

[f??s]     [f??rs]    
  • n. 武力;暴力;力量;影響力;力量大的人或(事物);權力;(為某目的組織起來的)一群人;軍隊;部隊;武裝力量;警察部門;力;風力
  • v. 迫使;強迫;強制;使發生;強裝(歡笑);人工催長
forceable forcer forced forced forcing forces



n. (名詞)
  1. 【物】力
  2. 武力,兵力
  3. 暴力
  4. 軍隊,部隊
  5. (法律、規則、軍事等)力量
  6. 勢力,威力
  7. 說服力
  8. 效力
  9. 力氣
  10. 力的強度
  11. 影響,有影響的人
  12. 支配力
  13. 一群人
v. (動詞)
  1. 用力(推進)
  2. 強行(攻占、打開、促成等)
  3. 勉強作出
  4. 加速(植物)生長,人工催長,催熟
  5. 迫使或強迫(某人)做某事
  6. 使發生
  7. 強作笑顏,強裝歡笑
  8. 提速,加快速度
  9. 強忍(不表露情感)
  10. 強迫咽下
  11. 把…強加給,施強力于
  12. 強制,逼迫,強奪
  13. 勉強做出
  14. 推動
  15. 加壓力
  16. 提高
  17. 憑借武力前進


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]力; 力量; 力氣 natural or bodily power; active strength
  2. [U]武力; 暴力 fierce or uncontrolled use of strength; violence
  3. [C]影響力; 效力 a person, thing, belief, action, etc., that has strong enough influence to cause widespread changes in a way of living, or that has uncontrollable power over living things
  4. [P]一群人; 部隊; 兵力 a group of people brought together or trained for some kind of action, especially military action
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 強制,迫使,逼迫 make (an unwilling person) doing sth; drive
  2. vt. 施強力于; 強行促成 use physical force on
  3. vt. 強作,勉強作出 produce by unwilling effort; produce with difficulty or against nature
  4. vt. 促成早熟,促成生長 hasten the growth of (a plant) by the use of heat


  1. a powerful effect or influence;

    "the force of his eloquence easily persuaded them"

  2. (physics) the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity;

    "force equals mass times acceleration"

  3. physical energy or intensity;

    "he hit with all the force he could muster"
    "it was destroyed by the strength of the gale"
    "a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man"

  4. group of people willing to obey orders;

    "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens"

  5. a unit that is part of some military service;

    "he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men"

  6. an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists);

    "he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one"

  7. one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority;

    "the mysterious presence of an evil power"
    "may the force be with you"
    "the forces of evil"

  8. a group of people having the power of effective action;

    "he joined forces with a band of adventurers"

  9. (of a law) having legal validity;

    "the law is still in effect"

  10. a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base;

    "the shortstop got the runner at second on a force"

  1. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :

    "She forced him to take a job in the city"
    "He squeezed her for information"

  2. urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate
  3. move with force,

    "He pushed the table into a corner"

  4. impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably;

    "She forced her diet fads on him"

  5. squeeze like a wedge into a tight space;

    "I squeezed myself into the corner"

  6. force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically;

    "She rammed her mind into focus"
    "He drives me mad"

  7. cause to move by pulling;

    "draw a wagon"
    "pull a sled"

  8. do forcibly; exert force;

    "Don't force it!"

  9. take by force;

    "Storm the fort"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. When persuasion failed they used force.
  2. We'll settle the problem by force if necessary.
  3. If you do not open the door, I am authorized to enter by use of force.
  4. It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force.
  5. The force of his fall was broken by the straw mats.
  6. The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building.
  7. The law should remain in force.
  8. She is a force to be reckoned with.
  9. These guidelines do not have the force of law.
  10. In 1939 Blitzkrieg defeated the Polish army, which had obsolete Cavalry instead of tanks and an obsolete Air Force.
  11. Air force units have been ordered to intensify their patrols.
  12. The armed forces usually consist of the army, the navy and the air force.
  13. He joined the force twenty years ago.
  14. The moon exerts a force on the earth.
  15. Trees break the force of the wind.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Circumstances force us to adopt this policy.
  2. No power on earth could force me to do it .
  3. This will force a system shutdown, whether a user is logged in or not.
  4. Building a new road here will force house prices down.
  5. She managed to force a smile.
  6. It is unwise to force a child's talent.


