

[??ntr?'dju?s]     [??ntr?'du?s]    
  • vt. 介紹;引進;采用;提出;提倡;放入
introducible introducer introduced introduced introducing introduces



v. (動詞)
  1. 介紹,引見,使相互認識
  2. 引進,傳入
  3. 采用,推行,推廣
  4. 提出,制定
  5. 引出,引導
  6. 使開始,使嘗試
  7. 作為…的開始;作為…的開頭
  8. 做(自我)介紹
  9. 主持(節目)
  10. 使初次了解
  11. 實施
  12. 創始
  13. 將…放入
  14. 帶領
  15. 輸入
  16. 把(某人)正式帶入社交界


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 介紹,引見 make known for the first time by telling the person's name to the other
  2. vt. 引進,提出 bring sth in
  3. vt. 實施 bring (new laws, etc.) into practice or use
  4. vt. 將…放〔插〕 put sth (into sth)
  5. vt. 作為…的開頭 be a sign that (sth) is about to happen; signal the start of


  1. cause to come to know personally;

    "permit me to acquaint you with my son"
    "introduce the new neighbors to the community"

  2. bring something new to an environment;

    "A new word processor was introduced"

  3. introduce;

    "Insert your ticket here"

  4. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment;

    "He brought in a new judge"
    "The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor"

  5. bring in or establish in a new place or environment;

    "introduce a rule"
    "introduce exotic fruits"

  6. put or introduce into something;

    "insert a picture into the text"

  7. bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
  8. put before (a body);

    "introduce legislation"

  9. furnish with a preface or introduction;

    "She always precedes her lectures with a joke"
    "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution"

  10. be a precursor of;

    "The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. She introduced me to her friend.
  2. Excuse me, may I take the opportunity to introduce myself as an interpreter?
  3. Introduce new ideas into a business.
  4. And it must introduce democratic reforms.
  5. We will introduce legal safeguards against fraud.
  6. He introduced a motion to the Congress.


