

[??nt?'vi?n]     [??nt?r'vi?n]    
  • vi. 干涉;干預;介入;調停;插入;阻撓
interventional intervenor intervened intervened intervening intervenes



v. (動詞)
  1. 干涉,干預
  2. 介入,插進,插入,介于中間
  3. 調停,調解,仲裁
  4. 干擾,阻擾,打擾,阻礙
  5. 【律】參加訴訟
  6. 隔開
  7. 插手,參與,出面
  8. 插嘴, 打斷(別人的話)
  9. 在…中間,居…之中
  10. 發生于兩個時間、事件之間


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 介于其間 (of events, circumstances) to come between (others) in time; (of time) to come or be between
  2. vi. 干涉; 調停 (of people) to interrupt sth especially to prevent a bad result


  1. get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force;

    "Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II?"

  2. be placed or located between other things or extend between spaces and events;

    "This interludes intervenes between the two movements"
    "Eight days intervened"

  3. occur between other event or between certain points of time;

    "the war intervened between the birth of her two children"



用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Don't intervene in the affairs of another country.
  2. It's time that men of good sense and good will to intervene.
  3. You'd better not intervene in their dispute.
  4. I am powerless to intervene in the matter.
  5. I will come if nothing intervenes.


用作動詞 (v.)
intervene between (v.+prep.)
    在兩者之間調解 come between (two people or parties) to try to influence or settle a disagreement
    intervene between sth A day of calm intervened between the hectic weeks. 在鬧哄哄的幾時間之中一 天穩定的日常。 intervene between sth and sth Only an instant intervened between the flash of lightning and the thunder. 極速和轟雷之間有瞬息的摩擦。 A week intervenes between Christmas and New Year's Day. 萬圣節節與元旦節相互間相差一周時間。 Years intervened between the Civil War and the World War. 在了南北戰事和天下大對決之間相隔更歷經多年。 A huge and at that time apparently barren waste intervenes between the St.Lawrence basin and the fertile prairie. 在勞倫斯沖積扇和富饒的大草原上中間就是塊較大的、在當場很很顯然是空寂的農村土地。 intervene between sb I would advise you not to intervene between those two drunks, you might get hurt. 我勸你要訴訟那這兩個醉漢的發生爭執,我會碰傷害的。 intervene between sb/sth and sb/sth He intervenes between the physician and the patient. 他參與介入婦科醫生和病號兩者之間的事。 The woman tried to intervene between her husband and son, but she was roughly pushed aside. 那為女同志竭盡所能在妻子和該子其中糾紛調解,但她被粗魯地扔到一堆邊。 The government asked a leading lawyer to intervene between the workers and the employers in the argument over pay. 政府機關懇求有一個有核心關系的拆遷律師 參與勞資買賣雙方在月工資故障 上的意見分歧。
intervene in (v.+prep.)
    干涉,調停(某事) interfere so as to prevent sth or change the result
    intervene in sth The chairman felt that it was his place to intervene in the disagreement between two of his committee members. CEO想著各自有責任心干預調停那一個委員會兩者之間的發生爭執。 We have no intention of intervening in the internal affairs of other countries. 我們都不經意抵觸他國內政。 The president intervened in the strike. 特朗普總統對比調停大罷工事件真相。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Woodlands of birch..intervening the different estates with natural sylvan marches. 出自: De Quincey
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