

['??p?n]     ['o?p?n]    
  • adj. 開著的;開放的;公開的
  • v. 打開;張開;展開;攤開;開始(某事物);開張;營業;以…開頭;宣布啟用
  • n. 戶外;公開
openly openness opened opened opening opens



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 公開的,公然的
  2. 開的,開著的,敞開的,打開的
  3. 開放的
  4. 開闊的,空曠的
  5. 出入自由的
  6. 敞口的
  7. 未決定的
  8. 空缺的
  9. 展開的
  10. 可分享的
  11. 選擇自由的,取舍自由的
  12. 直率的
  13. 無頂的
  14. 愿意接受的
v. (動詞)
  1. 開,打開
  2. 開口,裂開
  3. 張開,展開,鋪開
  4. 開放
  5. 開始,啟動,宣布啟用
  6. 使暢通,讓通行
  7. 展現
  8. 公開
  9. 變廣(大)
  10. 發達
  11. 廣闊地展開,伸展
  12. 通向,朝向
  13. 【醫】切開,割開
  14. 開墾,開發,開辟
  15. 啟發
  16. 使開張(營業),開業
  17. 開設
  18. 使開
  19. 開展
  20. 睜開
  21. 準備接待
  22. 以…開篇,以…開頭
  23. 為(建筑物)揭幕
  24. 表明
  25. 被看見
  26. 顯露出
n. (名詞)
  1. 戶外,野外
  2. 曠野,空地,曠場
  3. 公開,非秘密
  4. 【體】公開賽
  5. 汪洋大海
  6. 露天
  7. 開叫
  8. 扣空網球
  9. 開放面
  10. 高爾夫球比賽
  11. 空曠


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 開著的,開放的,公開的 not shut; not hidden or limited
  2. 坦率的,無偏見的 (of person) very willing to talk honestly
  3. [A]空曠的,開闊的 not surrounded by walls, etc.; not enclosed
  4. [P]開始營業的,活動的 ready for business; admitting customers or visitors
  5. [P](職位等)空缺的 (especially of a job) not filled
  6. 尚未決定的,懸而未決的 not completely decided or answered
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (打)開 make or become open
  2. vt. & vi. 開始; 開設 start; begin business, etc.


  1. a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water;

    "finally broke out of the forest into the open"

  2. where the air is unconfined;

    "he wanted to get outdoors a little"
    "the concert was held in the open air"
    "camping in the open"

  3. a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play
  4. information that has become public;

    "all the reports were out in the open"
    "the facts had been brought to the surface"

  1. affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed;

    "an open door"
    "they left the door open"

  2. affording free passage or access;

    "open drains"
    "the road is open to traffic"
    "open ranks"

  3. with no protection or shield;

    "the exposed northeast frontier"
    "open to the weather"
    "an open wound"

  4. open to or in view of all;

    "an open protest"
    "an open letter to the editor"

  5. used of mouth or eyes;

    "keep your eyes open"
    "his mouth slightly opened"

  6. not having been filled;

    "the job is still open"

  7. accessible to all;

    "open season"
    "an open economy"

  8. not defended or capable of being defended;

    "an open city"
    "open to attack"

  9. (of textures) full of small openings or gaps;

    "an open texture"
    "a loose weave"

  10. having no protecting cover or enclosure;

    "an open boat"
    "an open fire"
    "open sports cars"

  11. (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints
  12. not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought;

    "an open question"
    "our position on this bill is still undecided"
    "our lawsuit is still undetermined"

  13. not sealed or having been unsealed;

    "the letter was already open"
    "the opened package lay on the table"

  14. without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition;

    "the clarity and resonance of an open tone"
    "her natural and open response"

  15. ready or willing to receive favorably;

    "receptive to the proposals"

  16. open and observable; not secret or hidden;

    "an overt lie"
    "overt hostility"
    "overt intelligence gathering"
    "open ballots"

  17. not requiring union membership;

    "an open shop employs nonunion workers"

  18. possibly accepting or permitting;

    "a passage capable of misinterpretation"
    "open to interpretation"
    "an issue open to question"
    "the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation"

  19. affording free passage or view;

    "a clear view"
    "a clear path to victory"
    "open waters"
    "the open countryside"

  20. openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness;

    "his candid eyes"
    "an open and trusting nature"
    "a heart-to-heart talk"

  21. ready for business;

    "the stores are open"

  1. cause to open or to become open;

