

[f??l]     [f??l]    
  • v. 落下;倒下;來臨
  • n. 秋天;落下;瀑布
fell fallen falling falls



v. (動詞)
  1. 減少,減小, 減退,減弱
  2. 掉落,落下,脫落
  3. 破裂
  4. 落在…身上
  5. 下落,跌落
  6. 下降
  7. 降落
  8. 垮臺
  9. 降臨
  10. 傾斜
  11. 突然倒下
  12. 跌倒
  13. 倒塌
  14. 下垂,低垂
  15. 向下傾斜
  16. 被打敗,淪陷,失守
  17. <書>戰死,陣亡
  18. 突然來到,突然出現
  19. 落(在某位置上)
n. (名詞)
  1. 瀑布
  2. 落下,降落, 驟降
  3. 落差
  4. 墮落
  5. 減少,降低,下降,減小
  6. 跌落,掉落
  7. 陷落
  8. 跌倒
  9. 垮臺,滅亡,沒落
  10. 降落量
adj. (形容詞)
  1. <美>秋天的,秋季的
  2. 秋天播種的
  3. 秋天成熟的
  4. 秋天用的


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 降落,落下; 摔下,倒下 come down from a higher place, e.g. by losing balance or as a result of gravity
  2. vi. 跌倒 come down from a standing position to a lying position
  3. vi. 降低,減退 come or go to a lower level or point
  4. vi. 倒坍; 淪陷,失守; 被打敗,被征服 come to the ground; (of a city etc.) be captured; be defeated
  5. vi. 失勢,垮臺 lose power or a high position
  6. vi. & link-v. 成為,變為; 進入…狀態 become; pass into
  7. vi. (臉色)突然陰沉下來 (of the face) take on a look of sadness, disappointment, shame, etc., especially suddenly
  8. vi. 犯罪,墮落; 懷孕 give way to wrong-doing; be pregnant
  9. vi. 來臨; 降臨; 下垂; 說出; 屬于…的活動范圍 come or happen, as if by descending; hang loosely; be spoken; belong to a particular area of activity, responsibility, etc.
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]跌落,下落,下跌 an act of falling
  2. [C]降落物,降落量 sth that has fallen
  3. [C]下降,降低,減少 a decrease in quantity, price, demand, degree, etc.
  4. [S]掉落的距離,落差 the distance through which anything falls
  5. [S]陷落; 垮臺; 滅亡; 沒落 the defeat or loss of power of a city, state, government, etc.
  6. [S]墮落,淪落 a change from a life of goodness, honesty, etc. to one of immorality
  7. [P]瀑布 a place where a river makes a sudden deep over; waterfall
  8. [S]〈美〉秋天 autumn


  1. the season when the leaves fall from the trees;

    "in the fall of 1973"

  2. a sudden drop from an upright position;

    "he had a nasty spill on the ice"

  3. the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve;

    "women have been blamed ever since the Fall"

  4. a downward slope or bend
  5. a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity;

    "a fall from virtue"

  6. a sudden decline in strength or number or importance;

    "the fall of the House of Hapsburg"

  7. a movement downward;

    "the rise and fall of the tides"

  8. the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions);

    "they were protected until the capitulation of the fort"

  9. the time of day immediately following sunset;

    "he loved the twilight"
    "they finished before the fall of night"

  10. when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat
  11. a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity;

    "it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height"

  12. a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity;

    "a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index"
    "there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery"
    "a dip in prices"
    "when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall"

  1. descend in free fall under the influence of gravity;

    "The branch fell from the tree"
    "The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse"

  2. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way;

    "The temperature is going down"
    "The barometer is falling"
    "The curtain fell on the diva"
    "Her hand went up and then fell again"

  3. pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind;

    "fall into a trap"
    "She fell ill"
    "They fell out of favor"
    "Fall in love"
    "fall asleep"
    "fall prey to an imposter"
    "fall into a strange way of thinking"
    "she fell to pieces after she lost her work"

  4. come under, be classified or included;

    "fall into a category"
    "This comes under a new heading"

  5. fall from clouds;

    "rain, snow and sleet were falling"
    "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum"

  6. suffer defeat, failure, or ruin;

    "We must stand or fall"
    "fall by the wayside"

  7. die, as in battle or in a hunt;

    "Many soldiers fell at Verdun"
    "Several deer have fallen to the same gun"
    "The shooting victim fell dead"

  8. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly;

    "Light fell on her face"
    "The sun shone on the fields"
    "The light struck the golden necklace"
    "A strange sound struck my ears"

  9. be captured;

