

[r?'za?n]     [r?'za?n]    
  • v. 辭職;放棄;順從;聽任
resigner resigned resigned resigning resigns



v. (動詞)
  1. 辭職(常與from連用)
  2. 使順從
  3. 使聽從
  4. 放棄
  5. 退出
  6. 拋棄
  7. 讓出
  8. 委身給
  9. 服從
  10. 委托
  11. 聽任


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 辭職; 放棄 give up (a job or position)
  2. vt. & vi. 使聽任; 使順從 cause or allow (oneself) to accept (sth unpleasant which cannot be avoided) calmly or patiently


  1. leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily;

    "She vacated the position when she got pregnant"
    "The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds"

  2. give up or retire from a position;

    "The Secretary of the Navy will leave office next month"
    "The chairman resigned over the financial scandal"

  3. part with a possession or right;

    "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"
    "resign a claim to the throne"

  4. accept as inevitable;

    "He resigned himself to his fate"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Have you heard of her intention to resign?
  2. He decided to resign his claim to the copyright.
  3. He has resigned himself to the fact that he will lose the job.
  4. The team refused to resign themselves to being defeated.


用作動詞 (v.)
resign as (v.+prep.)
    辭去… give up (a job or position)
    resign as sth He is still on the board, but he resigned as chairman some months ago. 他仍在高管長會,但幾月前他辭去了之后高管長長領導職務。 resign sth as sth He was forced to resign his position as headmaster of the school because of ill health. 伴隨身心較差,他不得不辭去校領導的職務職稱。
resign from (v.+prep.)
    辭去; 退出 give formal notice that one will cease working that (a job or doing sth)
    resign from sth/v-ing She resigned from her job. 她辭去過他們的運行。 He has resigned from three of the many offices he held. 他從當初任過的更多工作職務中辭到了多個。 She resigned from the Government. 她辭去了之后地方政府崗位。 They are intending to resign from the Cabinet. 自己有打算辭去內閣的職別。 He has resigned from the chairmanship's of the sub-committee. 他已辭去專班編委會會委員長的職務級別。 He was asked to resign from the club when he was discovered cheating at cards. 大眾挖掘他在玩紙牌時刷分,就標準他下線一個俱樂部網站。
resign to (v.+prep.)
    讓給; 委托 entrust (sth/sb) to (sb/sth)
    resign oneself to sth/v-ing We must resign ourselves to circumstances. 我們的必要迎合生態環境。 She resigned herself entirely to his will. 她可以逆來順受他的觀念。 You shouldn't resign yourself to your fate. 你避免聽天由命。 You must resign yourself to waiting a bit longer. 你那就包容心多等過會兒兒了。 Finding no lodging,I resigned myself to passing the night under the stars. 我找沒法往宿的城市,就好好在樓頂花園里包夜。 When Joan's father explained that he couldn't afford to buy her a new bicycle, she finally resigned herself to riding the old one. 瓊的父母親說買沒有新的及時車給她時,她也就只好作罷,還騎那輛舊的。 We should not be resigned to a state of lagging behind. 企業不可安于且落后。 resign sb/sth to sb/sth She resigned her seat to an old man. 她把坐位讓面老者。 I resign my children to your care. 我將我的孩紙授權委托你照看。 The mother was unwilling to resign the child to the care of her relatives. 那妻子不可以把自個兒的嬰兒交付朋友照看。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Richard was glad to sign a treaty resigning Ascalon. 出自: P. Warner
  • When the school year ended, she resigned her post. 出自: E. Young





  • resignation n. 辭職; 辭職書; 順從,聽從


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