

[mes]     [mes]    
  • n. 混亂;混雜;臟亂;一份食品;糞便;(軍隊的)食堂
  • v. 弄糟;弄亂;妨礙
messed messed messing messes



n. (名詞)
  1. 食堂
  2. 伙食,一份食品,雜食,大雜燴
  3. 集體用膳人員,伙食團
  4. 混亂,紛亂
  5. 困境
  6. 足夠一頓吃的量
  7. 骯臟,污穢
  8. 臟亂的東西
  9. 混合飼料
  10. 過失,錯誤
  11. 會餐
v. (動詞)
  1. 弄臟,弄亂,使不整潔
  2. 干預,干擾,干涉,妨礙,打擾
  3. (把事情)弄糟,搞亂,毀壞,使紊亂,使混亂,陷入混亂
  4. (瞎)擺弄,玩弄
  5. 為...配給食物,給...供膳,集體用膳,使就餐,準備伙食
  6. 粗暴地對待,毆打
  7. 鬼混,無所事事,閑蕩
  8. 隨地便溺
  9. 毫不費力,不費吹灰之力,輕而易舉
  10. 胡鬧,瞎鬧,胡亂地處理
  11. 逍遙自在地做事
  12. 勾搭,調情
  13. 多管閑事,插手


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. 弄臟; 弄亂 make a mess of; put into disorder or confusion
  2. vi. & vt. (粗魯地)對待 treat sb roughly or inconsiderately
n. (名詞)
  1. [S][U]雜亂,臟亂; 臟東西 (a state of) untidiness or dirt
  2. [S]不整潔〔亂七八糟〕的人〔事〕 sb or sth untidy, disordered, etc.
  3. [U][C]糞便 a quantity of animal feces


  1. a state of confusion and disorderliness;

    "the house was a mess"
    "she smoothed the mussiness of the bed"

  2. informal terms for a difficult situation;

    "he got into a terrible fix"
    "he made a muddle of his marriage"

  3. soft semiliquid food;

    "a mess of porridge"

  4. a meal eaten in a mess hall by service personnel
  5. a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax
  6. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;

    "a batch of letters"
    "a deal of trouble"
    "a lot of money"
    "he made a mint on the stock market"
    "see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos"
    "it must have cost plenty"
    "a slew of journalists"
    "a wad of money"

  1. eat in a mess hall
  2. make a mess of or create disorder in;

    "He messed up his room"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The local economy is now in a mess.
  2. The heavy rain made a great mess of the garden.
  3. The room was in a terrible mess.
  4. He caught a large mess of fish.
  5. Who will clean up the cat's mess in the bedroom?
  6. The party will be held in the officers' mess.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I am ask to organize the trip, but I mess it up.
    大家要我組織這次旅游, 可是我把事情搞糟了。
  2. I've sorted out the books; now don't mess them up again.
  3. You'd better not mess in the affairs of others.


用作動詞 (v.)
mess about (v.+adv.)
    粗魯地對待 treat sb roughly or inconsiderately
    mess about Stop messing about and listen to me. 別再一敗涂地了,聽我講。 Go on with your work and stop messing about . 立刻干活兒,別一敗涂地了。 Tell the boy to stop messing about upstairs. 告誡那孩童別在樓里吵吵。 mess sth ? about Don't mess about my bags. 避免亂弄我的雙肩包。 Tradition is not to be messed about. 傳統型不會從來不修該。 mess sb ? about Don't mess me about,I want the money you promised me . 別瞧不起我,你要你答應要家錢。 He said he was 70 years old, and had never been messed about by anybody before. 總理還說他就在今年六十歲了,生平事跡一直沒有被粗魯地對付過。
mess about with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    胡鬧; 玩弄 spend time lazily; cause disorder to sth
    mess about with sb/sth She didn't want you coming and messing about with things. 她不不喜歡在這里瞎胡攪蠻纏。 She spent the day just messing about with her friends. 她一一個勁都和老朋友無所什么事都地在一同。 Don't mess about with sharp knives. 不用擺布鋒利度的刀片。
mess around (v.+adv.)
    游蕩 spend time lazily
    mess around He is always messing around doing nothing. 他經常東游西蕩,無所萬事。
mess up (v.+adv.)
    弄亂 put into disorder or confusion
    mess up He got another chance and didn't want to mess up again. 他又獲一下概率,一次他就別不愿把狀況弄糟了。 mess sth ? up She messed up her new dress with blue ink. 藍打印墨水弄臟了她的新衣物。 Don't mess up my clean floor. 不需要讓我很臟的實木地板弄臟了。 Don't mess up the room. 別把房間弄臟。 His divorce has really messed his life up. 直接離婚已把他的家庭生活完全干擾了。 If he undertakes anything he always messes it up. 不顧他做那些事,總會辦得很糟。 He didn't want to mess up the situation. 他不讓把事兒弄糟。 The late arrival of the train messed up all our plans. 火車臥鋪誤點打變亂你們大多數的行動計劃。
mess with (v.+prep.)
    亂搞 put into disorder with
用作名詞 (n.)
make a mess of
    擾亂,弄亂spoil; ruin


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~


  • Beautiful copper saucepans filled with savoury messes which they put on the stove. 出自: A. Uttley
  • What boy has ever passed a bit of water without messing in it? 出自: K. Grahame
  • A guest would mean a great deal of messing about with oil and frying-pan. 出自: R. K. Narayan
  • The children messed about that day, doing nothing at all. 出自: E. Blyton
  • And don't go messing round with drugs. 出自: N. Hinton
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