

[br??]     [br??]    
  • n. 刷子;畫筆;刷
  • n. 灌木叢
  • n. 小沖突;爭吵
  • vt. 刷;掠過;輕觸;擦;撣
  • vi. 輕擦;拂拭
brushy brusher brushed brushed brushing brushes



n. (名詞)
  1. 刷子,毛刷,刷
  2. 刷狀物
  3. 狐貍尾巴
  4. 畫筆,毛筆
  5. 灌木叢,雜木林
  6. 筆法,畫法
  7. 小摩擦,小接觸,小爭吵
  8. 一刷,一拂,一抹
  9. 【電】電刷
  10. 刷形放電
  11. 繪畫風格
  12. 畫法
  13. 布拉什(美國制造的驅逐艦)
v. (動詞)
  1. 寫,畫
  2. 掠過,輕觸,擦過
  3. 刷,擦,刷凈,刷亮
  4. 擦掉,拂去,拂,抹,撣,拂拭
  5. 推開
  6. 刷牙,梳頭發,刷頭發
  7. 飛跑,急奔
  8. 不理會,漠視


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]刷子; 畫筆; 毛筆 an instrument with bristles, wire, hair, etc., for cleaning, scrubbing, etc.
  2. [S]擦,吹拂; 刷 an act of brushing; a quick light touch
  3. [C]小沖突,小爭執,小摩擦 a short fight or disagreement
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 擦; 刷 rub with a brush
  2. vt. & vi. 輕觸,掠過 touch lightly against (sb/sth) in passing


  1. a dense growth of bushes
  2. an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
  3. momentary contact
  4. conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor
  5. a bushy tail or part of a bushy tail (especially of the fox)
  6. a minor short-term fight
  7. the act of brushing your teeth;

    "the dentist recommended two brushes a day"

  8. the act of brushing your hair;

    "he gave his hair a quick brush"

  9. contact with something dangerous or undesirable;

    "I had a brush with danger on my way to work"
    "he tried to avoid any brushes with the police"

  1. rub with a brush, or as if with a brush;

    "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"

  2. touch lightly and briefly;

    "He brushed the wall lightly"

  3. clean with a brush;

    "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet"

  4. sweep across or over;

    "Her long skirt brushed the floor"
    "A gasp swept cross the audience"

  5. remove with or as if with a brush;

    "brush away the crumbs"
    "brush the dust from the jacket"
    "brush aside the objections"

  6. cover by brushing;

    "brush the bread with melted butter"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He painted the wall with a brush.
  2. The painter swept a brush over his canvas.
  3. I'll give my coat a good brush.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Let's burn off the rest of the brush.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He had a brush with his neighbour.
  2. She has a nasty brush with her boss this morning.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.
  2. The light wind gently brushed her cheek.
  3. She is scouring the floor with a brush.
  4. I'll have to give my shoes a brush.
  5. He brushed the dust off his clothes.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Don't bother to move.I think I can just brush past.
  2. A cat brushed against her leg in the darkness.


