汲取
  2. 使全神貫注,吸引全部注意力
  3. 承受,經受,承擔,忍受
  4. 吸引
  5. 理解,掌握
  6. 合并,并吞
  7. 承擔(費用)
  8. 占用(時間)
  9. 使并入,把…并入
  10. 耗去,耗費
  11. 同化
  12. 接受
  13. 減輕作用
  14. 收買,買進,收購進
  15. 吞沒,吞噬


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 吸收 take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space around
  2. vt. 使并入; 吞并 make sth smaller become part of sth larger
  3. vt. 理解; 掌握 take sth into the mind and learn or understand it
  4. vt. 吸引全部注意力; 使全神貫注 interest sb very much so that they pay no attention to anything else; completely fill the attention of
  5. vt. 減輕…的作用 reduce the effect of a blow, hit, etc.; reduce the harmful effects of a physical force
  6. vt. 耗費,耗去 use up a large supply of sth, especially money or time
  7. vt. 承受; 承擔,對付 deal with changes, effects, costs, etc.


  1. become imbued;

    "The liquids, light, and gases absorb"

  2. take up mentally;

    "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"

  3. take up, as of debts or payments;

    "absorb the costs for something"

  4. take in, also metaphorically;

    "The sponge absorbs water well"
    "She drew strength from the minister's words"

  5. cause to become one with;

    "The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax"

  6. suck or take up or in;

    "A black star absorbs all matter"

  7. devote (oneself) fully to;

    "He immersed himself into his studies"

  8. assimilate or take in;

    "The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society"

  9. consume all of one's attention or time;

    "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Dry sand absorbs water.
  2. Did you absorb everything the professor said?
  3. His business absorbs him.
  4. Large nations shouldn't absorb smaller ones.
  5. She won't be able to absorb another heavy blow.


用作動詞 (v.)
be absorbed in〔with〕
    全神貫注于,專心致志于give all one's attention to sth or doing sth
    be absorbed in sb/oneself I had never met anyone so absorbed in himself as he seemed. 我以來沒得見過像他那種集中注意力致志的人。 be absorbed in〔with〕 sth/v-ing I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call. 我(至今)正專心致志讀一部書,不能聽清你跟我說。 Kevin is absorbed in the cartoon. 凱文全神貫注于動畫片。 They are absorbed in the experiment. 孩子們全神貫注于試驗。 He was absorbed in his study〔work〕. 他全神貫注地閱讀〔事業〕。 Mary was absorbed in thought. 瑪麗在哭泣。 She was absorbed in her thoughts. 她全神貫注于自身的思絮中。 All of us were deeply absorbed in happy reminiscences. 我國都深刻地沉溺在生活的回憶英文中。 For Marx, work had become a passion, and he was so absorbed in it that he often forgot his meals. 對馬克思比喻,工作的任務就已是某種愛好特長。他或許腳踏實地工作的任務,把吃東西都忘掉。 He seemed to be more absorbed in his pipe than in what you were saying. 他似的在專心致志地酗酒,而不存在需要注意聽你講的。 His whole soul is absorbed in saving his country. 他執意撲到救救我國家的衛生事業上。 He had been so absorbed in watching the car passing by that he didn't notice his friends coming. 他是越來越專注于地盯住著那一輛汽車從他旁邊開出,而能于他的用戶出來了都不存在可以看到。 She was absorbed with the mathematical problem. 她認真致志地演算統計學題。 Everyone was absorbed with the beautiful scenery. 人人人都為這秀麗的美景所沉醉。 He had been so absorbed with watching the building that he hadn't heard footsteps on the gravel path. 他留心觀查那棟建筑物,竟不會有聽到砂礫途中的車聲聲。
absorb into (v.+prep.)
    把…并入mix or merge sth into
    absorb sth into sth Animals absorb foods into their bodies. 哺乳動物把飲食融合到人體。 The cream is easily absorbed into the skin. 這類乳霜皮膚組織易汲取。 The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. 腫瘤藥物被快速發展融合到血管中。 Certain chemicals are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, while others are not. 某一些化學工業醫療耗材很更容易溶解于血,有部分則不可。 absorb sb/sth into sb/sth That country had absorbed some small states into her empire. 什么國曾將3個窮國統一到她的歐陸風云5中去。 People of many different nationalities have, over the years, been absorbed into the population of the city. 以上年里,各各民族的人漸漸與這座成市的公民溶合合。 Rebel militias were simply absorbed into the national army. 叛軍徑直被收編入了中國人民軍。 Most little shops have been absorbed into big businesses. 絕大部份數越多越店子鋪都劃為了大商行。 The small firms were absorbed into large cartels. 等等小商行已被合并且為大的卡持爾。 The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city. 四個星期的小鎮鎮已劃入這座城市地區。 Our countryside is increasingly being absorbed into the large cities. 我國的農村建房尚未不息灌木大的城市所吞并。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The conquered Chinese..have already begun to absorb their conquerors. 出自: E. O
  • The realistic novel reached out to absorb every new quality and locus of experience. 出自: G. Steiner
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