

[st?nd]     [st?nd]    
  • v. 站立;忍受;位于;停滯
  • n. 站立;貨攤;停頓;看臺
stander stood stood standing stands



v. (動詞)
  1. (使)站立,站起來,站著
  2. 忍受, 經得起,容忍,(忍)耐,頂住,受得起
  3. 停滯,停止
  4. 位于,在,坐落
  5. 處于某種狀態
  6. 豎放,豎起,豎立,(使)立起
  7. 支持
  8. 采取某種態度
  9. 沉積
  10. 取特定航向
  11. <主英>競選
  12. 抵抗
  13. 站住,站定
  14. 弄直
  15. 堅持
  16. 接受
  17. 是...
  18. <美>(短時間)停車
  19. 仍有效,仍未變
  20. 面對,面臨
  21. <口>請...吃...,付...的帳
  22. 承擔...任務
n. (名詞)
  1. 看臺(觀眾),臺,講臺
  2. 立場,態度
  3. 站立,起立
  4. 停止
  5. 貨攤
  6. 停車處,停車場
  7. 立定
  8. 停留
  9. <美>法院證人席
  10. 靜止
  11. 地位, 位置


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 站立,(使)直立,站著 (cause to) have, take or keep an upright position
  2. vi. 坐落,被放置 be placed
  3. vi. 維持原狀,保持效力 remain unchanged; remain valid
  4. vi. 停著 remain in the same place
  5. vi. 處于某種狀態 be in a certain condition or situation
  6. vi. 高度為 … have a specified height
  7. vt. 豎放 rest in a position, especially upright
  8. vt. 忍耐; 忍受; 經得起,受得起 endure; bear; be patient with
n. (名詞)
  1. [S] 立腳點,站立 position, taken up; act or instance of standing
  2. [C] 臺,座 small piece of furniture
  3. [C] 售貨處,攤 structure from which goods are sold; area or structure where things are displayed, exhibited, advertised, etc.
  4. [P] 看臺,觀眾席 large, usually sloping, structure at a sports ground,racecourse, etc., with rows of seats for spectators
  5. [S] 主張,立場 a fixed public decision or opinion
  6. [S] 中止,停頓 halt or standstill
  7. [C] 抵抗,抵御 resistance to attack


  1. a support or foundation;

    "the base of the lamp"

  2. the position where a thing or person stands
  3. a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area;

    "they cut down a stand of trees"

  4. a small table for holding articles of various kinds;

    "a bedside stand"

  5. a support for displaying various articles;

    "the newspapers were arranged on a rack"

  6. an interruption of normal activity
  7. a mental position from which things are viewed;

    "we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians"
    "teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events"

  8. a booth where articles are displayed for sale
  9. a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance;

    "a one-night stand"

  10. tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)
  11. a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air
  12. a defensive effort;

    "the army made a final stand at the Rhone"

  1. be standing; be upright;

    "We had to stand for the entire performance!"

  2. be in some specified state or condition;

    "I stand corrected"

  3. occupy a place or location, also metaphorically;

    "We stand on common ground"

  4. hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright;

    "I am standing my ground and won't give in!"

  5. put up with something or somebody unpleasant;

    "I cannot bear his constant criticism"
    "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks"
    "he learned to tolerate the heat"
    "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"

  6. have or maintain a position or stand on an issue;

    "Where do you stand on the War?"

  7. remain inactive or immobile;

    "standing water"

  8. be in effect; be or remain in force;

    "The law stands!"

  9. be tall; have a height of; copula;

    "She stands 6 feet tall"

  10. put into an upright position;

    "Can you stand the bookshelf up?"

  11. withstand the force of something;

    "The trees resisted her"
    "stand the test of time"
    "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow"

  12. be available for stud services;

    "male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I don't think the chair is firm enough to stand on.
  2. I twisted my ankle, and I couldn't stand up.
  3. She is funny, but I can't stand her.
  4. Several pine trees stand erect on the hillside.
  5. The car stood at the traffic lights for a few moments, then moved off.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He took his stand near the window.
  2. He set up a stand on the market.
  3. They made a stand and took a rest.
  4. Hundreds of people were squeezed up against each other in one corner of the stand.


