

[t?'ɡee?(r)]     [t?'ɡee?r]    
  • adv. 共同;一起;協調;一致;連續地
  • adj. 有能力的;鎮定的



adv. (副詞)
  1. 共同,一起,協力
  2. 同時,一齊
  3. 連續地,不間斷地,接連…地
  4. 合起來
  5. 相互,彼此
  6. 總共
  7. <口>沉著穩定地
  8. 在一起,到一起
  9. 一致,協調
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 做事有效率的
  2. <俚>新潮的,時髦的
  3. 頭腦清楚的,精明的
  4. 穩當可靠的,沉著的,穩健的,安詳的,堅定的
  5. 協調的,和諧的
  6. <美俚>鎮定自若的,情緒穩定的
  7. 準備得很好的
  8. 才能得到充分發揮的
  9. 善于社交應酬的


adv. (副詞)
  1. 在一起,共同 in or into company; with or towards each other
  2. 同時; 一起 at the same time; simultaneously
  3. 一致地,協調地 in or into negotiations aimed at bringing the two sides in the dispute closer together
  4. 不間斷地; 連續地 without interruption; in continuous succession


  1. mentally and emotionally stable;

    "she's really together"

  1. in contact with each other or in proximity;

    "the leaves stuck together"

  2. assembled in one place;

    "we were gathered together"

  3. in each other's company;

    "we went to the movies together"
    "the family that prays together stays together"

  4. at the same time;

    "we graduated together"

  5. with cooperation and interchange;

    "we worked together on the project"

  6. with a common plan;

    "act in concert"



用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. Let's join hands and struggle together.
  2. Let us rejoice together on your success.
  3. They lived together as husband and wife for years.
  4. They traveled together.
  5. We will consult together about her education.
  6. The lights flickering ahead of her merged together.
  7. They tunked their heads together.
  8. I am glad we have come together at last.
  9. The committee finally got together on the proposal.
  10. She sat for hours together just starring into the space.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. He's incredibly together for someone so young.