    "The cities fell to the enemy"

  10. occur at a specified time or place;

    "Christmas falls on a Monday this year"
    "The accent falls on the first syllable"

  11. decrease in size, extent, or range;

    "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"
    "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"
    "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"
    "his voice fell to a whisper"

  12. yield to temptation or sin;

    "Adam and Eve fell"

  13. lose office or power;

    "The government fell overnight"
    "The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen"

  14. to be given by assignment or distribution;

    "The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team"
    "The onus fell on us"
    "The pressure to succeed fell on the youngest student"

  15. move in a specified direction;

    "The line of men fall forward"

  16. be due;

    "payments fall on the 1st of the month"

  17. lose one's chastity;

    "a fallen woman"

  18. to be given by right or inheritance;

    "The estate fell to the oldest daughter"

  19. come into the possession of;

    "The house accrued to the oldest son"

  20. fall to somebody by assignment or lot;

    "The task fell to me"
    "It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims"

  21. be inherited by;

    "The estate fell to my sister"
    "The land returned to the family"
    "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"

  22. slope downward;

    "The hills around here fall towards the ocean"

  23. lose an upright position suddenly;

    "The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table"
    "Her hair fell across her forehead"

  24. drop oneself to a lower or less erect position;

    "She fell back in her chair"
    "He fell to his knees"

  25. fall or flow in a certain way;

    "This dress hangs well"
    "Her long black hair flowed down her back"

  26. assume a disappointed or sad expression;

    "Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off"
    "his crest fell"

  27. be cast down;

    "his eyes fell"

  28. come out; issue;

    "silly phrases fell from her mouth"

  29. be born, used chiefly of lambs;

    "The lambs fell in the afternoon"

  30. begin vigorously;

    "The prisoners fell to work right away"

  31. go as if by falling;

    "Grief fell from our hearts"

  32. come as if by falling;

    "Night fell"
    "Silence fell"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The knife fell from his nerveless hand.
  2. Apples fall from the tree.
  3. The tree fell with a thunderous crash.
  4. Jobs used to disappear when the snow fell.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Food prices lowered during the fall.
  2. I had a fall (from a horse) and broke my arm.
  3. The falls upstream are full of salmon.