用作動詞 (v.)
introduce into (v.+prep.)
    引進; 插入 put sb/sth inside sth or bring sb/sth into sth
    introduce sb/sth into sth He introduced the guest into the room. 他把親戚扶植屋。 She introduced me into the lobby. 她就將我扶持修養室。 You need a special tool to introduce the pipe into the hole. 你都要某種幫忙的器具來把鐵管放洞內。 Introduce the tube into that conduit, please. 請把電纜線插入圖那picc導管內。 Shakespeare always introduced some comic relief into his tragedies. 莎士比亞總在他的悲劇結局中連綴些許真令人便捷的滑稽表情景象。 The Romans introduced roads into Britain. 羅馬帝國人把農村公路吸引人才外國。 Modern scientific inventions have introduced many new words into the language. 近現代的科學課發明家給語種引進外資了很多網絡熱詞。 They introduced the subject into the conversation. 兩人在溝通中引進了那種熱點。 They intended to introduce investment and technology into the region. 許多人今后在該地區劃分引進技藝信貸資金和技藝。 The author introduced thieves' slang into his novel. 那作著把竊賊的暗語通道他的短篇小說里。 The educational bureau demands that all schools introduce a new course into the curriculum. 幼小銜接局追求所有的中小學創建每門新技術。 She was introduced into upper society. 她經人價紹開始上流發展。 A thin, hollow needle was carefully introduced into the patient's abdomen. 一塊細實心針被心地插進患病者腹腔。 A small amount of alcohol was introduced into the mixture. 把一點的烈性酒摻進到這些混后劑中。 The people are still not very familiar with the machine as it has been introduced into the country only recently. 我們對這一機還不太記住,如果它近幾天才被傳入到一個一個國家。 Tea was introduced into Europe from Asia . 茶指從北美洲進入荷蘭的。 Many fruits and vegetables have been introduced into Taiwan in recent years. 近來來國內已扶植非常多果和菜。 Buddhism was introduced into China about 67 AD. 禪宗是在距今62年左右側進入中國國家的。 Printing was introduced into Europe from China many years ago. 一些年之前噴涂術從里面國引入澳洲。 Gunpowder was introduced into Europe during the first half of the 14th century. 在14世際上半葉,黑火藥傳到歐式。 The police have a good idea how most of the cannabis that is introduced into the country gets past the Customs. 公安局專案組十分的熟知傳到一國的大要素新加坡大麻是該怎樣順利通過中國海關的。 New technology from the West is being introduced into China. 我國的正進駐西方文化新技能。 Many cars are introduced into China from Japan. 非常多小車從美國進囗的到國家。 New machines were introduced into the factory. As a result, not only were time and energy saved but production was greatly increased. 工業區招引了新的POS機,而有一方面減少了用時和能源資源,還更大地加快了生產加工。 A Bill was introduced into the parliament yesterday. 一類議案昨天早上被發送給了議會。
introduce to (v.+prep.)
    把…介紹給; 使…了解 make known to or familiar with (sb else)
    introduce sb/oneself/sth to sb/sth I introduced John to Mary. 我將雷德里克詳細介紹給了瑪麗。 Let me introduce you to my friend Nancy. 我能你把價紹我想要的用戶南希。 The chairman introduced the lecturer to the audience. 毛主席把演講視頻人價紹給觀眾。 Let me introduce myself to you. 我要向您弄個自我管理價紹。 He introduced me to the distinctions between the accents of Beijing and Tianjin people. 他向我介召了武漢人與天津開發區人的方音有什么區別嗎。 Who introduced you to the distinction between the accents of British English and American English? 誰向你介紹了馬來西亞音和芬蘭音的差別? She was asked to introduce her method to the other workers. 這些 讓她向的民工介召她的工作中的辦法。 Mr. Bush will introduce you to the details of your work. 布什男士將把要專業從事的工作中的詳盡網站內容問過你。 I introduced my cousin to the city by showing him the sights. 我領我的表弟兄進入游覽古跡,使他熟練這地市的情形。 I shall always be grateful to my former teacher for introducing me to the study of language. 我將人的一生子感謝作文我早先的教練,是他就將我添加表達調查閘機的。 My father introduced me to the game of football. 我父親母親使我玩到足球活動活動。 This leaflet introduces you to social security. 這個宣傳頁會使你要了解社會各界基本保障請況。 It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz. 這是表弟使我掌握了爵士樂。 The teacher introduced his young pupils to the intricacies of Euclid. 一位小編把較為復雜的歐幾里得平面幾何學老師給自身年經的初中生。 The teacher introduced the boy to the pleasures of reading. 這群教師讓男孩們嘗過了看書的快感。 The young man is introducing a new product to the public. 那一最年輕群體現在向民眾的介紹一種生活新品牌。 Tom's latest book may introduce some new ideas to the public. 湯姆的大作可能性會向消費者簡紹某種新思維。 The Arabs later introduced the compass to Europe. 就這樣阿拉伯人又把羅盤風水傳到歐洲其他國家。 Food companies introduce new products to the market. 食品飲料品牌向貿易市場推送新食品。 The botanist introduced a new species of plant to the region. 這位沉水綠色植物科學家向該東北部引用好幾回種新沉水綠色植物。 He introduced a motion to the meeting. 他向辦公會議給出哪項動議。 I should like to be introduced to him. 我想要結交他。 Alice was introduced to Norman's friends. 艾利斯被講解給諾爾曼的大家。 They were introduced to the ambassador. 顧客被介紹給了哪位公使。 At a cocktail party in Hollywood,I was introduced to Charlie Chaplin. 在美國好萊塢的一天雞尾宴會上,別個給我簡紹給查理·卓別林。 I was first introduced to Hemingway by his novel Old Man and Sea . 我是能夠閱讀書《老者與海》分析海明威的。 I was first introduced to office politics on a most unfortunate occasion. 我在這一兩個是真讓人缺憾的施工地點首次感受生活了會議室室里的鉤心斗角。 Born in the middle of London, he was introduced to politics as a child. 他剛出生于都柏林市基地,從孩提21世紀就對政冶有所為體念了。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The fourth member was..Liz,..introduced for reasons of utility. 出自: G. Greene
目錄格式 緒論 查詞時間