    "Mary opened the car door"

  2. start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning;

    "open a business"

  3. become open;

    "The door opened"

  4. begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.;

    "He opened the meeting with a long speech"

  5. spread out or open from a closed or folded state;

    "open the map"
    "spread your arms"

  6. make available;

    "This opens up new possibilities"

  7. become available;

    "an opportunity opened up"

  8. have an opening or passage or outlet;

    "The bedrooms open into the hall"

  9. make the opening move;

    "Kasparov opened with a standard opening"

  10. afford access to;

    "the door opens to the patio"
    "The French doors give onto a terrace"

  11. display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The fresh air blew in from the open window.
  2. One day, I came home to find my garage open.
  3. She has fall asleep with an open book in her lap.
  4. I'm so sleepy that I can hardly keep my eyes open.
  5. How late are they open for skiing?
  6. Some of the royal palaces are open to the public.
  7. I'm not convinced your idea will work, but I'll keep an open mind for the moment.
  8. Their love affair is an open secret.
  9. The argument boiled over into open war.
  10. The dollar declined on the open market.
  11. These goods are to be procured through open tender.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Can you open the bottle with the opener?
  2. Please open a window to allow the air to circulate.
  3. You may open a current account at a bank.
  4. Another supermarket opened last week.
  5. The shops usually open at nine o'clock.
  6. The story opens with a snowstorm.
  7. The book opens with a quotation.
  8. The Queen opens Parliament.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. In the summer, we camped in the open .
  2. All of his dealings are in the open.
  3. Now the scandal is out in the open, the President will have a lot of questions to answer.
    由于丑事已公開, 總統有許多問題要答覆。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
break open
    摔破,打開 open sth by force
    break open The bag fell on the floor and broke open.The sweets went everywhere! 包掉在防水地板上,摔破了。糖撒半個地! break sth ? open The robber broke open the door. 盜賊把這門打開了。
fly open
    突然打開 come open suddenly
have〔keep〕 an open mind
    愿聽取〔接受、考慮〕別人的意見〔想法〕 be willing to listen to or accept new ideas, consider other people's suggestions, etc.
in the open air
    在露天里,在室外 outdoors
keep open
    使保持分開〔張開〕 make sth remain wide open, apart
    keep open The exhibition keeps open on Sundays. 展館會禮拜一天也開館。 How long do the shops keep open? 商鋪開業多長時期時期了? keep sth open He kept his book open when he was away. 表走他把書訪問著。 The speaker was so uninteresting that I could hardly keep my eyes open. 講演人講得沒有任何趣味小游戲,想聽得昏昏沉沉。 Any businessman has to keep his eyes and ears open for a chance of making a profit. 幾乎所有商家都得睜大眼角盯住能賺筆的有機會。 I like to keep my options open. 我喜愛剩余考慮留有余地。
remain open
    保持開著,繼續營業 continue to be wide open, apart, etc.; continue to do business
with open arms
    熱情地,衷心地 warmly, heartily
with open eyes
    極注意地; 驚訝地 with eager attention; with surprise
用作動詞 (v.)
open at (v.+prep.)
    開火 begin shooting at sb
    open sth at sth Please open the book at 11. 請把書看到11頁。 open fire at sb The officer was forced to give orders to open fire at the crowd. 現役軍官強迫下令向百姓開炮。 We opened fire at the enemy at dawn. 我國于拂曉向大量宣布搶攻。
open into (v.+prep.)
    通入 (of door, etc.) open in an inward direction towards; give entry to a place
    open into sth The two rooms open into each other. 這2個屋內相連。 The door opened into a strange little room with no furniture. 門向里打開,個隱秘的小屋,里頭不會家居。
open off (v.+adv.)
    通到 have a door leading from sth