用作動詞 (v.)
fall about (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉笑得無法自制 not control oneself to laugh
    fall about We fell about at grandpa's funny story. 聽了姥爺講的滑稽戲典故,企業忍不由自主的開懷大笑。 Few people knew that the popular clown who had been making people fall about with laughter was lonely in heart. 可以說不會的人聽說過,那為總被人們開懷哈哈大笑的小丑圖片情緒很孤身。 They fell about when Sir. Harold slipped on the banana skin. 當哈羅德爵士踏到火龍果皮而滑半個跤時,我們哈哈大笑不至。 fall about v-ing They fell about laughing when they heard his funny voice. 傳來他那滑稽表情的嗓音,大家 都始終無法手工制作地捧腹大笑好。 Just the sight of the clown is enough to make you fall about laughing. 對那種小丑男瞅上一場眼,就進而使你捧腹大笑不斷。
fall across (v.+prep.)
    遇到 meet
    fall across sb I fell across your aunt in the street the other day. 前多久在公園里我遭遇過你姨母。 I happened to fall across her the next day in the park. 第三天你在景區里不經意見到她。
fall against (v.+prep.)
    絆倒 cause to stumble down
    fall against sth The old man fell against the bucket. 那老父被水桶摔倒了。
fall among (v.+prep.)
    偶然遇到(壞人等); 偶然陷入…之中 get into the midst of; get into the hands of
    fall among sb He fell among thieves and was stripped. 他碰上竊賊,每個物質都被搶走了。 Because of a renegade's betrayal, she fell among enemies. 是由于叛徒的買賣,她落來到了大量敵軍的手上。
fall apart (v.+adv.)
    散開,崩潰,破碎 break into pieces
    fall apart Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart. 安娜盡這一切或者逃避愛情婚姻受損。 Feudalism was falling apart. 封建制體系尚未土崩消滅。
fall at (v.+prep.)
    在…時變成某種狀態 become sth; pass into sth
    fall at sth I don't think her spirits will fall at the bad news. 你想她傳來這壞話題時都不會心態患得患失的。
fall away (v.+adv.)
    消瘦 lose flesh
fall back (v.+adv.)
    后退,(對方因被擊敗而)退卻 move back
    fall back The crowd fell back to let the doctor through. 消費人群倒退讓麻醉醫生一起走過去。 The crowd surrounding the hurt boy fell back when the ambulance came. 救治車一至,圍在撞傷嬰兒相鄰的人民向倒退開。 Badly beaten, the intruders fell back in disorder. 慘遭落敗后續,人侵者潰退了。 fall back to sth Our attack was so vigorous that the enemy had to fall back to the river bank. 乙方的戰斗很激烈,強敵哪知退至湖岸。
fall back on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    求助于,依賴,轉而依靠 turn to for help (when other things fail)
    fall back on sb/sth Don't fall back on others but do the job yourself. 別依賴關系對方,你自身干。 If Mr. Jones can't find a job as a teacher, he can fall back on his skill as a printer. 假如瓊斯夫人找不倒當導師的事情,他能否憑他的技術設備搞印上。 Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures. 突然之間咨詢師們借助于老的治療方案。 At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails. 限電時你們不少于能能應用蠟燭。 The enemy fell back on the second line of defence. 的敵人敗退二、道防線。
fall behind1 (v.+adv.)
    處于較低水平 drop a low level
    fall behind John has fallen behind. 阿奇博爾德且落后了。 Little Tom was always falling behind when we went up the hill. 自己爬上去的之時 ,小湯姆怎是技術落后。 Production has fallen behind in the last few months. 前幾個月時間出產量變低了。 fall behind in sth Several of the runners fell behind in the race. 有這幾個百米賽跑者在競技中落在末尾了。 The horse fell behind in the race. 那匹馬在比賽中緩慢了。 He didn't want to fall behind in his studies. 他沒法在學業上貧窮落后。 Andrew fell behind in his studies and failed the course. 安德魯的學習比不上去,所修的課程不及格。 John fell behind in his studies and finally had to leave school. 羅伯特在掌握上無法適應陌生人,最后一步夠了偏離該校。 If you don't come to class regularly, you will fall behind in your studies. 只要你時常不了課堂,讀書成績單就要落在對方身后。 fall behind If your payments of rent fall behind, you will be asked to leave. 若果我就不按時拿房租,你還是會被攆走。 If you fell behind in your payments, the finance company may seize your car. 假定你不可以按期支付寶付款,信貨企業就能夠扣你的車。 fall behind with sth She's very worried about falling behind with the rent. 她為欠付月租金而心神不定。 fall behind The work of this class has been falling behind recently. 近些年一個班的成級始終地處較低技術水平。
fall behind2 (v.+prep.)
    落后于(他人、他物) be overtaken by others; lag in pace or progress; fail to keep level with; be outstripped or left behind by
fall below (v.+prep.)
    降至…下 drop below sth
    fall below sth Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃。 水溫降到攝氏零度有以下有以下時水就冰凍。
fall down (v.+adv.)
    失敗 become unsuccessful
fall for (v.+prep.)
    愛上 like; fall in love with
fall from (v.+prep.)
    說出 be spoken
fall in (v.+adv.)
    同意 agree
    fall in The roof of the tunnel fell in. 橋隧邊側塌了過來。 The roof of the new tunnel hasn't been properly supported, it shows signs of falling in. 新隧道施工的頂面支撐著得不容易,已顯露出崩塌的征象。 The tree fell in a crash. 那樹嘩啦一下倒了下去。 The roof of the burning house fell in with a crash. 暴炸新房的房檐嘩啦兩聲塌到地面上。 fall in Fall in, men! 廣大干部真子集! As the bugle sounded we ran to the sports ground and fell in. 號一響,公司就跑到運轉場非空子集站隊。 fall sb ? in Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square. 排長們在營房商業廣場整里團隊中。 fall in He made a new suggestion and I fell in immediately. 他推出是一個新的推薦 ,我立馬同意書了。
