

['rek?nsa?l]     ['rek?nsa?l]    
  • v. 調和;和解;妥協;一致
reconciliatory reconcilement reconciled reconciled reconciling reconciles



v. (動詞)
  1. 使一致
  2. 使和好
  3. 使和解
  4. 調停
  5. 調解
  6. 使安于
  7. 使甘心于
  8. 排解
  9. 使滿足
  10. 使安心
  11. 使調和
  12. 【宗】使潔凈
  13. 【船】使(木板)接縫平滑
  14. 使和諧
  15. 使和好如初
  16. 妥協
  17. 將就
  18. 使順從
  19. 使相符
  20. 使聽從


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 使和解; 調和 become friends after they have quarrelled; make peace between
  2. vt. 安于; 適應 overcome one's objections to; resign oneself to


  1. make (one thing) compatible with (another);

    "The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories"

  2. bring into consonance or accord;

    "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities"

  3. come to terms;

    "After some discussion we finally made up"

  4. accept as inevitable;

    "He resigned himself to his fate"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I can't reconcile the two extreme views.
  2. We tried to reconcile her with her family.
  3. We were finally reconciled when he apologized.
  4. He had to reconcile himself to his fate.
  5. We must reconcile our statements with our conduct.


用作動詞 (v.)
reconcile to (v.+prep.)
    使自己習慣于并準備接受(不好的事物) accustom oneself to and be prepared to accept (sth usually bad)
    reconcile oneself to sth/v-ing The people must reconcile themselves to a reduced standard of living. 他們必需使自我行為認真的英文現在的生活層次的減低。 Must they reconcile themselves to their fate? They asked themselves. 其捫心自問,誰說就應心甘容忍此類運勢嗎? He refused to reconcile himself to the idea that he is a failure. 他不承不承認自行根本所成。 I can't reconcile myself to such a theory. 我是無法容忍那么的理論。 He could not reconcile himself to living alone . 他味道無法轉變單獨家庭生活。 I am reconciled to the idea of retirement. 我我同意養老金。 A s he was not reconciled to his defeat, he was determined to try again in the next contest. 他不甘愿今天錯誤,全力以赴在下次比賽英文中再作的努力。 I am reconciled to my loss. 我甘愿由于盤虧。 After years of suffering she had become reconciled to the fate. 受了5年的被虐后,他已安于天命。 How can I become reconciled to suffering any more pain? 我這么就可以經得住住太多的痛楚呢?
reconcile with (v.+prep.)
    使與…一致 find or cause agreement between sth and sth else
    reconcile sb/oneself with sb He reconciled himself with them in the end. 最后一個,你和你們調解了。 After many years she was reconciled with her husband's mother, who at last said that she was sorry. 多個年內她的婆母就此向她回應,相當于倆個人和解。 He refused to become reconciled with his brother. 他從不與他表兄弟和解。 reconcile sth with sth How do you reconcile your principles with your behaviour, which is exactly opposite? 你的舉措與你的規則如出一轍,你怎么才華使它是相符好呢? He reconciled his statement with conduct. 他品行統一。 I can't reconcile what you say with the facts of the case. 看看看不到你說的的與這個案子中諸犯罪行為相匹配合。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He came in secret to..reconcile her sire. 出自: Sir W. Scott
  • The king's desire to reconcile his cousin with a friend. 出自: W. H. Dixon
  • Mary was reconciled to Milton. 出自: A. N. Wilson
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