    open sth ? off The house has a long narrow hall, with all the downstairs rooms opening off it. 農村房子有個又長又窄的出入口,從這里的英文會通到一樓的其它臥室。
open on (v.+prep.)
    開火 open fire at; begin shooting at sb
    open on sth The windows open on a beautiful view of the lake. 從窗口期能夠發現湖的景致。 The bedrooms open on the street. 主臥都沖著社區。 open fire on sb/sth The gunboat opened fire on the mainland. 炮艇朝地面開炮。 The officer gave orders to open fire on the crowd. 軍宮命令提示符向公眾開戰。
open onto (v.+prep.)
    通向; 對著 give a view of sth
    open onto sth The French windows open onto a beautiful old lawn. 支撐窗開始向著這個秀美俱來長十多年的人工草坪。 Nobody is going to buy a house whose front door opens onto a gas works. 沒能誰會買兩層樓前門使用煤氣爐廠的老房子。 The side gate opens onto a small lane. 這道門通往一道小巷。
open out (v.+adv.)
    開花 blossom
    open out This passage opens out somewhere outside the forest. 一條什么羊腸小道在那片深林外的的地方展寬。 Looking around from the top, there opened out before us a magnificent landscape that none of us had ever seen. 從上邊環視,塑造在我們都身旁的.我們都任何的人都不再見過的氣勢雄偉美麗風景。 open out into sth At the foot of the mountain, the river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 如下流域經山腳陡然向平坦的休息場所伸展轉去。 The street leads outside the city, where it opens out into a 4-lane highway. 這種街辦直連門外,在處道路兩邊伸展起來,作為是一個幾條車行道的機耕路。 open out Life opens out for a young man when he leaves school. 活相對一種剛脫離學習的年紀人來有著了期望。 Many of his talents opened out as he grew in years. 跟隨年限的漲幅,他的大量才華也得出開發。 open out She was a bit shy at first, but after a while she opened out. 剛開始她有的不好意思,但不一下兒就會變得健談起床。 She opened out a great deal at the party for a change. 她在晚大會主持詞像就變成別的私人似得健談起來。 open out The countryside opens out beyond those trees, and you can see for miles. 過那片森林,便霍然活波,村野美景數里之余匯總展現。 As we climbed to the top of the hill, a magnificent view opened out before us. 當我登到峰頂時,大片恢宏的景物表現在當我閉上眼。 open sth ? out He opened out the map and showed me the exact location of the city. 他開啟地圖圖片把那座城市發展這些切所在位置指使我看。 The future opens out a bright prospect for our younger generation. 今后為我國年輕貌美幾代展現出光華就業前景。 open out The buds will open out in a few days. 不掉多久許多花苞也會怒放。 The flower opened out when the sun came out. 太陽三回來那花就盛再開。
open to (v.+prep.)
    使通車 cause (a railway, highway or a bridge) to become open to traffic or become usable
    open sth to sb/sth She knocked and he opened the door to her. 她敲了叩門,于是乎他給她開啦。 The newly-built road opened the way to the economic intercourse between the two provinces. 新修的1條高速公路為兩省的區域經濟討論會打開網頁了便利之境。 The extensive use of audio-visual aids has opened the way to better results in the teaching of foreign languages. 新視聽機 的廣泛應用實用為外國語課堂教學達到更穩的的效果成為了有機會。 open sth to sb Some members have expressed a wish to open Council meetings to the public. 還有一些會議員表明想要議會有一定程度的議對公的眾公開的。 George felt much better after he opened his heart to Jerry. 凱文向杰瑞說出了自已的心事而后,趕到好受多了。 Girls, in general, open their hearts to their mother(s), not to their father(s). 一樣 我認為,小女胎兒用心里話幾乎都是跟爸爸母親說,不跟爸爸說。 She opened her heart to the little beggar. 她很悲憫哪幾個小要飯的。 The gardens of the great house will be opened to visitors next week. 這棟大老房子的城市花園下星期將對參觀團者休館。 open sth to traffic In southwest China, a new railway will be opened to traffic. 中國市場大華南,那條新鐵道將修通。 The new bridge across the Yangtse River is now opened to traffic. 改建的長江跨河大橋現在已經發車。
open up (v.+adv.)
    活躍 (especially in sport) become more active; play more actively
