

[r?b]     [r?b]    
  • v. 擦;摩擦;搓;惹惱
  • n. 困難;障礙;擦
rubbed rubbed rubbing rubs



v. (動詞)
  1. 摩擦,擦,搓,磨
  2. 擦破,擦痛
  3. 磨損
  4. 使人惱火
  5. 摹拓
  6. 使相擦
  7. 揉,撫摩
  8. 擦掉,揩拭
  9. 把...摩擦得
  10. 用...擦,擦上,涂上,抹,搽
  11. 被擦掉(常與off,out等連用)
  12. 觸痛,惹怒
  13. 接觸
n. (名詞)
  1. 困難,障礙,阻礙
  2. 擦,磨擦
  3. 磨損處;擦痛處
  4. 疑難點,要點
  5. 嘲諷,暗諷,譏刺,挖苦
  6. 【滾木球戲】不平坦,崎嶇
  7. 球碰到障礙物滾歪
  8. 傷害感情的東西
  9. 磨(刀)石


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 擦; 搓; 揉 move one thing backwards and forwards on the surface of (another)
  2. vt. & vi. 接觸; 摩擦 come into, or be in, contact with, by a sliding or up and down movement


  1. an unforeseen obstacle
  2. the act of rubbing or wiping;

    "he gave the hood a quick rub"

  1. move over something with pressure;

    "rub my hands"
    "rub oil into her skin"

  2. cause friction;

    "my sweater scratches"

  3. scrape or rub as if to relieve itching;

    "Don't scratch your insect bites!"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I rubbed the window with a cloth.
  2. We may have to rub polish on the floor.
  3. He asked me to rub up the silver.
  4. The wheel's rubbing on the mudguard.
  5. It is an Eskimo custom to rub noses as a greeting.
  6. He rubbed his hands to keep them warm.
  7. His laziness was beginning to rub me.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. We need money badly, but there's the rub: no one will lend us any.
  2. There lies the rub.
  3. Mum has given the spoons a good rub to make them clean.


用作動詞 (v.)
rub against (v.+prep.)
    把…往上面蹭,沾上 slide with pressure against
    rub against sth The journal rubs against the bearing surface. 軸頸在軸承套上邊滑動摩擦。 One part rubs against the other. 是一這一部分與另是一這一部分振動。 rub sth against sth The dog rubbed its head against my legs. 那狗把它的頭往我的腿上蹭。 You've rubbed your coat against some wet paint. 把毛呢大衣沾有了未干的漆面。
rub along (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉關系融洽 have a reasonably good relationship (with sb)
    rub along He rubs along quite well. 他過得挺比較好。 Jack was not so much interested in making money, so long as he could manage to rub along. 但凡日常能過得去,杰克對爭錢并不那就感興致。 rub along (with sb) He and his wife seem to rub along all right. 他跟他的老婆也許打交道得挺出色。 I find it difficult to rub along with Paul, he is so unpredictable. 我以為和保羅很不到位交往,他這各人深無可測。
rub down (v.+adv.)
    把…磨光滑 make smooth by rubbing
    row sb/sth ? down Rub the wall down well before applying new paint. 在涂上線刷漆剛剛,先將墻磨平。 Trainers rub down an athlete after hard exercise. 健身員明顯的的訓練在此之后,訓練員為他足療按摩。
rub it in (v.+pron.+adv.)
    〈非正〉反復提某人的過錯、失敗等 keep talking about sth that another person wants to forget
rub into (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉灌輸 teach sth to sb by forceful repetition
    rub sth into sth Rub some of the cream into your skin to protect it from the sun. 在新皮膚上擦些防曬乳霜,慎防日頭曬。 Rubbing this special cream into the insect bite will help to take away the worst of the pain. 用此類特別制作油膏在臭蟲咬過的地區揉捏可不可以遠遠避免傷痛。 rub into sb that/wh-clause Parents often try to rub into their children how much they owe to them. 做爺爺奶奶的不時向男孩潛移默化爺爺奶奶上下聯女恩重如山。 I thought that by now I had been able to rub into you that you must ask permission first. 我原誤以為我以及重復向你講清了處事情1要達到經營許可資料。
rub off (v.+adv.)
    (使)減色 (cause to) appear less bright, praiseworthy, etc.
    rub sth ? off She couldn't rub off the blood stain on her blouse. 她很慢將長褲的血漬弄掉。 The teacher rubbed the exercises off. 政治老師把練習題擦下去了。 rub off With the passing of time, some of the glitter of the achievement has rubbed off. 如今期限的轉瞬即逝,這樣光明的成果某個所減色。 rub sth ? off The news of rigged ballots has rubbed off much of the shine of their election victory. 自己操作選票的消息報使自己在普選中才能得到的常勝多大減色。
rub off on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    〈口〉因接觸〔相處〕而對…產生影響 pass from one person to another as a result of close contact
rub on (v.+prep.)
    與…摩擦 touch with sth
    rub on sth That door rubs on the floor. 那兩扇門與板材摩擦力。
rub out (v.+adv.)
    〈美口〉干掉,殺死 murder sb
rub through (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉勉強渡過,捱過 reach some kind of success without proper methods
    rub through There is a difficult time ahead, but we'll rub through somehow. 困難的的生活在后頭,也是.我總會想方設法將就應付過去的英文。
rub together (v.+adv.)
    互相摩擦 make two things touch each other repeatedly
    rub sth together This insect makes its strange noise by rubbing its back legs together. 這只蟲類擠壓它的兩種腿部傳出一類奇葩的歌聲。
rub up (v.+adv.)
    擦亮; 重溫 polish by rubbing; brush up
    rub sth ? up She rubbed up the silver plates to a high gloss. 她把銀盤擦得很亮。 I'll have to rub up my French before I go to Paris. 去莫斯科前幾天,我一定要溫習荷蘭語。 Your English grammar needs to be rubbed up. 你的英語英語英語的語法必須要高三復習以下。
rub up against (v.+adv.+prep.)
    偶然遇到 come into contact with sb by accident
rub with (v.+prep.)
    用…反復擦 touch (sth) repeatedly and firmly with sth
    rub sth with sth She rubbed the window with a cloth. 她用好幾塊布擦窗戶。
rub shoulders with (v.+n.+prep.)
    接觸 live or work closely with sb
    rub shoulders with sb The more we rub shoulders with the workers, the more we come to appreciate their excellent qualities. 人們和工友接觸的面積多,就越能體會心得到大家的不錯品質質量。 During those two terms at the boarding school, she rubbed shoulders with the rich. 那這兩個下學期寄宿于大學,因此她與富商的子弟想有溝通。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The..cat..rubbed against her knees. 出自: K. Mansfield





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