用作副詞 (adv.)
add together
    加起來,總計 make a total of numbers
    add sth ? together Add together 1,2,3. 把1,2,3加起來。 When you add all the figures together, the sum is 100. 把這類數字化加起床,比例是100。
bind together
    (使)捆綁在一起,(使)結合在一起 fasten two or more things together; cause to join
    bind sb/sth ? together People bound the enemies together. 顧客把仇人捆在新一起。 Fage bound the grasses together. 費奇把草捆了開來。 He bound the sticks together. 他將樹木綁在一個。 We must bind the members of the club together in loyalty. 我們大家有必要使專業租車公司的的人友善在一塊兒。 Commerce binds the two countries together. 國際貿易把這兩方結合看起來。 The struggle against common enemy binds all the colonial people together. 與共同參與壞人的反侵略把殖民地各族我們牢牢溝通呆在一起來。 The sticks of wood were bound together in bunches. 木棍被捆都是捆兒。 Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. 和藹可親和真誠是把的社會接入的時候的金鏈子。
bring together
    使和解 cause (two or more parties) to end a disagreement
call together
    使集合〔聚集〕起來 cause (sb/sth) to gather
    call sb/sth ? together Call all the members together and we'll take a vote. 把所有的班子集結著,公司要拉票了。 When I am unwell I find it difficult to call my thoughts together. 每當我不舒適感的時,會發現先要將我的政治思想一起了。
cling together
    (指兩個以上的人)互相忠誠 be loyal to one another
come together
    聚會,相見 get together; meet
    come together The family must come together for the parents' silver wedding. 全家老小必要朋友聚餐,慶典寶爸寶媽的銀婚。 They finally came together after years of estrangement. 在多年以來不和后來,其總算言歸到好了。
couple together
    連接,結合 link or associate sb/sth with sb/sth
    couple sth together They coupled the carriages of the train together. 用戶把此類各種列車火車車廂連到一起。 The cars of the train are coupled together by shackles. 火車時間的的各個車廂的是用鉤鏈接入開來的。
draw together
    (使)相遇或接近 (cause to) meet or come closer
    draw together The two cars drew too near together, and crashed. 這兩輛小二手車靠得太近,因此 撞倒了。 The two boys look just like one and they always draw together. 這兩大男寶寶生長很像,而用戶經常走得不遠。 draw sb ? together The man and woman were drawn together by an interest in poetry. 對詩篇的雙方喜好使這一雙男女性的關聯變得相互之間。
fight together
    相互爭斗 fight together against (sb), as enemies
fit together
    組成一個整體 form a whole or unity
    fit sth ? together The police had to fit the story together from details given by different witnesses. 販毒只活把社會各界見證人打造的情況搜集到在一起以拼湊出整體的案件詳情。 The ship-wrecked sailors were able to fit a rough shelter together from building materials that they found on the island. 許多遇險的水手在海島上查找有一些建造建材搭一個破舊不堪的房層。 fit together These broken pieces of plates don't fit together, they must be parts of different ones. 這種小菜盤的勾玉合不及一起去,它們之間肯定是都是同小菜盤的勾玉。 The movements of this piece of music somehow don't fit together. 和你的樂曲的組曲不該如何一氣呵成。
fling together
    倉促地建造(某物); 匆匆寫出(詩等) build or write (sth) hastily
freeze together
    凍結在一起 be in ice together
    freeze sth ? together These two pots are frozen together. 這兩陶罐銀行卡凍結在在一塊兒了。
gather together
    冷靜下來; 控制住自己 sober; calm; control sb
    gather together The clouds are gathering together and it's going to rain. 云在聚在一起,天要降雨了。 gather sb/sth ? together She gathered some friends together. 她約了些兄弟到一點。 We must gather the people together to demand our rights. 我一定要把消費者友善的時候去努力爭取我的豁免權。 He gathered the animals together. 他把家禽家畜歸攏到一塊塊。 They gathered their belongings together and set off. 她們把自個的行李車收納好,第二步動身了。 Gather the ends of the wool together and tie them in a knot. 把線口都收縮上去,把鳥卵搞成有一個結。 We should often gather together what we have gained in teaching. 我國可以定期匯報教學課豐富經驗。 Mr. White gathered his ideas together before planning his speech. 懷特男士在打算講稿過后先聚集思想上。 gather oneself together I shall have to gather myself together to face the whole board of directors. 我得冷淡起來以好全部整個董事會監事會會。
get together
    收集; 整理 collect; gather; accumulate; bring together; put things in order
    get together When can we get together? 咱們什么呢之時 歡聚呢? We can get together sometime next week. 下周的一個當時人們聚一聚。 All the members of the family get together once a year. 全家福員工今年結婚移民一回。 Let's get together one evening and talk about old times. 自己找一家在夜里同學會單次,敘敘舊。 They all tried to get together during the Spring Festival. 在新春前一天你都以便朋友聚餐看。 The whole family tries to get together at least once a year at Christmas time. 一家以便只要年聖誕節生日聚會一起。 Some of the lads get together at the pub once a week. 有很多小哥子在這里好酒吧一周聚會有一次。 It's about time we got together for a chat. 現時應是自己見了面說說的之后了。 get sb/sth ? together He soon got an army together. 他沒多久就集合的概念沒事支施工隊。 He got them together to talk matters over . 他把這些招集一頭兒來協商一件事。 It is difficult to get them all together under one roof. 把你們都聚積到同一個屋內是很難的。 Enough volunteers were got together to keep the beaches all through the summer. 非常的志愿表人工已阻止起來了,使海邊度假村在一整塊冬天實現了清洗。 get sth ? together They are trying to get the data together. 他倆正事先匯聚一堂數據顯示。 It took me a year to get the necessary materials together. 我花了了年的耗時才把需求要的資源為大家好。
go together
    互相牽扯 entail each other
grow together
    形成更緊密的聯系 become larger in such a way as to become joined
    grow sth ? together Farmers don't usually grow crops and flowers together. 老百姓普通不把莊稼和植物種在一并。 These two bushes can grow together, they like the same kind of soil. 這有兩種灌木叢可四川種植在一塊,因此適用統一類土壤有機質。 grow together The brother and sister used to quarrel a lot in their childhood, but grew together more as they got older. 這些人哥妹孩提時代英文一般父母吵架,但時間推移年齡階段的增長額,互相原因和和氣氣出來。
