

[θr??]     [θro?]    
  • v. 扔;投;擲;拋
  • n. 拋;投擲
thrower threw thrown throwing throws



v. (動詞)
  1. 投,擲,拋,扔
  2. 發射,噴射,投射
  3. 把(嗓音)傳至,使(嗓音)聽起來似來自他處
  4. 把...對準目標,向...作出,把...加于
  5. 使突然陷入
  6. 建造,架設
  7. 摔倒,摔下
  8. 匆匆穿上(或脫下)
  9. 大發(脾氣),使發作
  10. <口>使困惑,難住,使驚訝
  11. <口>故意輸掉
  12. 拋棄,丟棄
  13. 蛻皮,脫落
  14. 使判斷錯誤,欺騙
  15. 投(票)
  16. 舉行(宴會等)
  17. 伸(四肢)
  18. 使猛撞,猛推
  19. 把...翻譯成
  20. 使滾動
n. (名詞)
  1. 擲骰子
  2. 擲出的點數
  3. 圍巾,肩巾,薄毯,罩單
  4. <口>冒險
  5. 甩出釣魚線
  6. 投擲,投擲的距離
  7. 【地】落差,斷層引起的移位
  8. <美口>每一個
  9. 【體】投球,傳球,擲球
  10. 摔倒,摔倒對手的技巧
  11. 光束距離


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 投; 擲; 扔; 拋 cause to fly through the air by a jerk of the arm
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]投,擲,拋 acting of throwing
  2. [C]投擲的距離 distance to which sth is or may be thrown


  1. the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist);

    "the catcher made a good throw to second base"

  2. a single chance or instance;

    "he couldn't afford $50 a throw"

  3. the maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam
  4. bedclothes consisting of a lightweight cloth covering (an afghan or bedspread) that is casually thrown over something
  5. casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly;

    "he risked his fortune on a throw of the dice"

  1. propel through the air;

    "throw a frisbee"

  2. move violently, energetically, or carelessly;

    "She threw herself forwards"

  3. get rid of;

    "he shed his image as a pushy boss"
    "shed your clothes"

  4. place or put with great energy;

    "She threw the blanket around the child"
    "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar"

  5. convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture;

    "Throw a glance"
    "She gave me a dirty look"

  6. cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation;

    "switch on the light"
    "throw the lever"

  7. put or send forth;

    "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"
    "The setting sun threw long shadows"
    "cast a spell"
    "cast a warm light"

  8. to put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly;

    "Jane threw dinner together"
    "throw the car into reverse"

  9. cause to be confused emotionally
  10. utter with force; utter vehemently;

    "hurl insults"
    "throw accusations at someone"

  11. organize or be responsible for;

    "hold a reception"
    "have, throw, or make a party"
    "give a course"

  12. make on a potter's wheel;

    "she threw a beautiful teapot"

  13. cause to fall off;

    "The horse threw its inexperienced rider"

  14. throw (a die) out onto a flat surface;

    "Throw a six"

  15. be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly;

    "These questions confuse even the experts"
    "This question completely threw me"
    "This question befuddled even the teacher"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Pick out some good apples from the box, and throw away the rest.
  2. The trees threw long shadows across the lawn.
  3. It's your turn to throw the dice.
  4. He threw the stone in the air.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. My nephew lives only a stone's throw from my house.
  2. What are the requirements for the throw itself?


