

[s?k'si?d]     [s?k'si?d]    
  • v. 成功;繼承;接著發生
succedent succeeder succeeded succeeded succeeding succeeds



v. (動詞)
  1. 繼承
  2. (使)成功,發跡,興旺,(有)成就,有作為
  3. 辦妥
  4. 繼...之后,接著…發生,隨...之后,隨后出現,繼續,接連,接著
  5. 獲得成效
  6. 順利進行
  7. 承受
  8. 代替,代之
  9. 繼任(...遺職),繼位,繼之以,接替,接續
  10. 接踵而來,相繼生成
  11. 達到目的,完成,實現目標,辦到,做成


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 成功 make a success of sth; do what one has wished to do; achieve an aim
  2. vt. & vi. 繼承 be the next heir after, or the next to take a position or rank


  1. attain success or reach a desired goal;

    "The enterprise succeeded"
    "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"
    "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"

  2. be the successor (of);

    "Carter followed Ford"
    "Will Charles succeed to the throne?"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. If you work hard you will succeed.
  2. We succeeded in repairing the engine.
  3. When the duke dies, his eldest son will succeed to the title.
  4. The war ended and a long peace succeeded.


用作動詞 (v.)
succeed as (v.+prep.)
    從事某職業獲得成功 make success on sth
    succeed sb as n\u002e John Adams succeeded Washington as President. 蓋倫·亞當斯繼華盛頓后會扮演主席之職。 Mr. Smith was succeeded by Mrs. Jones as treasurer. 瓊斯娘子繼史密斯大叔任司庫。 succeed as sb I am confident you would succeed as a lawyer. 我這里有有了信心大家會成為了從業于金融的工作者順利完成的法律工作者。
succeed at〔in〕 (v.+prep.)
    在(某物或做某事)上獲得成功 be successful at (sth or doing sth)
    succeed at〔in〕 sth What makes Jim think he could succeed at music? 是之類使吉姆判定他能在音樂下載個方面收獲順利完成? Without experience, do you think such a young man can succeed in this skilled trade? 你因為這樣子有一個不會有豐富經驗的年輕化人會在這樣需用方式 的餐飲行業中成就 嗎? succeed at〔in〕 sth I'm glad to hear that you're succeeding at English. 我興奮地都聽你的英文日見長進。 The day the Queen was crowned, the climbers succeeded in their attempt on the world's highest mountain. 在皇后加冕典禮那一天,登山運動家人們好地重登了時代最高的人峰。 He'll succeed in anything if he really puts his mind to. 一點事他若是充分做,總想好。 I hope you'll succeed in your effort to cure cancer. 我期望你要醫好癌病的積極會收獲順利。 He succeeded in the entrance examination. 他在上學考中金榜題名了。 His brother has succeeded admirably in his business. 他兄弟們的做買賣得到最令 肅然起敬的成功的英文。 succeed in v-ing At last the climbers succeeded in conquering the difficult mountain. 登山隊工作人員們總于成功的地征服2了這座不易攀爬的群山。 China succeeded in launching its first man-made earth satellite in 1970.1970 年,中國大成功創業地釋放出了一顆人類星球定位。 Thomas Edison succeeded in working out a lot of things entirely new to the world. 托馬斯·愛迪生成就 地生產制造出無數對世人所策略而言是新的征程的小東西。 They finally succeeded in finding a solution to the problem. 孩子 末尾終會得 到處理好那么話題的小妙招。 I hope he will succeed in solving the problem. 我如果我他能實現目標地改善這家難以解決的問題。
succeed to (v.+prep.)
    繼承,繼任 obtain (sth) on the death of the person coming before one
    succeed to sth Who will succeed to his property upon his death? 在他去逝哪方贈予資物呢? He succeeded to the mayoralty. 他接任鎮長職務。 According to the late King's will, his second son will succeed to the throne. 不同已故國王的遺產分割,他的次子將財產繼承皇位。 succeed to sb as n\u002e Probably Daff will succeed to him as director. 概率達夫要接任他當科長。
succeed with (v.+prep.)
    …(某人)獲得成功 have success with sb
    succeed with sb The business has succeeded wonderfully well with him. 他在餐飲業上要先拿到了有效的成功的英文。 The film succeeded unexpectedly with the public. 這部宣傳片宣傳片料想意料地大受顧客感謝。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Gerard..succeeded to great wealth. 出自: J. Buchan
  • George I was fifty-three when he succeeded to the throne. 出自: John Brooke
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