fall in with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    同意 agree to
fall into (v.+prep.)
    掉進,陷入 get into
fall off1 (v.+adv.)
    變瘦; (健康、精力等)衰退 become wasted; (health, vigour, etc.) decline
fall off2 (v.+prep.)
    (動物)失去對…的食欲 (an animal) lose appetite for
fall on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    偶然發現 come across
fall out (v.+adv.)
    解散,掉隊 dismiss
    fall out Those boys sometimes fall out when they are at play. 這里的男寶寶子玩的那時候一直會鬧矛盾上來。 fall out with sb The young couple next door seem to have fallen out with each other. 樓下那對兩口子之間感覺吵過架了。 fall out Everything fell out as we had hoped. 結論就像公司所想要的哪一種。 It fell out that Group One won the 400-meter relay race. 最后第1組得了400米接力賽賽第1名。 fall out Fall out, men! 廣大干部退團! After we had gone a few miles, one of us fell out as a result of a sprained ankle. 我們的離開了幾英里后,有許多人因扭傷腳裸了腳裸而追趕了。
fall out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    從…掉了下來 drop from
    fall out of sth In his sleep he let the book fall out of his hand. 他睡沉時書從口中了下面。 As a language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use. 近年來語言英文的發展方向,新詞匯現身了,而且也是不少詞被丟棄不需要 了。
fall over1 (v.+adv.)
    睡著 go to sleep
fall over2 (v.+prep.)
    落在…之外 drop beyond
    fall over sth The car fell over a cliff and the driver was drowned. 汽車從懸崖峭壁上翻算下來,大貨車司機溺水事故而亡。 A hush fell over the onlookers. holder者們老是靜了掉了。 fall over sth He fell over a rock in his path. 他在小路圖片上被一點石子摔倒了。 When a man is drunk, he often falls over his own feet. 同一我們醉酒了酒,常會跌倒各自。 fall over sb/oneself to-v Mother fell over herself to get the party ready. 的母親迫不及待的地為同學會做籌備。 The children fell over each other to take the parcel from the postman. 孩紙們爭比恐后地從郵遞員哪里把快遞包裹拿出來。 fall over sth The ball fell over the line. 球落迅雷在線外。
fall over backwards (v.+adv.+adv.)
    迫不及待(做某事) do sth too impatient
    fall over backwards to-v The students fell over backwards to finish their work on time. 的學生們都愿望能繼續成功安全作業。 All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready. 老姑娘們迫不抵待地為聚會活動做提供。
fall through (v.+adv.)
    失敗 come to nothing; fail to be completed
    fall through Owing to a heavy fall of rain, all our plans fell through. 因此下一場下大雨,.我的所以設計都泡湯了。 The deal fell through at the last minute. 一大筆錢購買到另外一瞬間落下了。 Our holiday plans fell through because of transport strikes. 伴隨公路交通機構工作人員罷課,他們的旅行假期計劃方案成空了。
fall to1 (v.+adv.)
    開始吃 begin to eat
    fall to The food was put on the table and they fell to eagerly. 食品加工拖到小圓桌上,其便吃到了了 。 The hungry boy fell to before everyone sat down. 朋友還會坐坐來,一個饑腸轆轆的女孩就已經服用了下去。 When the meal was served, we fell to with a good appetite. 剩飯剩菜左端出來了,我國便興致勃勃地總吃變得。 After grace had been said they all fell to, and made a hearty meal. 做后感恩之心禱告后,她們都開啟吃在一起,飽餐一堆頓。
fall to2 (v.+prep.)
    開始; 被擊敗 begin; be defeated
    fall to sth Their voices fell to a whisper. 孩子 表態發言的噪音減至耳語。 Finally the Second International fell to pieces. 結果然后國際英文遣散了。 fall sth to sth The baby is sleeping, so they fall their voice to a whisper. 那小寶寶在睡覺了,于是顧客把噪音降變為了耳語。 fall to sth The tiger fell to the hunter's gun. 那只豹子倒在了獵手的搶口下。 fall sb to sth The little girl fell victim to a bomb in a fascist air raid. 哪些女孩兒兒在一個法西斯空襲中淪為每枚炸彈的葬送者。 fall to sb/sth Her look fell to the clock. 她的關注落在石英鐘上。 The force of Gravity makes things fall to earth. 太陽系重力使工件掉落在水平面上。 The property will fall to the eldest son. 錢財將傳遞給應縣。 It falls to me to finish the work. 完成目標這種工作目標的目標落在我頭頂上方。 At last, it fell to me to break the bad news to her. 最好,唯有我把這一個苦難的最新消息含蓄地地問過她。 fall to sth/v-ing All through the competition, good players were falling to the new young tennis star. 在賽事的全的時候中,非常多出色的的網球手都敗在一位年輕有為的新星手想。 He fell to thinking about the early days and his lost friends. 他開端懷念起他早期的時光圖片和耗盡的伙伴。
fall under (v.+prep.)
    歸入…類 be classified as sth
fall within (v.+prep.)
    應列入…范圍內 be placed in a list or class with a heading
    fall within sth Articles of this kind fall within the scope of our business activities. 此種餐品在乙方運營依據以上。
用作名詞 (n.)
ride for a fall
    魯莽行事,自找麻煩 take a course that is likely to lead to disaster


用作動詞 (v.)
名詞+~ ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • One of them, by a fall from the Parapet.., was killed. 出自: F. Smith
  • I unhooked my gold dress and let it fall..round my feet. 出自: M. Keane
  • The curtain fell for the interval. 出自: S. Brett
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