用作動詞 (v.)
throw about (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉盛氣凌人,驕橫跋扈 be domineering (using one's authority or power)
    throw sth ? about Don't throw waste paper about in the park. 也不要在城市公園亂扔舊紙。 throw one's weight about I'm tired of him throwing his weight about , who does he think he is anyway? 我厭煩他盛氣凌人,他又有有設了不易呢?
throw aside (v.+adv.)
    把…扔在一旁 cause to pitch aside
    throw sth ? aside The boy jumped up and threw aside his cap. 那大男孩跳了了起來,把鴨舌帽扔到一端。 He threw aside all good proposals. 他不給了因此好的小編建議。
throw at (v.+prep.)
    投向,擲向 cast sth at sb/sth
    throw oneself/sth at sb/sth He threw a fierce look at me, so I wondered what I had done wrong. 他向我投來苛刻的眼球,我迷惑不解我那么到底干掉有什么傻事。 Make sure that you behave very correctly towards the officer, or he's likely to throw the book at you for disobedience. 跟士官處事你盡量要循規蹈矩,否則的話他很也許 批評你不需要依從命令行。 No politician will win the votes of serious-minded people if all he does is throwing mud at his opponent. 如這位政治生活家常常毀謗其政敵,那他就不容易得以仔細持重的人的選票。 John is very attractive and I understand why you've fallen in love for him, but there's no need to throw yourself at him. 羅伯特是很有引人關注力的,所以我知道你為這些戀上他,僅僅你沒能一定豁出去取悅他。
throw away (v.+adv.)
    浪費; 錯過 waste; fail to take advantage of
throw back (v.+adv.)
    迫使某人依靠某事物 force sb to rely on sth
    throw sth ? back A spectator threw the ball back to the players. 個群眾把球擲回給足球運動員。 throw sth ? back The cold he caught threw back his recovery from rheumatism. 發燒拖延癥了他痛風病治好的時光。 throw sb back on sth The shortage of gas has thrown us back on the use of bicycles. 因氣油匱乏,我門到頭來如何再用及時車作交通管理的工具。 Her friends had deserted her, and she was thrown back on her own resources. 她的伙伴們都遺棄了她,故此她只可以借助于本人了。
throw by (v.+prep.)
    把…扔在一旁 cause to pitch aside
    throw by sth Maybe she'll be thrown by like a scrap of paper. 她其實會像一張紙條差不多被背叛。 Spears are thrown by hand. 矛是拿手擲的。
throw down (v.+adv.)
    拋棄,拒絕 cast off; reject
throw dust in sb's eyes
    欺騙 deceive
throw in1 (v.+adv.)
    把…插入討論、計劃等bring into a discussion, a plan, etc. as an addition
    throw sth ? in If you buy a television set, the store will throw in a microphone. 比如你買單臺液晶智能電視,門店會領取一頭手機麥克風。 If you're set on buying the house, we'll throw in the carpets and curtains at no extra cost. 一旦你判斷買樓子,大家將全免 贈與地毯地墊和客廳窗簾。 throw sth ? in The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly relieved. 一位國際關系官插人的說笑,過度緊張的環境涌起緩解之后。 throw in that-clause She threw in that she must resign. 她插嘴說她必須要辭去工作。
throw in2 (v.+prep.)
    認輸 admit defeat or loss
    throw sth in sth At 10 somebody threw a bomb in a street there. 十點鐘沒人在在哪里一點街頭扔了一大顆炸彈。 After reading the letter, he threw it in the waste-paper basket. 他看信,,把它扔入了廢舊塑料簍。 throw in the towel After taking a beating for five rounds, the boxer threw in the towel. 在七個來回中挨打受罰往后,這一名拳擊手認輸光。
throw into (v.+prep.)
    把…扔進…; 投身于work busily at
    throw sb/oneself into sth The girl threw a stone into the well. 小女孩往井里投下一處大石頭。 Despite the difficulties he threw himself into the research. 就算困難的一個又一個,他還全心全意加入了調研探究。 The enemy threw 200,000 men into his Yanan assault. 對手投資20數萬進入主題延安。 Far from retreating, he threw all his time and energy into secret revolutionary work. 他不光一點沒不會倒退,而把全部時候和氣力都投放了秘訣新民主主義事情。 This threw the reactionary police into utter panic. 這使反動巡警多的近義詞害怕。 The first waterfall they passed threw her into ecstasy. 孩子所經的一號道瀑布圖片使她喜悅無比。 Anyone who refused to bow before Gessler was thrown into prison. 但凡是同意在蓋斯勒中作揖的人都被投入少管所。 The meeting was thrown into disorder. 交互起敬開始混亂狀態里面。 Their regiment was thrown into action at once. 孩子們團完畢投資回報斗爭。 The country was thrown into a state of anarchy. 這中國那年那月了解子跌入無國家動態。
throw off (v.+adv.)
    擺脫 get rid of; free oneself from
throw on (v.+prep.)
    穿上 put on