用作名詞 (n.)
by force
    靠武力,強行 by violence
come into force
    開始生效 take effect
driving force
    推動力,驅動力 sb/sth whose influence stimulates others to act
force of habit
    習慣勢力 habitual force
in force
    大批地,大規模地 (of people) in large numbers
join forces
    (同…)聯合 combine with others for a common purpose
join the forces
    參軍 enlist in military service
put into force
    生效,開始執行 become effective or come into operation
    put sth into force It is easier to pass laws than to put them into force. 在民事法律規則簡易 ,推行民事法律規則難。
use brute force
    使用蠻力 try to do sth merely by using force
用作動詞 (v.)
force along( v.+adv. )
    驅進; 力推; 逼迫 push forward
    force sb/sth along I was forced along, against my wish, by the crowd behind me. 你不由自動被前面的消費群推涌而前。
force back( v.+adv. )
    抑制,強忍 restrain sth
    force sth ? back He forced back the strong urge to stroke her. 他控制住自行若想撫摩她的高興奮。
force down1( v.+adv. )
    用力推下 push sth forcefully down
    force sth ? down After being ill I didn't feel like eating but I managed to force something down. 我病后愿意吃內容,過了或者委曲求全咽沒事點。
force down2( v.+prep. )
    用力推下 push sth forcefully down
    force sth down sth We had to force the pipe down a narrow hole to get it through. 我門肯定把一根管材從內個瓣膜反流的洞中捅下去了。
force from( v.+prep. )
    從…強取(某物) get (sth) from (an unwilling person)
    force sth from sb They forced a confession from him. 他倆逼他招供。 She pretended that she could not hear so that they would not force an answer from her. 她裝作聽沒有了,只要他就不用強迫癥她回答問題了。 The police tried to force the truth from the suspect. 民警嘗試逼迫的嫌疑犯說事實。
force into( v.+prep. )
    強迫(某人)做(某事) push sb by force into sth
    force sth into sth I can't force the key into this lock; it won't fit. 我沒有可以鑰匙插人鎖里,這把鑰匙開不出這把鎖。 It's foolish to force your feet into a pair of shoes that are too small for you. 硬要把腳穿進過大的鞋里去是愚笨的。 This water is forced into the boiler by the feed pump. 開水泵將水位入蒸氣鍋爐。 force sb/sth into sth/v-ing They forced him into a small boat. 它們逼著他坐下一條小艇。 He forced me into bribery. 他促使我行賄。 You will never force him into obedience. 你也許難以促使他服從分配。 They forced thousands of peasants into their reactionary armies. 大家 強逼成千上千的村民舉辦大家 的反動隊伍。 They forced David into a small room. 它們把戴維逼進一款小房間。 This forced the British fighter planes into the air. 如此說來說來,瑞典決斗機無奈之下起飛了。 They forced him into signing the paper. 大家 強迫性他在壓縮文件上同意。 Circumstances forced him into stealing. 生態致使他盜竊。 Their poverty forced their children into stealing. 困難戶強逼我們的男孩去行竊。 They forced the enemy into surrendering. 她們使得強敵繳械投降了。 They were forced into the battle at a place picked by our army. 她們強迫在中國解放軍指定的特點競爭。 To save his honour, he had been forced into a purchase which he could not possibly afford. 從而保護檔次,他被強行購得了他不易能買下的信息。 He was forced into crime by circumstances. 他為環境困窘而范罪。 The people of that country can never be forced into submission by the invaders. 那位國家的國民毫不會被逼向侵略戰爭者塑性變形。 He was forced into accepting the task. 他強行認同這一的任務。 She was forced into leaving the country. 她迫不得已離職那地區。
force off( v.+prep. )
    迫使…離開 make (sb) leave (sth)
    force sb off sth They forced her off her homeland many years ago. 眾多年里孩子導致她離職了她的老家。 We were forced off the road. 我們都被擠下公路工程。
force on〔onto, upon〕( v.+prep. )
    把…強加于… push sth unwanted by force on sb
    force sth on〔onto, upon〕 sb Parents are liable to force their ideas on their children. 父母親易把孩子們的提出的意見加給給繼子女。 I tried to force my suggestion on them. 我想著令他們認可我的建立。 The teacher has no right to force his own views onto the children. 教練沒能權限把自身的觀點英文強加于給學生們。 The imperialists forced a series of unequal treaties upon China. 歐陸風云5注意強加于給中國大一型號不尊重同盟條約。 He didn't want to be paid, but we forced the money on him because we knew he needed it. 他不會自己結算,但自己或是硬塞給她,因此自己知曉他需錢。 They didn't want the war. It was forced on them. 兩人不可以中國戰爭,那加強于兩人的。 The idea was forced upon us. 那么工作建議是硬加在我國身上的。
force out (v.+adv.)
    把…趕走,擠掉; 迫使…離開,屈服 make (sb) leave, yield, etc.
    force sth ? out Competition has forced out many small firms. 激烈競爭擠垮了大量小集團。
force out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    從…強取(某物) get (sth) from (an unwilling person)
    force sb out of sth The owner forced the poor family out of the house when they could not pay the rent. 當哪些窮戶付不會起房租金時,房主便把大家 趕出臥室門。 Setbacks can be a good thing, forcing you out of your complacency. 遇到困難如果你是件喜事,使得你不要自大消極情緒。 Jim himself was forced out of office on June 29th. 吉姆其他人于6月29日強行離開。 He was forced out of his chairmanship. 他被逼辭去他的主度崗位。 force sth out of sb We can force concessions out of him. 我們的會逼迫他忍讓。 They forced a confession out of him. 許多人強逼他招供。
force through (v.+prep.)
    強行通過 make sth pass by force
    force sth through sth The rider forced his horse on through the storm. 美團騎手在暴風和雨中策馬提高。 The government forced the bill through parliament against fierce opposition. 市政府漠不關心激勵的批駁,直接在議大會采用了任何議案。
force up (v.+adv.)
    迫使提高 make sth rise
    force sth ? up An inflation forces up the cost of living. 通貨熱膨脹被迫居住加盟費暴漲。 This forced the cost of living up considerably. 這使生話服務費在很大程度上攀升。 Prices have been forced up by poor crop. 歉收使商品價格繼續上漲。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • As soon as his recovered forces will justify the voyage and journey he will make the passage. 出自:Daily News
  • She tried to force her mind to the contemplation of the new state of things. 出自: D. H. Lawrence
  • He lay in bed until hunger forced him to rise. 出自: R. H. Mottram
  • He was insistent and forced her against her will to get into his car. 出自: W. C. Williams
  • Wit..larded with malice and malice forced with wit. 出自:Troilus Cressida , Shakespeare
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