

[st?f]     [st?f]    
  • n. 東西;原料;材料
  • n. 素質;本質;廢物;無用的想法;廢話,蠢話
  • vt. 塞滿;填滿
stuffer stuffed stuffed stuffing stuffs



n. (名詞)
  1. 東西,物品
  2. 要素
  3. 原料
  4. 本質,素質,品質
  5. 槍彈,炮彈
  6. 材料
  7. 廢物,無用之物,無價值的事物(或作品)
  8. 所有物
  9. 廢話
  10. 資料
  11. 紡織品,織物,毛呢
  12. 腳本,臺詞
  13. 劣貨
  14. (造紙的)紙漿,漿料,紙料
  15. <俚>大麻,毒品
  16. <美俚>贓物,走私貨(尤指酒)
  17. <美口>【保齡球】(球的)旋轉,滾動曲線
  18. <美口>【棒球】(投手使球旋轉的)制球能力,控制的球速
  19. <美口>【籃球】塞籃,扣籃(=stuff shot)
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 毛織品做的,呢絨做的
v. (動詞)
  1. 裝,填,塞,把...塞進,把…裝進
  2. 裝滿,填滿,填充,灌滿,塞滿
  3. 塞住,堵住,堵塞
  4. 喂飽,填喂,使飽食,使吃得過飽
  5. 投入大量假選票
  6. <俚>欺騙,誆騙,愚弄
  7. 把作料(或填料)塞入(雞、鴨、魚等)
  8. 把…充填在(某物)的內部
  9. 【烹飪】給…裝餡,在…里填入(另外一種食物)
  10. 制作(動物)標本,填塞(鳥、動物)的皮以作標本
  11. 使充滿,使充斥
  12. 給(皮革)加脂
  13. <口>(在比賽中)輕易擊敗(對手)
  14. <俚>處理掉,丟掉
  15. 【籃球】扣(籃),把(球)塞入籃筐
  16. 冰球】把(球或冰球)近距離射入球門
  17. <忌>和(女人)性交
  18. 吃飽,吃撐,吃足,吃得太多,吃得過飽,狼吞虎咽


n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 材料,東西 matter; material
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 以…填進,填滿,塞滿 fill tightly with


  1. the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object;

    "coal is a hard black material"
    "wheat is the stuff they use to make bread"

  2. miscellaneous unspecified objects;

    "the trunk was full of stuff"

  3. informal terms for personal possessions;

    "did you take all your clobber?"

  4. senseless talk;

    "don't give me that stuff"

  5. unspecified qualities required to do or be something;

    "the stuff of heros"
    "you don't have the stuff to be a United States Marine"

  6. information in some unspecified form;

    "it was stuff I had heard before"
    "there's good stuff in that book"

  7. a critically important or characteristic component;

    "suspense is the very stuff of narrative"

  1. cram into a cavity;

    "The child stuffed candy into his pockets"

  2. press or force;

    "Stuff money into an envelope"
    "She thrust the letter into his hand"

  3. obstruct;

    "My nose is all stuffed"
    "Her arteries are blocked"

  4. overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself;

    "She stuffed herself at the dinner"
    "The kids binged on ice cream"

  5. treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting;

    "stuff a bearskin"

  6. fill tightly with a material;

    "stuff a pillow with feathers"

  7. fill with a stuffing while cooking;

    "Have you stuffed the turkey yet?"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Get rid of that stuff in the garage.
  2. I've got quite a lot of stuff to read.
  3. We must as well buy our own stuff.
  4. Some parts nowadays are made of plastic or similar stuff.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The young man has good stuff in him.
  2. If I go to a sale,I'll end up buying a lot of stuff I do not need.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. He stuffed the suitcase with his clothes.
  2. The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle.
  3. They have stuffed the hole up.


用作名詞 (n.)
and stuff
    等等and so on; etc.
用作動詞 (v.)
stuff down (v.+prep.)
    強使某人記住、相信或接受某種令人不快或違背意愿的事情 force sb to remember, believe, or accept sth unpleasant or against his will用于be ~ed結構
stuff into (v.+prep.)
    塞入; 迫使…吃 pack sth such as material or things tightly in sth; force food on sb
    stuff sth into sb/sth I simply can't stuff any more clothes into this case. 我沒法往上升小箱子里塞更加多的的衣服。 Please don't stuff worthless food into my children,I'd like to control what they eat. 不會再我會的學生吃那一些對身上無利的產品,讓我調控孩子的飲食文化。
stuff it
    忍受不愉快的事 put up with sth unpleasant
stuff up (v.+adv.)
    堵上 block sth; be filled, as with a cold
    stuff sth ? up She stuffed her ears up with cotton-wool. 她用脫脂棉塞住了耳廓。 You stuff the hole in the window up with newspaper until the man can put some new glass in. 施工人員來裝新夾絲玻璃前但你能用點英文報紙先把門窗堵上。 My nose is uncomfortably stuffed up. 我的鼻腔塞得無法受。 I have got a bad cold and my nose is all stuffed up. 我得了重感冒咳嗽,鼻腔1點不換氣。
stuff with (v.+prep.)
    灌輸某種思想 give sb ideas about sth
    stuff sth with sth You could stuff the chair with this torn material. 玩家能夠以用這樣碎料塞椅墊。 For Christmas, we stuff the chicken with a mixture of bread and flavourings. 過萬圣節節時,人們在雞腹內塞切片面包加不同調味品。 The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle. 碗櫥里塞滿了舊漁具。 Every case he had was already stuffed with clothes. 他所以的小箱子都塞滿了服裝。 stuff oneself with sth She sat stuffing herself with biscuits. 她坐個去哪里吃慕汐可可。 stuff sb/sth with sth Don't stuff him with silly ideas. 別教他餿壞主意。 The pedlar was stuffing the boy with lies. 那小販在犯錯誤騙寶寶。 His article is stuffed with cliche. 他的原創文章中滿是些陳詞濫調。 His head is stuffed with silly romantic ideas. 他滿腦筋幼稚的想方設法。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The sumptuous wealth of stuffsslong dresses, velvet hangings. 出自: J. Updike
  • A number of people stuffed together..in small huts. 出自: J. Langhorne





  • stuffing n. 填充物,填料;食物中的填料,餡‖stuffy adj. 空氣不好的,通風不好的,悶的;(觀點、舉止)陳腐的,呆板的,拘謹的


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