

[spr??]     [spr??]    
  • n. 春天;春季;彈簧;彈力;跳;泉水;源頭
  • v. 跳;彈;快速站起;突然提出;觸發捕捉器;(使)裂開;爆炸;釋放;涌出;生長;出現;聳立;(風)開始吹
sprang/sprung sprung springing springs



n. (名詞)
  1. 彈簧
  2. 動機,原動力
  3. 活力
  4. 春天,春季
  5. 彈力,彈性
  6. 跳躍
  7. 旺盛時期,青春年少時期,青春
  8. 根源,源泉,源頭
  9. 初期
  10. 大潮時期
v. (動詞)
  1. (使)爆炸
  2. 突然提出,冷不防地問, 突然說
  3. 飛快地行動
  4. 一躍而成,迅速生長
  5. 很快產生
  6. <美>請客
  7. 使彈成某種狀況
  8. (使)裂開,破裂,使炸裂
  9. 扭傷
  10. (使)彈起,(使)彈開,(使)反彈
  11. 跳,躍,蹦
  12. 突然出現,涌現
  13. 源(于)來(自),發源
  14. 給…上發條
  15. <口>花(錢)
  16. 使跳起來,驚起,跳出
  17. 使彎曲,使折斷
  18. 借機械裝置操作


n. (名詞)
  1. [U] [C] 春,春天 the season between winter and summer; the part of the year when leaves and flowers appear
  2. [C] 彈簧,發條 an object usually a length of metal wound round, which can be forced together or pressed down, and will return to its original shape when let go
  3. [C] 泉,源泉 a place where water comes up naturally from the ground
  4. [C] 跳,躍 an action to move quickly and suddenly upwards or forwards as if by jumping
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 跳躍; 驚起 leap, jump; surprise; alarm


  1. the season of growth;

    "the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring"
    "he will hold office until the spring of next year"

  2. a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed;

    "the spring was broken"

  3. a natural flow of ground water
  4. a point at which water issues forth
  5. the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
  6. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
  1. move forward by leaps and bounds;

    "The horse bounded across the meadow"
    "The child leapt across the puddle"
    "Can you jump over the fence?"

  2. develop into a distinctive entity;

    "our plans began to take shape"

  3. spring back; spring away from an impact;

    "The rubber ball bounced"
    "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"

  4. develop suddenly;

    "The tire sprang a leak"

  5. produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly;

    "He sprang these news on me just as I was leaving"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Spring is here.
  2. It can be quite windy there, especially in spring.
  3. When the box was opened, the spring jumped out.
  4. There is too much spring in this bed.
  5. The cat made a spring at the mouse.
  6. The spring water is cold and crystal-clear.
  7. An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The cat crouched ready to spring.
  2. A clown will spring from the box.
  3. Spring to attention when the captain enters.
  4. I hate to spring this on you at such short notice.
  5. Why should you spring my cricket bat?
  6. The barrel began to spring a leak.
  7. He'd only get a mouthpiece to spring him.
  8. Out of the sluice springs an inexhaustible supply of water.
  9. The wheat is beginning to spring up.
  10. Many new factories have sprung up in my home town.
  11. The northwest wind will spring up this evening.


用作動詞 (v.)
spring back (v.+adv.)
    彈回 move back
    spring back The ball sprang back and hit him. 球彈回打在他全身。
spring from (v.+prep.)
    從…來 come from
    spring from sth Where did you spring from? 你從在哪里來的? The error sprang from carelessness. 你這個失敗是由粗心誘發的。 He springs from a poor peasant's family. 他科班出身于貧農家樂庭。 spring sth from sth Eighteen months later Black was sprung from prison.18 個月時間后布萊克莫名被釋放出來了。
spring on (v.+prep.)
    突然告知 make known so as to surprise
    spring sth on sb They are trying to spring a surprise on us. 大家計劃告誡公司一位令人吃驚的信息。 He sprang a new proposal on us. 他莫名向大家強調了新的最好是。
spring out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    從…猛跳了起來 move quickly upwards from sth
    spring out of sth He sprang out of bed when the alarm went off. 當防控警報響的時他從床周邊猛跳了下去。
spring through (v.+prep.)
    跳過 jump across
    spring through sth He sprang through the creek. 他繞開一條小河。 Grasshoppers were springing through the field. 蝗蟲在田野里三處蹦跳。
spring to (v.+prep.)
    在…出現 be expressed
    spring to sth I sprang to my feet, for anger had overtaken me. 我怒切不可遏,使勁兒跳了下去。 Tears sprang to her eyes. 她的眼晴里泛著了淚花。 The words sprang to her lips. 她失聲說一說了這個話。
spring up (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉突然開始; 突然產生; 快速增加或增長 begin suddenly; increase quickly
    spring up In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting. 他不管不顧全身上下的傷害,一躍而起,向激戰的好地方沖去。 spring up from sth He sprang up from his seat. 他從席位上跳了來。 spring up out of sth The boy sprang up out of the chair as soon as he heard the doorbell ring. 那寶貝一首歌到門鈴響,就從沙發椅上跳著。 spring up How that plant has sprung up since I last saw it! 早就我上個看到那株苗芽后,它看起來可真快呀! spring up A strong wind sprang up soon after we left the harbour. 咱們撤離碼頭一兩天,顯得突然刮起了大風天氣。 All of a sudden, a southeasterly wind sprang up and the sky was overcast. 猛然間刮起西南風來,一時期間天空滿布了云霧。 Opposition to the plan has sprung up in some political groups. 某一政治課小團體對此項規劃的抵制猛的加重。 What caused this doubt to spring up in your mind? 什么樣的理由使你猛然間生產了你這個異議? A suspicion sprang up in her mind after she heard what he'd said. 聽后了他的情況,她心中由不得冉冉升起兩團疑云。 In recent years, new buildings have sprung up like mushrooms in the city. 近半余年,興建筑物如同下完不斷涌現地經常出現沒有你座市政里。 A new custom has sprung up. 有一種新的典雅出現了了。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • No good drinking water in that land, save..at a rare spring. 出自: H. Belloc
  • Of one hill spring three great Rivers. 出自: P. Holland
  • The perspiration which sprung from his brow. 出自: Sir W. Scott
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