    open up Open up!This is the police! 關門!警方! Open up!I'm home. 快下班,我過來過。 open sth ? up My mother went to the front door and opened it up. 我父親往前走門走著,但是打開文檔門。 The police had to get special permission to open up the grave. 法警應該能夠 特許加盟就要瀏覽器打開墳墓。 The children were allowed to open up their Christmas presents after breakfast. 早飯后幼兒們可以打開網頁圣誕節禮物。 When I opened up the package my parents sent me,I saw a beautiful skirt. 我就打開文檔家里人寄來的快遞時,看看在了五件完美的的群子。 open up We don't open up till 9:30. 我9:30才開具。 open sth ? up To open up a business is not so easy as to run it well. 企業經營全家人廠家并不比企業經營好它可能。 The department store is opening up a new branch in one of the smaller towns. 商鋪已經較小的集鎮中籌辦連鎖加盟店。 open sth ? up In some places there was no way through for the railway line, so new passages had to be opened up with explosives. 個別方面是無法安裝軌道線,些新的河段要用黑索金炸開。 open sb/sth ? up The surgeon opened up the patient's stomach to cut out the source of the trouble. 產科麻醉醫生用刀割開病號的胃盡可能清掉病原。 The bullet wound in his shoulder was opened up for treatment. 割開他肩頭的槍傷開展控制。 open sth ? up The pioneers opened up this land over a hundred years ago. 開發建設新者在五百多年之前就開發建設了這個土地證。 The company has decided to open up this area for business. 這點工司判斷發掘這條田地,供自建房用。 The government is hoping to open up new areas of industry to provide employment. 政府部門將聯合開發出的工藝區以具備專業教育機。 The building of the new road has really opened up the distant areas. 新鐵路橋的開發另存了邊遠位置的鐵門。 open up After a while the road opened up and they traveled more quickly. 又過了一時兒,路變寬了,大家 也走得快點了。 The State Council are examining possibilities which are opening up in local affairs. 財政部真正抽測治理 地方行政監察的行不通性。 open sth ? up The story of the hero opened up a new world to me. 這群超級英雄的感人事跡使我拉開開拓視野。 Soon after she became successful, all sorts of opportunity began to open up. 她獲得成功后一兩天,各式各樣機遇與挑戰都出來。 Scientific advance has opened up the possibility of curing this dreadful disease. 科學性的發展使醫治在這種害怕的病癥將成為機會。 Einstein's theories opened up a whole new field for study. 愛因斯坦的按理來說揭走了一名新 的科學研究前沿技術。 open up We knew that there was no hope left for the town when the big guns opened up. 我們都很清大炮一響那座地市絲毫愿意也沒能了。 When they got close to the enemy lines, they opened up with all they had. 他貼近仇恨機制化時,動用其他的法寶射擊訓練。 open up The girl decided to open up and tell us everything. 這種女孩子考慮隱瞞地把全部都提醒讓我們。 He was silent at first, but soon he opened up and told us about his terrible experiences. 他開一起潛移默化不語,但買回去便講起他那一次可悲的精力。 Mary hoped that Kent would open up at once about his visit, but he didn't. 瑪麗想讓肯特能趕緊把他此次的意圖推心置腹地聊聊,但他并沒有只要做。 The reporters tried every way to question him about the purpose of his new mission abroad, but he refused to open up. 記者證們想方采取行動想問出他契機出使國內的的目的,但他推辭表露實情。 open up Once we were on the main road, the car really opened up. 我們大家了主路后,各類汽車才開著來。 open sth ? up Can't you open up the engine a little more? 你再開盡快嗎? open up After a slow start, the team really opened up and hit 180 in two hours. 該隊開場白打過不行,但慢慢切實發揮得十分的精湛,在兩每小時內打上1100分。
open with (v.+prep.)
    以…開始 (cause to) start with sth
    open sth with sth Try opening the envelope with your thumbnail. 試一下用貓指甲張開明信片。 He opened the bottle with his teeth. 別用門牙咬走了飲料瓶蓋。 open with sth The sentence opens with an adverb. 這一詩句以兩個副詞片頭。 The concert opened with a lively performance of a piece for two pianos. 背景音樂節以兩架手風琴精彩紛呈地表寅已經。 The famous play opens with the appearance of a spirit, and closes with the deaths of four people. 該名劇以表現特定精神是什么進行,以三人個的陣亡結束后。 open sth with sth The priest opened the service with a prayer. 神父以禱告慢慢他的崗位責任制。 The first artist opened the concert with a song. 首要位上場比賽的造型表演藝術家以有那首歌歌拉打開了音樂會的開幕典禮。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ 動詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A miner could be seen washing himself in the open on this hot evening. 出自: D. H. Lawrence
  • They would have a fine chance of catching them out in the open. 出自: L. McMurtry
  • The voice of Enid..rang Clear thro' the open casement of the Hall, Singing. 出自: Tennyson
  • Helen has left the hall door propped open. 出自: M. Roberts
  • He lay with his head by the open tent flap. 出自: J. Irving
  • He seemed to be able to speak and scarcely open his lips. 出自: J. Braine
  • Danby opened a door..and marched in. 出自: I. Murdoch
  • She had not allowed the servants to..open the shutters. 出自: R. P. Jhabvala
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