

[d??m]     [d??m]    
  • n. 果醬
  • n. 堵塞;擁擠;困境
  • v. 塞滿;擠;卡住;夾傷;干擾;猛壓
jammable jammer jammed jammed jamming jams



n. (名詞)
  1. 果醬
  2. 擁擠
  3. <美口>困境,窘境
  4. 堵塞, 阻塞
  5. 擁擠的人群
  6. 堵塞物
  7. 陷入困境
  8. 可望而不可即的美好未來
  9. 許而不予的好東西
  10. 奢侈
  11. 酒席
  12. 好菜
  13. 軋住
  14. 停頓
  15. 【無線電】干擾
  16. 失真
v. (動詞)
  1. 擠進,擠,(使)擠滿,擁擠
  2. 壓碎
  3. 堵塞,把...塞滿,塞住,堵住,塞滿
  4. 塞進,塞入
  5. 擠傷
  6. (使)卡住,夾住
  7. (使)發生故障
  8. 猛推,猛壓
  9. 急踩(剎車)
  10. 【無】干擾
  11. 使勁(往某處)擠
  12. 不能運轉, 不能動彈,軋住不動
  13. 即興演奏
  14. 給...涂上果醬
  15. 楔緊
  16. 制成果醬
  17. 混雜
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. Jamaica 牙買加
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 完美的,極好的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 緊密地,親近地


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]果醬 very thick sweet liquid made from fruit boiled and preserved in sugar
  2. [C]擁擠,堵塞 crowding together of people, things, etc. so that movement is difficult or impossible
  3. [C]困難的處境; 窘境 difficult or embarrassing situation
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)塞緊,(使)擠滿 pack, crush, or gather tightly into a small space
  2. vt. & vi. 堵塞 fill with people, cars, etc., so that movement is difficult or impossible
  3. vt. & vi. 發生故障; 夾住 (especially of moving parts, e.g. of machine) to get stuck; squeeze


  1. preserve of crushed fruit
  2. informal terms for a difficult situation;

    "he got into a terrible fix"
    "he made a muddle of his marriage"

  3. a dense crowd of people
  4. deliberate radiation or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of disrupting enemy use of electronic devices or systems
  1. press tightly together or cram;

    "The crowd packed the auditorium"

  2. push down forcibly;

    "The driver jammed the brake pedal to the floor"

  3. crush or bruise;

    "jam a toe"

  4. interfere with or prevent the reception of signals;

    "Jam the Voice of America"
    "block the signals emitted by this station"

  5. get stuck and immobilized;

    "the mechanism jammed"

  6. crowd or pack to capacity;

    "the theater was jampacked"

  7. block passage through;

    "obstruct the path"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He spread some apple jam on the bread.
  2. I reached across the table for the jam.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Traffic jams in the town happen everyday.
  2. We were delayed in a traffic jam.
  3. They detoured around the traffic jam by heading south.
  4. How am I going to get out of this jam?
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The holiday traffic is jamming the roads.
  2. You'll have to catch the next bus, we can't possibly jam any more passengers in.
    你得坐下輛公共汽車, 這輛車無論如何也擠不下了。
  3. The key turned halfway and then jammed.
  4. He got his finger jammed in the door.
  5. The government tried to jam the guerrillas' telecommunication.
  6. I had to jam an the brakes sharply to avoid hitting two children


用作名詞 (n.)
in a jam
    〈美口〉困境in difficulty
用作動詞 (v.)
jam in1 (v.+adv.)
    (將…)擠進〔塞進〕 push, press, or pack things or people tightly in a space
    jam in Crowds jammed in for seats when the train pulled up. 火車動車一停,消費者便擠進車箱找座椅。 jam sb/sth ? in You'll have to catch the next bus; we can't possibly jam any more passengers in. 你得坐坐個車,這個車大多數如此也擠沒用了。 My car has been jammed in by several lorries, and I can't get it out. 我的汽車的讓好幾臺大卡車擠住,我開沒有了祛了。 Don't park there; you'll probably get jammed in. 別把車子停在哪里有,你說不變會被堵在外面。 The bus was so full that I was jammed in and couldn't move. 服務性車輛上人越來越多了,把我擠在外面彈出不能。
jam in2 (v.+prep.)
    (將…)擠進〔塞進〕 push, press, or pack things or people tightly into a space
    jam in sth The logs jammed in the river. 圓木擠塞在河里。 jam sth in sth The girl jammed her fingers in the door. 女寶寶的手指頭被門軋傷了。 He jammed his clothes in a small suitcase. 他把裙子塞進一個小空箱子里。 The key is jammed in the lock. 鑰匙卡在鎖里,拿不到來。 The newspapers were so tightly jammed in the letterbox that he could hardly get them out. 報紙新聞牢牢地塞在信箱里,他近乎未能把這些食品拿出來。
jam into (v.+prep.)
    (將…)擠進; 塞進 push, press, or pack things or people tightly into a space
    jam into sth Far too many foot-ball supporters tried to jam into the small ground. 越來越多的足球賽蘋果支持者想擠進那些小用地。 One of the lifts was out of order, so we all had to jam into the other one. 一幢座高層電梯轎廂中的一幢出了電腦故障,人們我們當不成都擠進別的幢高層電梯轎廂里去。 jam sth into sth I can't jam another thing into the bag. 這家包內就塞下不來是一件事情了。
jam on1 (v.+adv.)
    猛壓,猛踩 use sth hurriedly, as by pressing
jam on2 (v.+prep.)
    猛壓,猛踩 use sth hurriedly, as by pressing
    jam sth on sth She jammed her foot on the brake. 她用勁兒將腳踩在手剎閘上。
jam together (v.+adv.)
    (使)緊緊地擠在一起 (cause to) be packed tightly together
    jam together The crowd jammed together to get a good view of the famous visitor. 各位你擠我,我擠你,都想就好好一下那一位到訪的明星。 The two pieces of wood always jam together if I don't hold them apart. 我應該就是不把這2塊木料撐開,它們之間就總愛擠在兩塊。 jam sth ? together All the cars were jammed together at one end of the bridge. 整個避免都擠在跨河大橋的一只。
jam up (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉把事情搞糟,搞亂 spoil; cause difficulty in sth
    jam sth ? up The accident jammed up the traffic for half an hour. 意外死亡安全生產事故使出行閉塞了半1天。 The committee was doing well until the chairman's independent action jammed up the work. 理事會會的業務原先開始得很盡早,可后面主度自己其是,把工作攪糟了。
jam with (v.+prep.)
    使擠滿 fill a space tightly with sth, things, or people
    jam sth with sb/sth The train was jammed with passengers. 火車身上熱鬧非凡了乘車人。 The gateway was jammed with angry people. 大門邊坐滿了爆怒的人。 The room was jammed with people wanting to buy the furniture. 老百姓熱鬧非凡了室內,等你買家私。 The roads are jammed with cars taking people to horse show. 道上涌進了驅車看馬展者的行駛。 The company's switchboard was jammed with complaints. 打辦公座機號網絡投訴的辦公座機號很多了,企業的辦公座機號總機數不勝數。


用作名詞 (n.)
名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • To preserve..the true flavour and the colour of fruit in jams..boil them rapidly. 出自: E. Acton
  • 'I'm in the devil of a jam,' said Robin gloomily. 出自: P. H. Gibbs
  • Our three chairs are jammed between chimney and basement door. 出自: M. Piercy





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