用作動詞 (v.)
stand about〔around〕( v.+adv. )
    閑站 stand idly in a particular area
    stand about〔around〕 Don't stand about doing nothing. 別光站著,怎樣的不會干。 The unemployed men were just standing around with their hands in their pockets. 那方面失業者的人只不過是雙手插在衣袋里呆站著。
stand against( v.+prep. )
    反對… oppose (sth)
    stand against sth The ladder stood against the wall, making it easy for the thieves to enter the house. 那樓梯就靠在墻壁之上,使竊賊輕松地進了樓房。 stand sb/sth against sth Stand the ladder against the wall. 把人字梯靠在墻面。 The prisoner was stood against the wall and shot. 這些讓女犯人墻邊站著,槍斃了他。 stand against sth The church tower stood against the sky like a finger pointing towards heaven. 東正教堂的尖塔在天的相映下仿佛偏向天的手。 stand against sth Some people stood against the project. 某些人發對這些項目 。
stand apart( v.+adv. )
    使自己離開,把自己隔離開 keep oneself separate (from others)
    stand apart There was one boy rather noticeably standing apart from the other children. 全是女孩引人矚目地孤單戰在兩邊,不非常接近另外小孩子。
stand aside( v.+adv. )
    站到一邊 stand out of the way
    stand aside Stand aside and let us past! 閃開,我會們之前! He just stood aside and allowed it to happen. 他冷眼觀戰。 I hope you don't expect me just to stand aside and allow this. 我夢想就別期望我朝著一頭不管不顧。 He stood aside meekly when the new policy was proposed. 當許多人提出來新條例策時,他唯唯諾諾地靠著另一邊。
stand back( v.+adv. )
    靠后站,避開 stand to the rear
    stand back The policeman asked the spectators to stand well back. 巡警規范要求做旁觀者靠后站。 The artist stood back from the portrait to judge the general balance of the composition. 美術家向后退兩步,深入分析畫像圖片的整個的空間布局可否協調機制。
stand behind( v.+prep. )
    支持 support
    stand behind sb We've got to stand behind them in this struggle. 在此種心理抗爭中,我門須得認可這些 。
stand by1( v.+adv. )
    準備行動,待命 be ready for actionThe soldiers have been ordered to stand by.士兵們奉命準備行動。
stand by2( v.+prep. )
    信守諾言 keep one's promise〔說明〕 stand by作此解時通常不用于被動結構。
    stand by sb He is sure to stand by you in this matter. 這一事他一段幫住你。 One who stands by you in times of trouble is your true friend. 吃力時可以幫助你的的人才是真實的人。 stand by sth Stand by your word. 要講誠個人。 My teacher is a man who stands by his promises. 我的教練是以為信守許諾的人。
stand down( v.+adv. )
    解除戒備狀態,恢復正常執勤 come off〔take off〕 the alert; return to normal dutiesHe ordered the men to stand down.他命令士兵解除戒備狀態。
stand for( v.+prep. )
    〈口〉容忍,容許 tolerate or accept sth〔說明〕 stand for作此解時通常不用于進行體。
stand in( v.+adv. )
    代替 take the place of sb
    stand in She is standing in tonight. 她今夜值替班。 They are standing in while the others are unable to take part. 當個別人沒有添加時,兩人想去當作。
stand in for( v.+adv.+prep. )
    代替 replace, substitute oneself for
    stand in for sb He said he would stand in for me any time. 她說他及時都能替我。 Will you stand in for me at today's meeting? 下面的工作會你配用我受邀出席好不好?
stand in with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    〈非正〉合謀,聯合 be in conspiracy with sb; be associated with sb
    stand in with sb He stands in with those people. 他跟一些人勾結。 Nobody would like to stand in with enemy. 無人不敢和對手勾結。 Let me stand in with you if it is expensive. 如若貴說說,我要同你分擔。 The little girl stands in with the teacher. 這類姑娘家為老師老師所喜愛。
stand off( v.+adv. )
    疏遠,保持一定距離 keep or stay at a distance
    stand off The ships stood off and waited for orders. 商船駛離岸上職守。 The two fleets were standing off from each other. 這兩位航隊共同穩定一些 距離。
stand out( v.+adv. )
    堅持 hold out; continue resisting
    stand out The stonework stands out from the rest of the wall. 墻上面的石工有些凸出。 He is a tall, distinguished-looking man who stands out in any crowd. 他聳立的身才,堂堂的汽車儀表盤,在什么場景都看上去非常鼓起。 The bold print stands out very well. 黑體字相當搶眼。 Her bright red hair made her stand out from the others. 她那亮橘紅色的黑發使她更加引人注目。 stand out He stands out in everything he does. 不論是干是什么事,他都干得很好品質。 Her talents stand out in comparison with the others. 她的天份比各種人都高。 stand out Stand out! 出列! He ordered the soldier to stand out. 他指令那家軍人出列。 stand out The garrison will stand out for some time. 守護者軍隊能堅定1段時刻。 stand out against sth He says he will stand out against this oppression. 總理還說他要始終如一反坑這一種牽拉。 stand out for sth The workers are standing out for higher wages and better conditions. 職工們將要堅定不移盡力增加工薪和促進生活方式具體條件。
