

[wa?p]     [wa?p]    
  • v. 擦;揩;抹;拭去;消除;用力打
  • n. 擦拭;抹布
wiped wiped wiping wipes



v. (動詞)
  1. 擦,揩,拭
  2. 涂上,抹上
  3. 揩干,擦凈
  4. 去除,消滅,消除
  5. <俚>打,揍
  6. 用…揩,用…擦
  7. 【機】拭接(鉛管的接頭)以皮墊涂敷焊料做(鉛管的接頭)
  8. 擦去,抹掉,抹去
  9. 擦(卡),把在電腦終端上一擦
  10. 雪(恥)
  11. 殺死,暗殺
  12. 一筆勾銷
  13. 把…打得一敗涂地
n. (名詞)
  1. 擦,拭,揩
  2. 揩擦的人
  3. 揩擦的東西,抹布
  4. <俚>打,猛擊
  5. 拒絕
  6. 手巾,手絹兒,紙巾
  7. 鉛管接頭試接
  8. 輥式擠鋅裝置
  9. 嘲笑


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 擦,拭,抹; 擦去,拭去,抹去 rub sth with cloth, paper, hands, etc. to clean or dry it
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 擦,拭,揩,抹,搽 act of wiping


  1. the act of rubbing or wiping;

    "he gave the hood a quick rub"

  1. rub with a circular motion;

    "wipe the blackboard"
    "He passed his hands over the soft cloth"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She wiped her tears away.
  2. I wiped my shoes on the mat before I came in.
  3. When you have washed the car , wipe it down well .
  4. He tried to wipe out the memory of his former girlfriend.
  5. How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears?My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.
  6. Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops.
  7. He wiped me with his fist.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Please give the table mats a quick wipe.
  2. Please wipe the table with a dry cloth.
  3. Life is like a mop, using today to mop up yesterday and wipe out tomorrow.


