

[l??nt?]     [l??nt?]    
  • v. 發起;推出(新產品);發射;使(船)下水
  • n. 發射;產品推介
launched launched launching launches



v. (動詞)
  1. 發射;投擲;使升空
  2. 投入,積極投入
  3. 出海;下水
  4. 開展;開辦
  5. 使開始從事
  6. 出版,發行
  7. 猛力展開
  8. 使(船)下水
  9. 起飛
  10. 投出
  11. 提出,發起,發出
  12. 開始,著手進行,開始從事
  13. 將...投放市場;上市
  14. 發動
  15. 猛撲向前
n. (名詞)
  1. 發射
  2. (游艇、汽艇)下水
  3. 發行,投放市場,上市
  4. 大舢板
  5. 滑曳


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 使…下水 set (a ship, especially one newly built) afloat
  2. vt. 發動;發出;發射 set in motion; send; aim
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]發射;(船)下水;(新產品)投產 process of putting into motion a ship, spacecraft or new product


  1. a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck
  2. the act of propelling with force
  1. set up or found;

    "She set up a literacy program"

  2. propel with force;

    "launch the space shuttle"
    "Launch a ship"

  3. launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage;

    "launch a ship"

  4. begin with vigor;

    "He launched into a long diatribe"
    "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"

  5. get going; give impetus to;

    "launch a career"
    "Her actions set in motion a complicated judicial process"

  6. smoothen the surface of;

    "launch plaster"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. We were going to launch a counterattack.
  2. The company researched the market demand and decided to launch their new product.
  3. The people all over the country exulted in the success in launching a new satellite.
  4. The oil tanker was launched last year.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The launch was delayed by a technical hitch .
  2. We have got good media coverage for the launch of the new model.


用作動詞 (v.)
launch against〔at〕 (v.+prep.)
    發起進攻 attack
    launch sth against〔at〕 sb/sth They launched a fresh anathema against him. 他又進行了把他趕出教門的田徑運動。 We launched a protest at them. 人們組建聲討,反感孩子 。
launch into (v.+prep.)
    使…下水;發射上天 push or send sth on its first voyage in sth
    launch into sth Would it be wise to launch into this rough sea? 到如此忙的大海里游玩先利嗎? launch into sth He launched into a new subject last year. 之前,他已經開始了一大個新標題。 He launched into a rhythm vigorously. 他始于一下一下獨奏這首歌樂曲。 It takes courage to launch into a new business in these difficult times. 在這很難晚清時期里要經營新的制造業企業所需挫折。 Mr. Blearney launched into another of his stories. 布里爾尼女士開始講他的的又一個短故事。 launch sb into sth Jack's parents decided to launch him into business. 杰克的親人所決定給他入駐實圈內。 launch sb/sth into sth The Americans and Russians have launched many rockets into air space. 意大利人和白俄羅斯人已把很多火箭隊發射入太空飛船。 The freighter was launched into water with a great splash. 貨船入水時濺起極大的的浪花。
launch on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    向(市場)首次推出,引向… give sb/sth for the first time
    launch sb/sth on〔upon〕 sth He launched a determined attack on academic criticism. 他對學究式的點評進行堅絕的還擊。 launch on〔upon〕 sth The director has launched on yet another plan for cutting costs. 總監又抓起全面推行其它個收縮利潤的工作計劃。 This is not a suitable time for launching forth on a new business undertaking. 接下來,不建議做好搞新的生產工程。 launch sb/sth on〔upon〕 sth The musical theatre company is about to launch a new performer on the musical world. 這所音樂視頻歌曲企業己經向音樂視頻歌曲界發行兩位萌新。 He's launching his son on a career in banking. 他正把他的小女兒滲透到金融創新業。
launch out (v.+adv.)
    開始新的東西 start sth new
    launch out Those who dared to launch out beyond the unknown waters became the discoverers of new lands. 那方面敢去人跡未至的水域航海的人變為了新大陸架的發掘者。 launch sth ? out The makers are about to launch out a new product. 制造技術者們直接要制造一款新貨品。 launch out Next year you may be ready to launch out as a concert pianist. 今年,只要你將會一條件作為一個大提琴獨奏家登臺了。
launch out at (v.+adv.+prep.)
    進行攻擊 begin to attack
    launch out at sb He suddenly launched out at me for no reason at all. 他老是根本初衷地對俺來普通攻擊。
launch out into (v.+adv.+prep.)
    (起勁地)開始 start
    launch out into sth They are launching out into a series of scientific experiments. 這些 在關注實施某項表科學學檢驗。 Mr. Burk used the money to launch out into a new business. 伯克老兄憑借此筆錢已經開始搞某項新的單位。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Making this launch into the wide world, by repairing to London. 出自: J. Cleland
  • Nine Bulls were launch'd by his victorious arm. 出自: Dryden





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