

[kli?n]     [kli?n]    
  • adj. 干凈的;純潔的;完全的;空白的;正當的;精準的
  • adv. 完全地
  • n. 清潔
  • v. 打掃;清掃;擦,刷
cleanable cleaner cleanest cleanness cleaned cleaned cleaning cleans



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 清白的
  2. 干凈的,清潔的,愛干凈的
  3. 干凈利落的
  4. 純潔的,無色情的,不淫猥的
  5. 完全的,徹底的,十足的
  6. 無放射性塵埃的,未染污的
  7. 巧妙的,高明的
  8. 正直的,正派的
  9. 光明正大的,不作弊的
  10. 未使用過的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 干凈地,清潔地,整潔地,整齊地
  2. 徹底地,完全地,全然地,整個地,全部,統統,十分
  3. 巧妙地,熟練地
  4. 干凈利落地,一干二凈
  5. 一古腦兒地
  6. 徑直
  7. 全盤招供,和盤托出
  8. 純潔地
n. (名詞)
  1. 打掃,去垢,清掃,清潔
  2. 擊球員以安全打把壘上全部跑壘員帶回本壘得分
v. (動詞)
  1. 掃除,(被)打掃,把...收拾干凈,被弄干凈,使...干凈,變干凈,清潔,清理,搞清潔衛生,做清潔工作,打掃房屋
  2. 弄清楚
  3. 洗滌
  4. 把...擦干凈,擦亮
  5. 收清
  6. 搬空
  7. 除去…的灰塵,去除...的污垢,為...清除污物
  8. 清除內臟
  9. 清除不必要的人,裁減
  10. 使凈化
  11. 使成為空(白)的,出空,剝光
  12. 把魚去鱗,把(雞)去毛開膛
  13. 使輸得精光,使一文不名
  14. 耗盡(常與out連用)
  15. 提鈴至胸
  16. 下蹲翻


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 清潔的,干凈的; 無病菌的,純凈的 free from dirt; free from bacteria or anything impure
  2. 新的,未用過的 fresh; not yet used
  3. 正派的; 誠實的; 純潔的; 正大光明的 morally or sexually pure; fair or honest; not disobeying rules or laws
  4. 整齊的; 表面光滑的; 規則的; 勻稱的 having a smooth edge or surface; even; regular
adv. (副詞)
  1. 完全地,徹底地 completely
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 使清潔; 變干凈 make (sth) clean or free of dirt; become clean


  1. a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead
  1. free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits;

    "children with clean shining faces"
    "clean white shirts"
    "clean dishes"
    "a spotlessly clean house"
    "cats are clean animals"

  2. free of restrictions or qualifications;

    "a clean bill of health"
    "a clear winner"

  3. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims;

    "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"
    "clear laughter like a waterfall"
    "clear reds and blues"
    "a light lilting voice like a silver bell"

  4. free from impurities;

    "clean water"
    "fresh air"

  5. (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense;

    "a clean voting record"
    "a clean driver's license"

  6. ritually clean or pure
  7. not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination;

    "a clean fuel"
    "cleaner and more efficient engines"
    "the tactical bomb is reasonably clean"

  8. (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers;

    "good clean fun"
    "a clean joke"

  9. free from sepsis or infection;

    "a clean (or uninfected) wound"

  10. morally pure;

    "led a clean life"

  11. (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections;

    "fair copy"
    "a clean manuscript"

  12. (of a surface) not written or printed on;

    "blank pages"
    "fill in the blank spaces"
    "a clean page"
    "wide white margins"

  13. exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play;

    "a clean fight"
    "a sporting solution of the disagreement"
    "sportsmanlike conduct"

  14. without difficulties or problems;

    "a clean test flight"

  15. thorough and without qualification;

    "a clean getaway"
    "a clean sweep"
    "a clean break"

  16. not carrying concealed weapons
  17. free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed;

    "he landed a clean left on his opponent's cheek"
    "a clean throw"
    "the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife"