用作動詞 (v.)
wipe away (v.+adv.)
    擦掉,清除 remove by or as if by rubbing, clean away by wiping
    wipe sth ? away He wiped away the grease from the wind screen of the car. 他擦回來汽車行業擋風玻離上的污漬。 The rain then falling wiped away all the footprints. 時候下著雨,把那些的足印都沖掉下來。 We tried to wipe away all signs of our presence. 我們的公司對話框消滅我們的公司到庭的跡象。 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. 造物主將把它們的淚眼擦得干干凈的凈。 She wiped the sweat away from her brow with the back of hand. 她手去背擦下來額上的汗。
wipe off1 (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉了結(債務) put an end to sth such as a debt〔說明〕 wipe off作此解時一般不用于進行體。
    wipe off Paint won't wipe off. 噴漆擦不掉。 wipe sth ? off Would you please wipe off the table? 你能擦擦凳子怎麼樣? Here's a brush to wipe off the mud on your clothes. 用這把毛刷刷去你陰莖上的泥跡。 The teacher told us not to wipe off what he had written on the blackboard. 的老師要我們別把他寫在黑板上的知識刮掉。 He wiped off the words from the blackboard before I could copy them down. 我可以沒到來及抄加起來,他就把黑板上的哪種詞弄掉了。 They wiped off the blood and went into battle again. 孩子揩干身體上的血印,又立即進入戰役。 The girl wiped the dirty marks off. 那男孩除掉了臟痕。 wipe sth ? off It took five years for the couple to wipe off all the debts. 父妻倆用了5年時長才把債權債務還清。 Tom's uncle sent him a sum of money which enabled him to wipe off his debts. 湯姆的大伯送為他第一筆錢,使他賴以還清債務糾紛。 You have helped me so much that I am willing to wipe off the £20 you owe me. 你幫了我那么好多忙,只愿意你的心欠我的20人民幣這筆勾銷。 Generously, he agreed to wipe off their small debt to him as a mark of respect for their dead father. 他慷慨大方隨和地應允大筆勾銷用戶欠他的小數額政府債務,以表達對用戶離世老父親的敬佩。 I shall never feel satisfied until that debt is wiped off. 那筆債不結束,我的愛就放心不掉了。
wipe off2 (v.+prep.)
    把…從…擦掉 remove sth such as a mark from a surface
    wipe sth off sth Wipe the dirt off your shoes. 給你褲子上的臟泥擦下去。 She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face. 她起身來去除滿臉的努力。 Once inside the factory yard,Mother set her baskets down, wiped the sweat off her face and looked round. 一進PCB電路板工廠大宅院,母親圖片便放不下藍子,揩掉身上的眼淚,向四邊呆呆地。 I'm sorry. I wiped those words off the blackboard before I remembered that you wanted them left on. 對沒有,我要黑板上哪幾種字進行擦干處理了才回憶起我能保存其。
wipe on (v.+prep.)
    在…上擦… clean sth on sth
    wipe sth on sth Wipe your shoes on the mat before coming into the house. 步入房間以上,要在墊子上擦鞋。 He wiped his dirty hands on his apron. 他在罩衣上擦他的臟手。 Wipe wax on the scratched surface. 請把劃完了的界面打上蠟。
wipe out (v.+adv.)
    徹底摧毀,消滅 cancel〔destroy〕 sth completely; put an end to sth; kill, destroy or get rid of sb/sth, especially in great numbers
    wipe sth ? out It is months since he wiped out the fuel tank. 他好多個八個月不會擦凈油廂了。 Don't forget to wipe out the sink when you've finished the dishes. 你洗后小盤子后,千萬別暫時忘記涮洗菜盆。 Could you wipe the basin out? 把護膚盆里 弄很臟怎么樣? We wiped the bottles out before returning to the milkman. 我們大家把罐子讓給送奶工在之前,先把二者擦拭干凈凈。 These cups have been thoroughly wiped out. 這個瓷杯都擦得干純潔凈了。 Make sure that the inside of the coffee pot is thoroughly wiped out. 甜品壺的里面一些 要擦得干好凈。 wipe out These stains won't easily wipe out. 等等淤點不容易弄掉。 wipe sth ? out Wipe out the pencil marks on your textbook! 你的心教材上的HB鉛筆道兒擦下來! She got angry and wiped out her name on the blackboard. 她氣憤了,因而就把黑板上寫的我的名洗掉了。 wipe sth ? out This last payment will wipe out your debt to me. 這結果多筆匯款將結束你欠我的債務糾紛。 After years of family fighting, the uncles agreed to wipe out old scores so their children could marry. 經途歷經多年家庭搏斗后會,長輩們們容易清理宿怨,方能女兒們可以通婚。 wipe sb/sth ? out They wiped him out to keep him from appearing as a witness. 孩子把他殺害了,怕他出來的做證。 The epidemic wiped out half the town's population. 時興病奪去鎮里一邊人的生命安全。 One atom bomb can wipe out thousands of people. 一株原空包彈能弄死成千幾十萬的人。 We are always ready to wipe out any enemy who dares to attack. 我們的時需備著剿滅任何東西勇于嘗試來犯之敵。 The enemy wiped out the whole nation. 仇敵天譴了整個的一個國家。 Doctors are searching for a cure that will wipe out cancer. 主任醫師們稍后搜尋鏟除肺癌的醫用步驟。 Centuries ago, this deserted place was a flourishing town, but a tornado is said to have wiped it out. 多個世記前,這片寸草不生的地點曾一座富強的村鎮,可你以為兩場塵卷風掃平了它。 Smoking in the field is strictly forbidden in the harvest season; a single spark can start a fire that will wipe out all the crop. 成果時段堅決杜絕在田地里抽煙,些兒火光都會引致三場著火,毀壞全部的莊稼。 The depression wiped out his savings. 社會經濟慘淡使他把個人存款花掉了。 His generous gift has helped to wipe out our loss. 他的慷概受贈幫到咱們確定了海損。 The wicked must be wiped out. 除惡務盡,除惡務盡。 Thousands of men were wiped out in that battle. 在哪次打仗中數以千計計程車兵陣亡了。 A whole battalion of enemy troops were wiped out in the battle. 這場戰場中消除了敵軍整整的另一個營。 All four aircrafts were wiped out by missiles fired from the ground. 四架無人機全被路面放射的空空導彈擊毀了。 The city was completely wiped out. 那座城市發展被徹底刪除文件泯滅了。 Illiteracy has been wiped out in our village. 我們公司村已滅殺了文盲。 As time went on, those unpleasant events were gradually wiped out from his memory. 隨之時光英文的飛逝,哪種不開心快樂的歷程便一點一點地從他的記性中看不見了。
wipe up (v.+adv.)
    (把洗過的碗碟等用抹布)擦干,擦掉(落下的某物或濺出的液體等) take up liquid etc. by mopping〔rubbing〕 with a cloth, or to dry crockery, etc. after it has been washed; make dry
    wipe sth ? up Anyone is welcome to use the meeting room but must wipe up the mess afterward. 迎接我們食用年會室,但用后要把廢品物清除清潔。 Who is going to wipe up this mess? 由誰來把領域亂糟糟的物質除掉? The waitress wiped up the soup spilt over the table. 女服務項目員瀝干了濺在辦公室桌子的湯跡。 Don't let the coffee sink into the carpet; wipe it up. 別讓美酒滲進地墊里,把它瀝干。
wipe with (v.+prep.)
    用…擦 clean (sth such as a surface) by rubbing with (a cloth); use (a cloth) for cleaning
    wipe sth with sth Mother wiped the glasses with a dry towel. 爸爸用條干吸水毛巾吹干洗完的玻璃杯。 I like to wipe the windows with a very soft cloth. 我熱愛用至關松軟的布擦窗門。 He wiped his face and neck with a towel. 來用抹布擦臉和頸部一個。 He wiped the sweat from his brow with his hands. 別用手擦去啦腦門兒的汗。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Take the poker, and fetch it a wipe across the nose. 出自: G. B. Shaw
  • Daisy..wiped her face with the back of her hand. 出自: P. Fitzgerald
  • Rosie looked down at her earth-stained fingers...She wiped them on..her dress. 出自: A. Huth
  • It was Henry who..scrubbed the kitchen floor, wiped down the surfaces. 出自: N. Williams
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