

[p?k]     [p?k]    
  • n. 一群;一副;包裹;一包
  • v. 包裝;解雇;塞滿;收拾行李;佩戴
packable packability packed packed packing packs



n. (名詞)
  1. (野獸,飛禽等的)一群
  2. (童子軍等的)一隊,(戰艦、車輛等的)一群
  3. <常貶>一伙,一幫
  4. 大量
  5. 裝罐量,包裝量
  6. 包,包裹,背包,降落傘包
  7. 包(包裝貨物的計量單位)
  8. 包裝,包裝法,包裝材料
  9. (海洋中的)流冰群,浮冰群
  10. <英>(紙牌的)一副
  11. <美>小包,小盒,箱,袋,包裝容器
  12. (穿在靴內的)鹿皮鞋,軟皮鞋
v. (動詞)
  1. 加工包裝,把...裝入容器
  2. 使擠在一起,擠滿,塞滿
  3. 填封
  4. 打包,裝箱,整理行裝
  5. 壓緊,搗實
  6. <美口>經常攜帶
  7. 使成群,使成堆,聚集
  8. 送走,打發走
  9. 備有,含有
  10. 結束,停止
  11. 能被包裝,適于裝運
  12. 馱運貨物或裝備
  13. (匆匆)離開,帶著行李離開
  14. 安插自己人充任
  15. <古>(為作弊而)洗(牌),做(牌)
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 適用于包裝的,適用于打包的
  2. 用于馱運東西的
  3. 成包的,成捆的,包裝好的
  4. (動物)馴良的
  5. <蘇格蘭>親密的,有好的


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]包裹,背包 number of things wrapped or tied together for carrying; bag
  2. [C]小紙盒,小紙包 smaller paper or cardboard container in which goods are packed for selling
  3. [C]一群,一隊 group of wild animals that hum together; organized group
  4. [C]一幫,一伙,一堆 number of people or things
  5. [C]一副 a complete set of playing cards
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 捆扎; 收拾行李 put together in a bundle, box, etc.
  2. vt. 塞進; 擁進 fit, crush, push people, things into a space
  3. vi. 裝箱 be able to be put into a container for transport of storing
  4. vt. & vi. (使)形成硬塊 (cause sth to) form a hard compact mass
  5. vt. 攜帶,佩帶 carry sth; be equipped with sth
  6. vt. 挑選…使之偏袒自己 choose sb so that they are likely to decide in one's favour


  1. a large indefinite number;

    "a battalion of ants"
    "a multitude of TV antennas"
    "a plurality of religions"

  2. a complete collection of similar things
  3. a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film)
  4. an association of criminals;

    "police tried to break up the gang"
    "a pack of thieves"

  5. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
  6. a group of hunting animals
  7. a cream that cleanses and tones the skin
  8. a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the body for its therapeutic effect
  9. a bundle (especially one carried on the back)
  1. arrange in a container;

    "pack the books into the boxes"

  2. fill to capacity;

    "This singer always packs the concert halls"
    "The murder trial packed the court house"

  3. compress into a wad;

    "wad paper into the box"

  4. carry, as on one's back;

    "Pack your tents to the top of the mountain"

  5. set up a committee or legislative body with one's own supporters so as to influence the outcome;

    "pack a jury"

  6. have with oneself; have on one's person;

    "She always takes an umbrella"
    "I always carry money"
    "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"

  7. press tightly together or cram;

    "The crowd packed the auditorium"

  8. hike with a backpack;

    "Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies"

  9. press down tightly;

    "tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso"

  10. seal with packing;

    "pack the faucet"

  11. have the property of being packable or of compacting easily;

    "This powder compacts easily"
    "Such odd-shaped items do not pack well"

  12. load with a pack
  13. treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood;

    "The nurse packed gauze in the wound"
    "You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The hare could find no safety, a pack of jackals had it in the wind.
  2. He rounded on journalists, calling them 'a pack of vultures'.
  3. A pack of cards has been spread on the table.
  4. Try to pair this card with one exactly the same from the other pack.
  5. The traveler took out a bottle of water from the pack on his back.
  6. To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back.
  7. He paid $4 for a pack of cigarettes.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. In order to avoid any possible damage in transit, we would ask you to pack the goods in strong but small wooden cases.
  2. Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it.
  3. He was told by the boss to pack up.
  4. This case is full, I can't pack any more clothes in.
    這箱子已裝滿, 我塞不進更多的衣服。
  5. I want to go to Shanghai,so I pack my luggage.
  6. I crawled into my tent to pack my things up.