stand over1( v.+adv. )
    延緩 delay
    stand over There's no urgency about the matter; it can stand over till next week. 這件事并不急,能否延長到這周加工處理。 The project is to stand over till next year. 這樣的的項目要推遲到2019年。
stand over2( v.+prep. )
    監督 supervise
    stand over sb I hate having someone standing over me all the time. 我可惡別人項目總監督我。 He works better when someone is standing over him. 當有人會督促他時,他就工作的得好點。 Unless I stand over him he makes all sorts of mistakes. 如我就監察他,他就什么樣的不對總要犯。
stand to1( v.+adv. )
    準備行動 prepare for action
    stand to Stand to! 工作攻堅! He told his men to stand to. 他來告知的下級籌備舉措。
stand to2( v.+prep. )
    不放棄…,堅持… keep firmly to what one believes or is arguing, as in an argument
    stand to sth He stands to his opinion. 他追求本人的一件。 He always stands to his promise. 他一定認真執行他的誓言。 Every one of us should stand to his duty. 他們每一項一個人都要職守本職。
stand up( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉失約 fail to appear
    stand sth ? up Stand it up over here. 把它豎走過里。 He stood the statue up in a corner. 他把塑像豎在屋角。 stand up He told the men to stand up straight. 他知道了人站直。 Please stand up when we call your name. 大家叫到你的稱呼時請站起。 stand up My first bike stood up for more than ten years. 我的獨一輛自己車整整用了十幾個年。 How many years will this type of material stand up? 本身材料可能在使用幾多年? Do you think your car will stand up well under such snowy conditions? 你表示你的車在積很厚的水平下還本事用嗎? Of all the theories discussed, only one really stood up. 在專題討論過的一些理論研究中,只這種是正式站受得了腳的。 stand sb ? up I didn't know whether he had forgotten about the appointment or whether he was standing me up. 我搞不清是他忘記約飯,還得他刻意遲到。 Don't stand me up again! 別再跟我失約了! After waiting for two hours, he began to realize that she had stood him up. 等了5個h日后,他才發現到她失約了。 She often stands her boyfriend up. 她常失約于男伙伴。
stand up for( v.+adv.+prep. )
    堅持 insist on
    stand up for sb/sth The teacher blamed him, but his classmates stood up for him. 英語老師斥責他,但學生們支技他。 All through the faculty meeting Frank stood up for his friend who was being criticized so severely. 在全系大大會,法蘭盤克終究系統維護獲得苛刻批判的玩家。 He stands up for women's rights. 他擁有女權。 If you don't stand up for your rights, no one else will do it for you. 若是自己的的不維修保養自己的的的被選舉權,自己是會替你維修保養的。 stand up for sth He always stands up for the things in which he believes. 他觀點是對的方面他就始終堅持。 Always stand up for your principles. 要通常追求你的規范。
stand up to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    對抗,勇敢地面對 meet or face boldly
    stand up to sb/sth Stand up to them! 跟大家干! Don't let people pick on you; just stand up to them. 不用最讓人排擠你,而要擋住我們。 We should stand up to the strong enemy. 我應該是戰勝困難地對于勁敵。 Why don't you stand up to your boss when you know you're right? 你不得已個人對,為有什么有差異你的老板們奮力? Don't be afraid of difficulties; stand up to them with confidence and you'll succeed. 要很怕不便,要有積極的心態,克制不便,你才會獲得成功。
stand with( v.+prep. )
    同…相處,和…站在一起 have a specified relationship with sb/sth; agree with sb/sth
    stand with sb/sth Do you stand well with your boss? 你同大領導親近得怎么樣? I don't know how I stand with her. 我不要看出她于我有哪個認識。 We will stand together with all the countries and people that love peace and uphold justice. 自己一些要同嗜好和睦堅守公平的國家和公民在同食。
用作名詞 (n.)
make a stand against
    對抗…,反對… defy; resist
make a stand for
    捍衛…,替…辯護 defend
put〔bring〕 to a stand
    使中止〔停止〕,使困惑〔遲疑〕 cause to pause〔stop〕; cause to be puzzled
    put〔bring〕 sb/sth to a stand There's one point, however, that put me to a stand. 的,有個狀況使我感受到困惑。 The war brought all foreign trade to a stand. 這一場第二次世界大戰使一起對外經濟貿易都關閉了。
take a stand on
    表明態度 positively state one's point of view


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+副詞+介詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • But by Heaven..! If you coulds. Here he made a full Stand. 出自: Steele
  • He..made a sudden stand. 出自: Wordsworth
  • He..stood.., stiff and straight-backed. 出自: G. Greene
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