  18. free of drugs;

    "after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years"

  1. completely; used as intensifiers;

    "clean forgot the appointment"
    "I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out"

  2. in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating;

    "they played fairly"

  1. make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from;

    "Clean the stove!"
    "The dentist cleaned my teeth"

  2. remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits;

    "Clean the turkey"

  3. clean and tidy up the house;

    "She housecleans every week"

  4. clean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing;

    "clean up before you see your grandparents"
    "clean your fingernails before dinner"

  5. be cleanable;

    "This stove cleans easily"

  6. deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc.;

    "The other players cleaned him completely"

  7. remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely;

    "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters"
    "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm"

  8. remove while making clean;

    "Clean the spots off the rug"

  9. remove unwanted substances from
  10. remove shells or husks from;

    "clean grain before milling it"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. You must keep your clothes clean.
  2. I'll let you use my bike on condition that you keep it clean.
  3. Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning.
  4. President Bush writes a personal letter to Kim, in essence entreating him to come clean on his nuclear program so we can proceed to full normalization.
  5. We want you to be a good boy, and live a clean, righteous life.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. I clean forgot about it.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The housewife always keeps the sink clean.
  2. Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Please clean the window as I can hardly see out.
  2. The mayor is determined to clean up the city.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
as clean as a whistle
    非常干凈的 very clean
clean bill of health
    無罪的證明 innocent certificate
come clean
    〈非正〉坦白承認 admit truthfully
keep one's nose clean
    安分守己 stay out of trouble
live a clean life
    過正派清白的生活 be blameless
make a clean breast of
    坦白交代 make a full confession of
make a clean sweep
    徹底清除 dispose of (everything)
用作副詞 (adv.)
clean through
    穿過,穿透 right through; without obstruction
用作動詞 (v.)
clean away( v.+adv. )
    除去 remove (dirt, etc.)
    clean sth ? away Do you think we can clean away all these finger marks? 看企業可以把這部分指痕全取掉嗎?
clean down( v.+adv. )
    把…洗干凈 wash out thoroughly
    clean sth ? down He spent a whole afternoon cleaning the whole house down. 他花了了整個的上午,把房子徹底刪除文件清洗了了下。 We were asked to clean down the walls when we left the house that we had been renting. 離租房的宅子時,女主人規定要求各位把墻洗純凈。 I'm going to clean down the car this afternoon. 現在下午三點我能把車切底家電清洗下面。 I want you to clean down the top of that wooden table until I can eat my dinner off it. 你要那我那張木板桌腿的桌子清潔干凈徹底,到了我要在桌子上吃晚飯即可。
clean of( v.+prep. )
    把(斑點、污漬等)從(某物)上清除掉 wash (sth) clean of (marks, dirt, etc.)
    clean sth of sth Can you clean the coat of these dirty marks? 你能夠把這事外衣上的污點洗掉嗎? She felt that it was hopeless to try to clean her hand of the blood. 她備感她雙手心的血痕是洗不掉的。
clean off( v.+adv. )
    除去 remove (dirt, especially surface dirt)