用作名詞 (n.)
a pack of lies
    一派謊言〔胡言〕 many lies
用作動詞 (v.)
pack away (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉吃很多 eat a lot (of food)
    pack sth ? away We packed the tools away. 我把工貝放好。 Pack away your books, children.It's time for break. 孩紙們,卸下彼此的書,現下你們要休息日。 It's going to rain; we'd better pack away our things and go indoors. 要有雨了,企業建議把的東西裝起來了進房里去。 I will try to find that old book.but it's been packed away for years. 我將全力去找那本舊書,而且它已被耽擱許多年了。 pack away You'd be surprised at the amount that boy can pack away in a single day. 這小男生子那天的飯量會叫你興奮不已的。 pack it away My sister may look delicate and lady-like, but give her a bowl of rice and she can really pack it away. 我弟弟見到去很文雅,像個按摩女,但她一口就也可以吃了飯小半碗飯。
pack down (v.+adv.)
    把…壓實 make a solid mass
    pack down If the snow isn't cleared from the roads quickly, it packs down hard and makes driving difficult. 如果是沒法迅速把積冰從道路途中整理走,可能會被回填,給該車輛開車帶動艱難。 pack sth ? down If you pack those things down we can get more into the box. 若是 快把那么食物擠一擠,我們都就是可以多放些食物到皮箱里。
pack in1( v.+adv. )
    吸引 attract
    pack in You pack in as tightly as you can. 自己時應往上面擠。 pack sth ? in She packed all the clothes in after much trouble. 她費了蠻大的勁才把很多的產品都塞了里面。 pack in Why don't you pack in when you feel dizzy? 你頭眩暈,為甚東西不放手辦公? I'm sorry to say he has packed in. 很期待他早就提出辭職了。 pack sb in The singer packed the crowd in. 演唱家脫穎而出了大量現場觀眾。 Star Wars was really packing them in.《 星際大戰游戲》卻是抓住了多地觀眾席。
pack in2( v.+prep. )
    塞進 crush together into a place or period of time
    pack sth in sth The workers tightly packed the goods in the crate. 職工們把快件死死地地進行包裝在空箱子里。 He went away with all my clothes packed in his own bags. 他讓我幾乎所有的夏天衣服都裝在他的旅行背包里跑壞了。 The food is packed in tins. 口味裝在肉罐頭里。 Peaches are often packed in cans for the market. 柿子常裝成罐頭食品制造專業市場。 Meat, fish and vegetables are often packed in cans. 肉制品、魚和水果常裝成黃桃罐頭。 Glass should be packed in straw. 破璃盛器須得捆扎在稻草中。
pack into( v.+prep. )
    塞進; 擠進 crush or crowd together (into a place or period of time)
    pack into sth The crowds packed into the cinema on a wet day. 一個群人困連陰天擠進了美國電影城。 Excursionists packed into a big bus. 徒步活動的游客們們擠在1輛大客運車里。 pack sb/sth into sth They managed to pack eleven people into the car. 她們想辦法讓12個人擠進了小二手車。 She packed all her clothes and other daily necessities into a suitcase, ready to leave the home forever. 她將大部分的產品和另外些許日化用品店品裝到行李托運箱里,預備一輩子分開該家。 She managed to pack a lot of sightseeing into a short period of time she had in London. 她在都柏林停留的雖短小段時刻中,狹窄地配備了連串的光觀活動。 The people were packed into an already overcrowded bus. 很多人被擠入了一大輛已很交通擁堵的通用汽車的。 The leading facts of his career can easily be packed into a few sentences. 他經歷過中的最主要的現實就能夠很加容易用一句話總體。
pack it in
    停止; 放棄 stop; give up
pack off( v.+adv. )
    (匆忙將…)打發走,送走 send off in a hurry