    throw sth on sth The trees throw a shadow on the grass. 大樹在綠草地面投下了隱影。 throw cold water on sb/sth Don't throw cold water on them. 不需要向大家潑生水。 Most people thought little of his suggestion and threw cold water on him. 大基本上數人看不出他的可以,給我潑溫水。 He wasn't discouraged when they threw cold water on his ideas. 他對他的顧慮澆冰水時,他并不泄氣。 throw doubt on sth In doing so,he had thrown doubt on some people's religious beliefs. 他這做,因而們對個別人的教派政治信仰行成了懷疑是。 throw light on sth This information throws light on the mystery of the President's death. 這消息推送給弄懂中國主席隱密之死出具了切入點。 But there was nothing to throw light on the connection between the two men. 但沒有哪種工具使人能認知這四個人之前的感情。 It threw light on the mentality of his former friend. 它使他對他故友的思想方面擁有許多熟知 。 These findings are very valuable for they throw much light on the history of textile art. 他們挖掘很有價值,所以鳥卵對紡織品輕工業經濟發展歷程展示 了信息。 Your investigation has thrown light on this question. 您們的調研因此這樣的情況清理了。 The scientist's experiments have thrown great light on the amazing ways honeybees communicate in their dark hives. 這個科學課家的工作很知道地表達了在陰暗的蜂房里,密蜂是這樣以很巧用的方式英文傳接相關信息的。 Illustrations throw light on the text. 視頻教程是可以幫助就說明正文的。 throw on sth He threw on his gown. 他穿上他的小禮服。
throw out (v.+adv.)
    提出(暗示、建議等) put forth or offer as a hint or suggestion
throw over (v.+adv.)
    放棄,背棄 abandon; give up
    throw sb/sth ? over They felt inclined to throw the whole thing over. 你們更傾向于舍棄一整塊想要。 He thought it wasn't right to throw people over. 他會認為背棄人是不能對的。
throw to (v.+prep.)
    摔倒在地 pitch sb/sth to sth
    throw sb/sth to the ground Why did you throw the boy to the ground? 你為是什么要把那學生摔到在地呢? He seized the man and threw him to the ground. 他緊緊抓住那個女人,把他摔了一跤在地。
throw together (v.+adv.)
    倉促地集成; 集攏; 集合 assemble hastily; bring together
    throw sb/sth ? together That conference has thrown them together again. 有一次會議通知使孩子們又歡聚一堂在我們一起。 Chance threw us together at a party. 一些純屬偶然的幾率使我國在一些同學會上重逢。 I'm glad you liked the meal—it was just something I threw together at the last minute. 你習慣這頓飯我很好開心——這頓飯不是我在接下來始終歲月如梭拼湊而成的。 She made supper from leftovers she had thrown together. 她用吃剩的吃物拼湊排成頓吃好飯。 That last textbook of his seems to have been thrown together. 他寫的結尾十部課本往往是草率間編成的。 They were thrown together by a common interest. 各自的需求使你們來到打了個起。
throw up (v.+adv.)
    浪費,荒廢 waste; fail to take advantage of
    throw sb/sth ? up Come to the bottom of the ladder and throw up the other brush, will you? 到人字梯上面把其它把毛刷扔再來可以嗎? The passing car threw up a cloud of white soot. 辦過去的小轎車卷起一陣一陣紫色的飄塵。 The machine threw up great heaps of earth. 那POS機鏟起一個全是一個全是的土。 The baby loved being thrown up into the air and safely caught again. 這樣寶貝很喜歡被拋了 再被穩穩地沖上去。 throw up one's hands His mother threw up her hands in despair when the boy failed yet another examination. 那孩童繼續考試題仍不及格,他姐姐仍然難過了。 That's the last time I'm trying; I throw up my hands! 那就是最喜歡后一場試; 我切底認全輸! She entered the room, then threw up her hands in horror at the terrible sight that met her eyes. 她走出房,可以看到那丑陋的過程,嚇得毛骨悚然。 throw up He got terribly drunk and was throwing up for most of the night. 他喝多了爛醉,上吐下瀉了一大上半夜。 throw sth ? up Mike got sick and threw up everything he had eaten. 邁克難受,把吃的食物全部吐過過來。 He took the medicine but threw it up almost immediately afterwards. 他把藥一吃壓下去,但基本上快速又排出到來。 throw sth ? up John threw up his job to go to Africa as a missionary. 只為去南美洲當傳教士,蓋倫辭走了他的操作。 She threw up a promising career as a model to get married. 要出嫁,她錯過了很有發展潛力的女模特新職業。 A career such as that is not one that should be thrown up without serious thought. 這樣就業不再是那一種就可以不急深思熟慮來考慮就放棄愛情掉的就業。 throw up v-ing Rod has decided to throw up playing squash because he's getting too old for it. 羅德關鍵已經不再玩壁球,畢竟玩這他的年齡多少了。 throw sth ? up Let's use this wood to throw up a shelter for the night. 科學研究用這木料盡快搭個棚留宿吧。 The builders threw up some temporary huts for the victims of the earthquake. 產品技術工們為地震的發生災民建造一個多些永久性住的棚屋。 throw sb/sth ? up The conference has thrown up a number of interesting problems. 電視電話會議提起了挺多更讓人感好感的狀況。 Our country has thrown up a number of great writers. 小編中國出了不少大專家。 He threw up several ideas on the construction of the dam. 他為水壩的建筑出一個多些點子。 throw sth ? up You shouldn't throw up a chance like that! 像如果的就會你真絕不能等待! Don't throw up your education by leaving now. 別今天就逃離,被遺忘了你的學業成績。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Downe himselfe he layd Upon the grassy ground to sleepe a throw. 出自: Spenser
  • There they were, a stone's throw away from her. 出自: R. Frame
  • The empty boat thrawed i' the wind. 出自: D. G. Rossetti
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