    clean off I hope these black marks will clean off. 我期望這一些黑白點能消除。 clean sth ? off I hope I shall be able to clean off these black marks. 我我渴望我會把此類黑黑點弄掉。
clean out( v.+adv. )
    離開 leave (usually in a hurry)
    clean sth ? out He cleans out his desk drawers every now and then. 他過些時就把兒童書桌里的格子快速清理一會。 Clean out your desk. 你你書桌里面傳統清掃一番。 clean sb/sth ? out He cleaned out his room. 他清理了房。 I need some to help in cleaning out the animal shelter. 我應該被人輔助被我大牲畜棚打掃房間說一下。 Why don't you clean out your handbag? 你這是為什么東西不給你的手提式包打掃收拾一會兒? clean sb/sth ? out The manager cleaned out inefficient personnel. 長廠把低效能率成員簡化丟了。 clean sb/sth out of sth The new mayor promised to clean the crooks out of the city government. 新到任的鎮長允許肅清市政建設府中的不好團伙。 Inefficient personnel were cleaned out of the management. 處理人中處事效應較低的被清除非外出。 clean sb/sth ? out We played cards and he cleaned me out. .我玩了紙牌,他讓我的錢全贏光了。 I've no more savings now, buying the TV has cleaned me out. 我現在半點儲蓄存款也沒能了,買電視劇機給我的錢輸光了。 She cleaned out her savings in a short time. 她在多日間內把都是錢財都花完了。 The robbers cleaned the bank out, and got away with £100,000. 強盜把建行洗劫一空,搶奪了30萬元。 I'm cleaned out after last night's heavy spending. 昨夜一手大腳地交費用,弄得我在囊空如洗。 Another jeweler's was cleaned out of all its stock on Saturday night. 一周六半夜,一舉家玉器店被洗劫一空。 clean out The thieves took the jewels and then cleaned out. 一些賊拿了金飾品,歲月如梭而去。
clean up( v.+adv. )
    (給自己)洗臉〔洗手,洗澡〕 get (oneself) washed
    clean up This room needs cleaning up. 這一屋子是需要大掃除說一下。 As soon as I finish cleaning up,I'll join you. 清潔完成我也來。 You should always clean up after a picnic. 野餐后你要整理衣柜整潔。 clean up for sth Boys and girls, clean up for dinner. 嬰兒們,收拾房間純凈安排開飯吧! clean sth ? up Let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it. 我可以把碎玻璃窗掃掉,免得有些人踩上。 They are cleaning up the house before moving in. 她們在搬到去時候請稍等新房子里大大掃除。 He has cleaned up the room. 他已是大掃除了這宅子。 It's your turn to clean up the bedroom. 這一次跳到你打掃衛生屋里了。 Tell him to clean the table up. 叫他把凳子整理衣柜干干凈凈。 He cleaned the paper and rubbish up on the floor. 他把地面的廢紙材料和臟設備處理純凈。 clean sth ? up The brothers cleaned up a profit in the property market. 那哥好多個在房房地產投資業市面 撈了了筆錢。 They cleaned up a tidy sum by selling their tickets at a high price just before the concert. 在音樂下載會慢慢過后,用戶重金賣景區門票,賺了許多錢。 clean up on sth The company cleaned up on its recent business arrangement. 哪家裝修公司在這兩天的業務范圍中賺了筆錢。 clean sb/sth ? up They fought bravely to clean up the bandits. 我們奮勇聯合作戰以肅清土匪。 They left a company behind to clean up the last enemy positions. 你們變痣一款連來除去大量敵軍最后一個的兩處陣地戰。 clean up on sb The boxer cleaned up on his opponent. 一位拳擊手擊殺了他的對手作文。 Far from welcoming criticism, he did all he could to clean up on his critics. 他幾乎不歡迎辭公開公開批評,恰恰相反,總愛百計大家公開公開批評他的人。 clean sth ? up They clean up old debts. 孩子們結清了舊債。 They clean up pending cases. 你工作弄完懸而未決的案子。 clean sth ? up The mayor tried to clean up the city, but to no avail. Criminal activities were still everywhere and the crime rate was still high. 省長嘗試整治那些旅游城市,但時未奏效。暴力經濟犯罪行動仍很猖獗,暴力經濟犯罪率已經很高。 clean up Wait for me. I have to clean up. 孩他我,我應該洗洗手消毒。 I'll have to clean up and change clothes before I go to that party. 我不得不洗個澡,換一個t恤才去赴宴。 When he cleaned up, we could hardly recognize him. 他清晰一些后咱們近乎認不用他了。 clean oneself up Just give me ten minutes to clean myself up; I'm covered in oil. 我全身沾滿了污垢,給你相當鐘事件我要洗一些。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞


  • All of Diamond perfect pure and cleene. 出自: Spenser
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