用作名詞 (n.)
give it another brush
    潤色,再加工一下 try to make the painting better
give sb the brush off
    拒絕某人…,讓某人碰釘子,充耳不聞; 不予理睬 terminate a friendship with sb, refuse to hear or believe, quickly and impatiently
have a brush with
    與…發生摩擦,小沖突 have a short fight or disagreement
tarred with the same brush
    一路貨色; 有相同的缺點 assumed to have the same〔bad〕 qualities as one's associates
用作動詞 (v.)
brush against (v.+prep.)
    碰,擦 touch; bump
    brush against sb/sth A drunkard brushed against me in a rude way. 的醉漢從我在生活中通過時粗魯地碰了忍不住下。 His car brushed against mine. 他的各類汽車行業擦著我的各類汽車行業辦過去。 She brushed against a chair as she rushed in. 她飛跑闖進來時碰倒打了個張靠椅。 Something brushed against the back of the case. 有怎樣的小東西擦著了盒子的正背。 He brushed against the door as he entered the room. 他開啟房子時,身軀和臥室門碰好幾回下。 If we happened to brush carelessly against the over-hanging rocks they would crash down at any moment. 這樣公司不大心碰巧碰著那一些傾斜的巖漿巖,鳥卵時刻都或者掉之后。 I am brushed against by cyclists. 讓我騎自車人一擦經過。 The child was brushed against by a motorcycle. 這同學被一輛性能不錯的越野車麾托車擦半個下。
brush aside〔away〕 (v.+adv.)
    無視,不顧,漠視(某情況等) refuse to pay attention to (sth)
brush down (v.+adv.)
    斥責(某人) scold (sb) for a fault
brush off1 (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉拒絕聽,不理睬 refuse to listen to (sth) or have a relationship with (sb)
    brush off This kind of mud brushes off easily when it dries. 在這種沙土干后很易刷凈。 Dried mud on the shoes brushes off easily. 鞋上的污水干后一刷就落。 Don't worry about that mark; it will brush off. 別責怪哪一個圓斑,用鋼絲刷能夠將它清除。 brush sth ? off Please brush this insect off. 請把這只蟲撣掉。 brush sb/sth ? off I didn't expect her to brush us off like this. 我未預料到她會只要婉拒我國。 Jim's girlfriend brushed him off before he met Mary. 吉姆的老婆在他成為瑪麗前面就把他甩了。 He tried to start a conversation but she brushed him off. 他想搭訕美女,但她不理睬他。 She brushed me off when I invited her to go to the movies with me yesterday. 我昨天早上應邀她與我一塊去看影視作品時,她回絕了我。 I invited him to watch an opera with me yesterday, but he brushed me off. 昨晚我邀請他同剛想起看戲,但他絲毫沒有給面子地說服了。 I've tried to make contact with them, but they've brushed me off. 我也來想和他倆排斥排斥,是他倆不太理睬我。 Eva went up to speak to her employer, but he brushed her off impatiently. 伊娃抬起和她的用人單位溝通,但他容易腐爛煩地不理睬她。 The mayor hurried into his office, brushing off the reporters. 鎮長快走到了辦公樓室,拒絕接見新聞媒體。 The mayor brushed off the reporter's question with a joke. 鎮長用句幽默段子打法掉我們的狀況。 She brushed off all our suggestions. 她拒不履行答復讓我們的建立。 He has brushed the whole matter off. 他把一個事要都扔掉了。 He cut his finger but he brushed it off as not important and kept working. 他割破了指尖,但仍若遇其事地堅持本職工作。 The committee brushed off his enquiries with meaningless promises. 理事會有用根本真正意義的許諾來搪塞他的條件。 She brushed off every suggestion with a shrug and raised eyebrows. 她對每家建議大家都聳聳肩,吹動眉毛予以排斥。 He brushed off her warning that he might fall from the roof. 她勸告他,說他會從房檐摔過來,他卻充耳不聞。 John brushed off Peter's warning that he might fall from the tree. 彼得報警雷德里克謹防別從山上跌起來,雷德里克卻不理睬。 He has never been brushed off so rudely before. 他其實并沒有屢遭過這樣的粗魯的不給。 I don't know why our suggestions have been brushed off. 我沒有明白為任何我的建立被避免了。
brush off2 (v.+prep.)
    刷掉,撣掉或拂掉(某物) (cause to) be removed or cleaned with a brush
    brush sth off sth He brushed the snow off his clothes and went inside. 他把的身上的雪拂去,第二才進去了。 She brushed the dirt off my coat. 她刷去我外套衣服上的靜電。
brush over (v.+adv.)
    不經心地談到… speak about (sth)
brush past1 (v.+adv.)
    經過時觸及某人〔物〕 pass (sth/sb), touch-ing lightly
    brush past I wanted to speak to her, but she just brushed past. 我不想同她領導講話,是她快速就跨過想去。 There was only just room to brush past in the crowd. 在類人中不過探著全身這樣才能過往的接縫處。 Don't bother to move. I think I can just brush past. 不用不便動了,我認為我會擦身擠去。
brush past2 (v.+prep.)
    經過時觸及某人〔物〕 pass (sth/sb), touching lightly
    brush past sb He brushed past me in a rude way. 他粗魯地從我周圍擦過。 Mr.Smith brushed past me in the street. 史密斯先生英文在路上跟我擦肩經過經過。 He brushed past the secret agents and quickly strolled out of the teahouse. 他從特務生邊踏過,專業地出了茶樓加盟店。 He brushed past the reporters without making any comment. 他從他們女記者旁擦身即逝,沒作某些發表評論。 When they brushed past each other in the corridor, he noticed that she was wearing a new perfume. 當許多人在走道里擦肩擦身而過擦身而過時,他需要注意到她用一個多種新的淡香水。
brush up (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉使提高或完善 improve (sth) by brushing
brush up against (v.+adv.+prep.)
    意外地遇到 meet (usually trouble) unexpectedly
brush up on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    復習 review
    brush up on sth I really need to brush up on my French. 我我覺得還要提高了我的荷蘭語層次。 She spent the summer brushing up on her American History as she was to teach that in the fall. 她利用炎熱的夏季溫習了俄羅斯歷史上,為了她冬季要講解那門技術。 Jack can't go with you because he needs to brush up on his notes. 杰克可以同你1塊兒去,為了他必須要溫習軟文筆記。 I'm going to brush up on those medical terms, some of which I may come across some day in my translation duties. 我得復習考試點一下那醫學專業專用名詞,今后在譯文資料中會會遇到幾個的。 You had better brush up on your backstroke if you are playing with him. 如何我會同他比寒,你最好是全新學習一番推擋擊球。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Tempt not yet the brushes of the war. 出自:Troilus Cressida , Shakespeare
  • Three ugly brushes with the law over charges he could not understand. 出自: J. A. Michener
  • Often brushing through the dripping grass. 出自: J. Clare
  • The friction of people brushing past her was evidently painful. 出自: V. Woolf
  • Do not brush against a bush lest you leave a thread to show our passage. 出自: F. Herbert
  • The other [hand] trying to brush the cigar ash off his lapels. 出自: J. B. Priestley
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