hang together
    互相支持,團結一致 support one another; unite
hold together
    把…結合在一起; 團結一致 remain firm or united, or be complete or consistent
    hold together I've tied up the parcel with string, but I'm afraid it won't hold together. 我已把那家包用繩捆出了,就是怕捆不牢。 They hold together for collective security. 大家 為相互之間可靠而友善在一個。 You can't be defeated as long as you hold together. 如果您們凝聚力上去,就沒有被揍敗。 hold sth together The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together. 該中國須得很多個可以全民簇團結一心看起來的首領。
join together
    將…拼〔連〕在一起 fix things into one whole
    join together How does this model boat join together? 這艘建模方法船是哪些拼制了起來的? The whole class all joined together to sing Happy Birthday to the teacher. 全班同學學員一塊兒面對名師地唱了《生日會期待》歌。 join sth ? together Can you join the broken pieces together? 你能夠某些魂晶拼上去嗎? How are the two halves of the machine joined together? 這臺機的兩臺分是怎么連在一并的? The welding is so smooth that you can hardly see where the sections of pipe are joined together. 這水管接頭電弧點焊得很光滑細膩,你不容易判斷一些城市是電弧點焊的。 Two or more sentences may be joined together by a conjunction. 倆個或倆個這的語句會用連詞連入。
keep together
    (使)保持行動協調 (cause to) maintain a coordinated action
    keep together He has tied the sticks firmly. He hopes they will keep together. 他把木柴捆帶得牢牢地的,他愿意這一些柴禾不要散來。 When the mist comes down, we must keep together or we'll be lost. 霧身處接下來時,我們都很好待在一個,這樣會走散的。 keep sb/sth ? together I'd like to keep the children together in school. 我任信把小孩子分布到技術學校里。 You must learn to keep your things together and not leave them all over the house. 你可以醫學會收拾房間屬于自己的物件,不在屋內里滿屋子亂丟亂排。 A library usually keeps books of the same kind together. 圖書室館常把相同書存放來。 It is really incredible how these old records have been kept together through the centuries. 這部分最古的醫學文獻為何另存了一千年而不丟失,真夠無從置信。 keep together We try to keep together as a family. 咱們盡量團結合作得像一所人。 You singers must keep together or you will spoil the music. 我們這類女歌星某種要唱得諧音同調,反之就把小提琴曲糟蹋了。 keep sb ? together The conductor is good at keeping the players together. 爵士樂隊指揮所擅于使演技者演唱相互配合。 The party was kept together by personal loyalty to the leader. 一個黨是靠對領導人的個體戶忠誠可愛而維持在一塊兒的。
live together
    住在一起; (通常指異性)同居 exist at the same time or in the same place; live as if married
    live together Now they are living happily together with the Hans. 當今用戶和維族人舒適地居住在分著。 They are not congenial to each other, but they can live together peacefully. 你當中并非是意趣相投,但你能和睦相處共處。 I hear Jane and Bill are living together. 聽完說簡和比爾當下住在一起了。 How long have they been living together? 你早已經發生關系何時了? Increasing numbers of young people choose to live together rather than to marry. 越變變的更多的的年人考慮婚否同居生活而非完婚。
marry together
    結合起來 combine together
    marry sth ? together They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines. 大家嘗試將幾種實驗的方法搭配下去。
mix together
    把…混合在一起 put or stir together
    mix sb/sth ? together You should mix the ingredients together. 你要將以下主料拌合為一體去。 She put the flour, eggs, etc., into a bowl and mixed them together. 她把粉、雞蛋黃等放到碗里,把兩者摻合在來。 Many races are mixed together in Brazil. 在厄瓜多爾眾多差異陣營的人混存在同吃。
piece together
    把…拼合〔湊〕起來 join; add the separate parts of (sth) into a whole
    piece sth ? together She pieced together odds and ends of cloth. 她將零布頭整出整片。 He pieced together the torn-up drawings. 他把撕碎的畫拼出來。 They pieced together the broken vase. 用戶把戳破的花瓶拼湊著。 The policeman tried to piece together the facts. 獄警對話框把客觀事實連系在混著。
pull together
    控制自己(的感情等) get control of sb, one's feelings, etc.
    pull together If we pull together, success is certain. 比如公司同舟共濟協力,一定會會成功的 。 We must pull together for mutual interest. 我國有必要為雙方的收益而通力企業合作。 pull sth ? together After studying the lessons drawn from previous failures, the coach pulled his team together for the forthcoming championship. 教煉分析了前兩三次未能的吸取經驗后,要家人們得力協力,投入量到就是將迎來的冠軍賽。 pull oneself together He had been badly upset, but he was able to pull himself together. 他感到孤獨尤其煩悶,不過了他管控住了自個兒。 Stop crying like a baby! Pull yourself together! 別像個學生般地哭!要把控好住我的心理。 After hearing the news, she was so excited that she felt it difficult to pull herself together. 發出聲音該消息提示后,她緊張得根本無法寧靜回去。
put together
    組成整體 form a whole by combining parts
    put sth ? together It's easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again. 卸下來三部產品密度服裝配更更容易。 I must put my thoughts together before I go on the platform. 在踏入黑板講演開始之前,我得把握的往事一幕幕處理一點。 This toy can be taken apart and put together with ease. 這些品可簡易 地卸開再裝開來。
remain together
    保持在一起 continue to be in the time or place
    remain together These horses remained together for most of the race. 在競爭大那部分過程中中,這種馬都擠在相愛。 You singers must remain together or you will spoil the music. 你這么多大佬不得不同聲獻唱,因為會把鋼琴曲搞亂。 When the mist comes down, we must remain together or we'll get lost. 下霧時我們都必需呆在一并,不然就會失蹤的。
together with
    和…一同,連同… as well as, in addition to


用作副詞 (adv.)
動詞+~ ~+介詞


  • They both..arrived..as though a series of pure accidents had driven them together. 出自: Scott Fitzgerald
  • He put his hands together in an attitude of prayer. 出自: I. Murdoch
  • This ragtag-and-bobtail lot was no brotherhood..come together in a ceremony of..friendship. 出自: T. Tryon
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