

[wi?l]     [wi?l]    
  • n. 方向盤;車輪;旋轉;周期
  • vi. 旋轉;轉動;改變方向
  • vt. 用車運;轉動;給 ... 裝輪子
wheeled wheeled wheeling wheels



n. (名詞)
  1. 方向盤,駕駛盤
  2. 車輪,輪子,輪
  3. 旋轉
  4. <美俚>汽車
  5. 以輪為主的裝置
  6. 以輪為特征的東西
  7. 輪狀物
  8. 原動力
  9. 機構
  10. <美口>腳踏車
  11. 【船】艙輪
  12. 轉動
  13. 轉盤
v. (動詞)
  1. 用車運
  2. 使旋轉
  3. 轉彎;突然改變方向;調轉
  4. 使變換方向
  5. 盤旋飛行,盤旋;周旋
  6. 改變主意,改變意見(常與about連用)
  7. 轉動,滾動,旋轉
  8. 給...裝輪子;裝車輪于
  9. 拉動;開動(車子),推、拉(車)
  10. 輪轉
  11. 騎腳踏車
  12. 推有輪之物;用有輪之物推動…
  13. 迅速轉身,猛然轉身
  14. 在轉圈中表演
  15. 乘車旅行
  16. 順利進行
  17. 開車


n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 輪,車輪,機輪 disc or circular frame that turns on an axle, as on carts, cars, bicycles, etc. or as part of a machine, etc.
  2. [S] 駕駛盤,舵輪 the steering wheel of a car or guiding wheel of a ship
  3. [U] [C] 旋轉,旋轉運動 circular movement
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 轉動,旋轉; 轉身 turn suddenly or change direction; move in a wheel
  2. vt. 推,拉 move (a wheeled object) with the hands


  1. a simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes (or a solid disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle (as in vehicles or other machines)
  2. a handwheel that is used for steering
  3. forces that provide energy and direction;

    "the wheels of government began to turn"

  4. a circular helm to control the rudder of a vessel
  5. game equipment consisting of a wheel with slots that is used for gambling; the wheel rotates horizontally and players bet on which slot the roulette ball will stop in
  6. an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims
  7. a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
  1. change directions as if revolving on a pivot;

    "They wheeled their horses around and left"

  2. wheel somebody or something
  3. move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle;

    "The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"

  4. ride a bicycle



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. They found her slumped over the steering wheel.
  2. Nobody can roll back the wheel of history.
  3. The wheel sheared off and fell to the ground.
  4. A wheel must have a shaft on which it may rotate.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. The sails of the windmill were wheeling round.
  2. Its monstrous wings seem to wheel in the leaden air around me.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Will you wheel him away because he can't walk?
  2. The wheel is revolving about its axis.
  3. This wheel engages with that wheel and turns it.


用作名詞 (n.)
behind the wheel
    掌管,控制 in control
set the wheels in motion
    使車輪運轉起來 make a start to a process
take the wheel
    開車,駕駛 drive the car
wheels within wheels
    錯綜復雜的情況 complicated setup in which small parts affect the other parts round them
用作動詞 (v.)
wheel and deal
    洽談,商量,討價還價 negotiate or bargain in a clever, often dishonest way
wheel about〔around,round〕 (v.+adv.)
    急速轉身; 突然改變主意 turn round rather sharply; change one's opinion to the opposite view rather suddenly
    wheel about〔around,round〕 He wheeled about and faced his opponent squarely. 他時不時轉出去身來,認清他的勁敵。 He wheeled around suddenly. 他沒預兆轉出去身來。 He wheeled round and went abruptly out of the room. 他一轉頭老是走出來臥室。 The sails of the windmill were wheeling round. 風車的翼在轉個停不下來。 Whatever made the chairman wheel about like that? 都是是些什么情況使執行主席猛然間變卦?
wheel away (v.+adv.)
    (把…)推走 put (sb/sth) away from a place
    wheel away The carriage wheeled away. 趕馬車轆轆而去。 wheel sb/sth ? away I shall be glad when she wheels the old man away. 等她把那些老頭子推走再也開心了。 Someone wheeled away my bike from the front of the house. 有許多人給我的自己車從這棟買房子的上面推離開。
wheel in (v.+adv.)
    把…推入; 引…入內 push sb/sth into sth; lead sb as enters
    wheel sb in If he's arrived at last, do wheel him in! 如他接下來仍然回來了,那就是必須引他打不進! The patient was wheeled in and the surgeon prepared to operate. 病患者他人使用車推了進到,美容外科醫生專家的準備操作術。
wheel up (v.+adv.)
    推動,拉動 move (a wheeled object) with the hands
    wheel sth ? up The nurse wheeled the table up. 醫生護士把餐桌推了過來的英文。 The nurse wheeled his dinner up to the bed. 護土把他的午餐推倒床前。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Now, in old age, when he expected little, looked forward to less, the wheel had come full circle. 出自: S. Middleton
  • The gates..to the Elysian fields may..wheel back on their adamantine hinges. 出自: F. Harrison
  • Summer is wheeling slowly towards its end. 出自: fig.
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