

[s?b'm?t]     [s?b'm?t]    
  • vt. 使服從;使屈服;提交;遞交;認為
  • vi. 屈從
submittal submitted submitted submitting submits



v. (動詞)
  1. 使服從,使屈服
  2. 使受到,遭到
  3. 認為
  4. 提交,提出,提供
  5. 呈遞,呈送,遞交
  6. 使經受,甘受,忍受,承受,接受,受
  7. 【律】建議
  8. 請求判斷
  9. 拜服,歸順,屈服,順從,服從,屈從,聽...話,向...讓步,唯唯諾諾
  10. 委托
  11. 認輸,投降
  12. 不得已接受
  13. 申辯
  14. 聽從,遵重
  15. 謙恭


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 使受控制; 服從 put oneself under the control of another
  2. vt. 提出 put forward for opinion, discussion, decision, etc.


  1. refer for judgment or consideration;

    "The lawyers submitted the material to the court"

  2. put before;

    "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"

  3. yield to the control of another
  4. hand over formally
  5. refer to another person for decision or judgment;

    "She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues"

  6. yield to another's wish or opinion;

    "The government bowed to the military pressure"

  7. accept or undergo, often unwillingly;

    "We took a pay cut"

  8. make an application as for a job or funding;

    "We put in a grant to the NSF"

  9. make over as a return;

    "They had to render the estate"

  10. accept as inevitable;

    "He resigned himself to his fate"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. We will submit ourselves to the court's judgement.
  2. We have to submit ourselves to discipline.
  3. He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.
  4. Please fill in and submit the form below.
  5. I submit that more proof is needed to support the case.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. They refused to submit to the unjust decision.
  2. He submitted unwillingly to his mother.


用作動詞 (v.)
submit to (v.+prep.)
    向…呈交〔遞送…〕 offer (an idea, sth written, etc.) for consideration to (sb or a group)
    submit to sb/sth/v-ing They didn't submit to the enemy. 孩子 就沒有向仇敵抗拉。 The people had to submit to the new rulers when they lost the war. 敗退的人體不允許不聽命于新的獨裁統治者。 No country would submit to being controlled by another country. 未一點一家國家的甘受他國的保持。 Children at school must submit to the orders of the headmaster. 小型在校園必須要順從教務主任的指示箭頭。 He is the last man to submit tamely to another's opinion. 他絕就不是服從陌生人工作建議的人。 Never submit to a threat. 永遠別屈服于于危及。 They had to submit to a thorough body search at the airport. 在國際機場,它們不能不接納搜身檢杳。 I won't submit to having my freedom suppressed. 我絕不會承受我的人權遭遇打壓。 I submit to being parted from you. 我只有被迫跟你分別是了。 He will not submit to being separated from her. 他不愿撤出她。 She would not submit to being guided by him. 她不不肯聽他的評價表。 submit oneself/sth to sb/sth I refused to submit myself to his control. 我不給無條件服從他的控制。 We will submit ourselves to your arrangement. 我們的會無條件服從父母的配備的。 He submitted himself to discipline. 他遵守規則記律。 The girl submitted herself to her mother's direction. 小女童服從爸爸的吩咐。 She was unwilling to submit her house to rough treatment by tenants. 她不喜歡房客住她的房間而不珍惜。 The metal was submitted to analysis. 對這一金屬件采取了研究分析。 submit sth to sb/sth I shall submit the report to the Chairman. 我將把計劃書還給毛主席。 Some students have not yet submitted their essays to their tutors. 有很多我們還沒有把文獻資料還給碩導。 Have you submitted your entry to the judges yet? 把記下寄給司法何時能? They submitted a plan to the city council. 你們向市政建設會提出者了項年度計劃。 Your suggestion was submitted to the commission for its consideration. 你的推薦已撤回分委會會顧慮。 All important problems must be submitted to the committee. 萬事萬物非常重要的情況都不得不呈交理事會會。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He silently submits to the killer's raised knife. 出自: M. Esslin
  • Under no circumstances will he submit to an alien rule he cannot understand. 出自: A. Stevens
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