

[skwi?z]     [skwi?z]    
  • v. 擠壓;塞進;壓榨;設法騰出
  • n. 擠壓;少量;擁擠;嚴控;財政困難
squeezable squeezer squeezed squeezed squeezing squeezes



v. (動詞)
  1. 榨,榨取,擠,擠取
  2. 用力擠壓,硬塞,硬擠
  3. 緊握,緊抱
  4. 壓榨
  5. 壓縮,減少
  6. 擠著行進
  7. 勉強通過,勉強贏得,努力獲得,巧取
  8. 使負擔沉重,使經濟拮據
  9. 扣壓(槍的扳機)
n. (名詞)
  1. 壓榨
  2. 榨出物,擠出物,少量
  3. 擁擠,擁擠的一群
  4. 榨,擠壓
  5. 緊握,緊抱
  6. <口>賄賂,不義之財,傭金,回扣
  7. 拮據,緊缺,經濟困難,【經】銀根緊縮
  8. 【經】空頭軋平,殺空頭
  9. 加壓裝置,控制裝置
  10. 礦層的變薄,變薄的礦層
  11. <英>頸
  12. <美口>男友,女友
  13. <英>絲織品


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 擠,榨,捏 press on from the opposite side or from all sides
  2. vt. 擠出 get (water, juice, etc.)out of sth by pressing it hard


  1. the act of gripping and pressing firmly;

    "he gave her cheek a playful squeeze"

  2. a state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high
  3. a situation in which increased costs cannot be passed on to the customer;

    "increased expenses put a squeeze on profits"

  4. (slang) a person's girlfriend or boyfriend;

    "she was his main squeeze"

  5. a twisting squeeze;

    "gave the wet cloth a wring"

  6. an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power;

    "she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away"

  7. a tight or amorous embrace;

    "come here and give me a big hug"

  8. the act of forcing yourself (or being forced) into or through a restricted space;

    "getting through that small opening was a tight squeeze"

  1. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition;

    "crush an aluminum can"
    "squeeze a lemon"

  2. press firmly;

    "He squeezed my hand"

  3. squeeze like a wedge into a tight space;

    "I squeezed myself into the corner"

  4. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :

    "She forced him to take a job in the city"
    "He squeezed her for information"

  5. obtain by coercion or intimidation;

    "They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss"
    "They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him"

  6. press or force;

    "Stuff money into an envelope"
    "She thrust the letter into his hand"

  7. squeeze tightly between the fingers;

    "He pinched her behind"
    "She squeezed the bottle"

  8. squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness;

    "Hug me, please"
    "They embraced"
    "He hugged her close to him"

  9. squeeze or press together;

    "she compressed her lips"
    "the spasm contracted the muscle"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Kara squeezed the bottle, and the water rushed out.
  2. It took some ingenuity to squeeze all the furniture into the little room.
  3. Supermarkets are accused of squeezing both customers and suppliers.
  4. I can squeeze a meeting in early tomorrow morning.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
  2. The host put a squeeze of lemon in my drink.
  3. We managed to get all the luggage into the car but it was a tight squeeze.
  4. The government is putting the squeeze on business profits.
  5. She's just lost her job, so they're really feeling the squeeze.


用作動詞 (v.)
squeeze in (v.+adv.)
    擠進 force sb/sth in
    squeeze in There were already four people in the lift, but he managed to squeeze in. 電梯上里都已經有十二個,但他依然是擠了去。 Can I squeeze in? 我想擠上去嗎? The car was full but I squeezed in anyway. 貨車己經滿人了,并且還是從而擠了進如。
squeeze into (v.+prep.)
    擠入,塞進 force sb/sth into (a small space)
    squeeze sb/sth into sth I can't squeeze another thing into my trunk. 我的衣箱里一致物質也塞不進了。 She tries to squeeze her feet into shoes that are too small. 她想把她的腳擠進過小的鞋里。 They squeezed too many people into the small room. 大家 把多少的人塞進之間小房間里。 How can you squeeze so many things into a day? 你怎把這個多小事擠到同時天做呢? Two crops of rice have to be squeezed into 220 days which are frost-free. 兩熟谷子的出現期須縮減在無霜降的220天內。
squeeze out (v.+adv.)
    擠出 force sb/sth out of by pressure
    squeeze sb/sth ? out He squeezed the last bit toothpaste out. 他一擠另外一個牙肓。 This machine helps you to squeeze more juice out. 這臺絲機能熔融擠出越來越多的新鮮蔬菜汁。 squeeze sb/sth out of sb/sth She squeezed the water out of her swimming-suit. 她把泳裝的水抽出來。 We might be able to squeeze some money out of him. 我們都需要從他那處擠些錢。 He squeezed 10 pages out of small subject. 他就某個小論文提綱硬編寫十頁內容來。 She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed out of her. 她總覺她的戀情被榨得一份不剩了。
squeeze through (v.+prep.)
    擠著通過 force through a narrow passage
    squeeze through sb/sth He managed to squeeze through the crowd at last. 他總算勞力地擠出眾群。 He squeezed through a gap in the hedge. 他從樹籬的人才缺口處擠在過去。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A good squeeze of lemon juice. 出自:Homes Gardens
  • Kattree's shoes squeezed her toes. 出自: E. Mittelholzer
  • Klaxons..with rubber bulbs which, when squeezed, emitted an almost animal sound. 出自: Y. Menuhin
  • Cloths being dipped in the water and squeezed out. 出自: J. Fuller
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