    pack sb ? off to sb/sth Your boyfriend is much too young for you.Why don't you pack him off to his mother? 你男好友 的年歲比你小得多,你為什么不將他寄回他母親圖片去那里去? She packed off the children to their aunt's for a few days while the house was being cleaned through. 當房間被完全清理垃圾的是,她把幼兒們急急忙忙送達它們的姑媽家去呆數天。
pack out( v.+adv. )
    使(劇院)滿座 make a theatre fully seated
    pack sth ? out The ground was packed out when our local team played its League Cup match. 我們我們公司們網上的籃球隊之爭決賽杯時,內場座無虛席。
pack together( v.+adv. )
    使緊擠在一起 make (things) form a tight mass
    pack sb/sth ? together Pack these books together and put them in the attic. 把這部分書捆在一塊兒,放入小閣樓里面。 The boys were packed together in a small room. 男孩們都擠在一個小房間。
pack up( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉停止工作,停止運轉 finish work; cease operating
    pack up Let's pack up and get ready to start at once. 讓你們收納好飛機化妝品,提前準備趕緊來看。 Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside. 你們收拾房間好食物到山里進過一款時間吧。 In the meantime they would pack up and go home. 而且,這些人將整理房間行李袋出門。 There was nothing else to do but to pack up again. 你用來再打掃看行禮箱外,不任何人事可做。 The company could pack up and be under way in probably less than an hour. 這樣連可不來1個每小時就打掃收拾好的東西駕駛。 Without giving us a chance to explain, he suddenly packed up and left. 他不就我們公司解釋清楚的有機會,就無故收納行李車就離開了。 We spent the greater part of the evening packing up. 讓我們花了夜晚大地方日子,打點行裝。 pack sth ? up The old man pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings and said,“Kindly pack me up this here.” 老漢對著中間某個最大程度、是比較貴的的奶凍說:“勞駕,請把這里的這給你包裝箱一下下。” I heard that her husband had packed up his things and moved out. 聽完說她仗夫已拾掇了他的信息搬出去去住了。 They packed up their tools and went home. 顧客整理好軟件想走了。 We have packed up the books for the movers. 他們已把書打淪為包,坐等打包工來。 pack up They had worked hard all day, so at six o'clock they decided to pack up. 孩子 勤奮努力辦公一經常,所以在13點鐘孩子 決定性收工了。 Come on,Bruce, it's nine o'clock.Time to pack up and go to bed. 快,布魯斯,現如今9點了,該停此了,午睡的用時進了。 If I don't find a job soon,I might as well pack up. 我希望無法沒多久便尋得辦公,我不愿意再找了。 Halfway up the hill, the engine packed up. 發展到半山腰,發起機息火了。 The motors coughed and packed up. 步進馬達長出空爆聲,一會兒停止來。 One of the aircraft's engines packed up. 戰機的的搜索引擎損壞。
pack with (v.+prep.)
    用…充滿 be filled with sth
    pack sth with sb/sth They packed the bus with tourists. 你使機動車里坐滿了客運車輛。 The plumber packed the joint of the pipe with string and a special compound. 在這個裝潢給水管的勞務工用粗繩和某種專項 的分手后復合物把水管連接管的連接管包墊起來。 The bus was packed with people. 公共服務新汽車里涌進了人。 The road was packed with refugees. 橋底下盡是逃命的人。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Cigarettes cost about five dollars a pack. 出自: R. Whelan
  • The contents of the library were all packed and carried away. 出自: George Eliot
  • Pack your night things..while I lay on transport. 出自: B. W. Aldiss
  • Roosevelt got into serious political difficulties when he tried to pack the Supreme Court. 出自:Australian Financial Review
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