

[r?k]     [r?k]    
  • n. 行李架;(放衣物、碗碟等的)架子;拷問臺;折磨;(比賽開始前固定球位置的)三角框
  • vt. 使痛苦;把...放在架子上;累計取得
racker racked racked racking racks



n. (名詞)
  1. 掛物架,行李(網)架,各種擱架,工具架
  2. 破壞力,破壞
  3. 飼草架
  4. 拉肢刑架
  5. 拷問臺
  6. 【海】結繩架
  7. 【軍】炸彈架
  8. 【海】餐具架
  9. 防止轉動架
  10. 【機】齒條,齒軌
  11. <俚>乳房,奶子
v. (動詞)
  1. 盡力使用,過度使用,壓榨
  2. 把(酒槽中的酒)榨出,將(酒)裝瓶
  3. 對(犯人)拉肢拷問,對…施肢刑 ,使受極大痛苦,折磨
  4. 使過分緊張
  5. 把…放在架子上
  6. 累計(得分)
  7. 絞盡腦汁,冥思苦想


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 使痛苦 inflict, torture
  2. vt. 絞盡腦汁 make great mental efforts


  1. framework for holding objects
  2. rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or mutton
  3. the destruction or collapse of something;

    "wrack and ruin"

  4. an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims
  5. a support for displaying various articles;

    "the newspapers were arranged on a rack"

  6. a form of torture in which pain is inflicted by stretching the body
  7. a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately
  1. go at a rack;

    "the horses single-footed"

  2. stretch to the limits;

    "rack one's brains"

  3. put on a rack and pinion;

    "rack a camera"

  4. obtain by coercion or intimidation;

    "They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss"
    "They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him"

  5. run before a gale
  6. fly in high wind
  7. draw off from the lees;

    "rack wine"

  8. torment emotionally or mentally
  9. work on a rack;

    "rack leather"

  10. seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block
  11. torture on the rack



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He put his bag on the luggage rack.
  2. He put his shoes on the rack.
  3. The famous ancient Chinese politician ShangYang was put on the rack.
  4. We will all be on the rack until the exam results are published.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. I was racked with doubt and pain.
  2. You should rack these bottles of wine.
  3. Last year, they racked up profits of more than two billion dollars.


用作動詞 (v.)
rack brain (v.+n.)
    絞盡腦汁 think very deeply or for a long time
    rack one's brain I've racked my brains all day and I still can't remember who was Prime Minister in 1952. 我冥思苦想了短短一月,但我仍要想不上1952年誰任首相。 Tom racked his brains during the test trying to solve the problem. 湯姆在考生時費盡心思想解出那道題目。 We must rack our brains for some answers to his questions. 公司需要苦思冥想想盡解決他的疑問。 I've racked my brains, but I have not yet to come up with any solution to the problem. 我都迷惑不解了,如果沒發給一個故障找尋到某些正確的答案。
rack up (v.+adv.)
    擊倒〔打敗〕(某人) cause (sb) to fall; defeat (sb) completely
    rack sb/sth ? up He racked up his opponent with a well-placed blow. 他兩拳擊打了同行的要點,把他擊飛在地。 By clever planning, we were able to rack up the other team in the first half of the game. 全憑委婉的記劃,小編在比賽視頻直播的上半場就擊殺了別的個隊。
rack with (v.+prep.)
    遭受極大的… suffer severely from (pain or sorrow)
    rack sb/sth with sth She is racked with anxiety. 她頗為焦慮情緒苦悶。 His body was racked with pain. 他身體劇痛難過。 It was a mercy that she died, for she had been racked with pain through her last long illness. 她的死是凄楚的,因她第三一遍久病一直都在使她痛不欲生不堪。 After an hour of talk, he would be racked with headaches. 談好幾回個小后,他也會頭昏欲裂。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A white rack of cloud hovered. 出自: W. Styron
  • Cases..strapped to the rack at the rear of the car. 出自: W. Boyd
  • Mrs Williams filled the toast rack. 出自: P. Carey
  • Hunters will keep their waterfowl guns in the rack. 出自:Field Stream
  • His joints were all aching..as from a..sojourn on the rack. 出自: F. King
  • The garden is going to rack, the gardener Only comes three days. 出自: L. MacNeice
  • A..house..going to rack and ruin for want of looking after. 出自: R. Rendell
  • An Englishman who had been racked..by the Spanish Inquisition. 出自: J. Bronowski
  • Shrimpy racked up five..wins. 出自:Boxing News





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