

[step]     [step]    
  • n. 步驟;臺階;舞步;步伐
  • v. 踏;以步測量
stepped stepped stepping steps



n. (名詞)
  1. 梯級,臺階
  2. 等級,升級
  3. 步驟
  4. 舞步
  5. 腳步(聲)
  6. 一步,步伐
  7. 措施,手段
  8. 足跡
  9. 短距離
  10. 一步的距離
  11. 踏板
  12. 一階段
  13. 一個刻度
  14. 【音】<美>音階
  15. 步調
v. (動詞)
  1. 步測,以步測量
  2. 走,步行,邁步,行走,散步
  3. 跳(舞)
  4. 使成梯級
  5. 踩,踩住
  6. 跨(步),踏(腳)
  7. 踏(進),跨(入)
  8. 臨時頂替某人工作
  9. 臨時頂缺
  10. 接替某人的工作
  11. 趕快,開快點
  12. 表現不好
  13. 不守規矩
  14. 越軌,出格
  15. 跳出圈子看問題
  16. 讓位,退位
  17. 主動站出來,自告奮勇
  18. 授之以手
  19. 居間調停
  20. 舉步
  21. 輕快地走(常與along連用)
  22. 跨過
  23. 裝上梯級,具體指(在斜坡上)鑿出臺階
  24. 把(桅桿)豎立在桅座上
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =solutions to employment problems 就業問題解決辦法


n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 腳步,步 an act of moving by raising one foot and bringing it down somewhere else
  2. [C] 一步的距離,短距離 the distance covered in one step, a short distance
  3. [C] 樓梯,臺階 a flat narrow surface, especially one in a set of surfaces each higher than the one before, on which the foot is placed for climbing up and down; stair
  4. [C] 級別,等級; 階段 a degree on a scale, or a stage in a process
  5. [C] 步驟,措施 an act, especially one of a set of actions, which should produce a certain result
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. 舉步; 行走; 跨步 move and then put down the foot


  1. any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal;

    "the situation called for strong measures"
    "the police took steps to reduce crime"

  2. the distance covered by a step;

    "he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig"

  3. the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down;

    "he walked with unsteady steps"

  4. support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway;

    "he paused on the bottom step"

  5. relative position in a graded series;

    "always a step behind"
    "subtle gradations in color"
    "keep in step with the fashions"

  6. a short distance;

    "it's only a step to the drugstore"

  7. the sound of a step of someone walking;

    "he heard footsteps on the porch"

  8. a musical interval of two semitones
  9. a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface;

    "the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window"

  10. a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ship's mast or capstan is fixed
  11. a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance;

    "he taught them the waltz step"

  1. shift or move by taking a step;

    "step back"

  2. put down or press the foot, place the foot;

    "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"
    "step on the brake"

  3. cause (a computer) to execute a single command
  4. treat badly;

    "This boss abuses his workers"
    "She is always stepping on others to get ahead"

  5. furnish with steps;

    "The architect wants to step the terrace"

  6. move with one's feet in a specific manner;

    "step lively"

  7. walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner;

    "step over to the blackboard"

  8. place (a ship's mast) in its step
  9. measure (distances) by pacing;

    "step off ten yards"

  10. move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation;

    "She stepped into a life of luxury"
    "he won't step into his father's footsteps"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The government is taking steps to control the rising crime rate.
  2. We should take steps to prevent war.
  3. However, the next step can be started.
  4. They are not attached to the fruits of karma, and are but one step from Buddhahood.
  5. Today, the focus of grid computing development has moved up a step, to the application level.
  6. This dance step is quite complicated.
  7. One dancer was fractionally out of step.
  8. He bounced into the room with a springy step.
  9. She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She stepped on a loose stone and twisted her ankle.
  2. I hope you try to get them to step up production.
  3. She can keep calmed and step back.
  4. He is not ready to step down yet.
  5. Kindly step this way, ladies and gentlemen.
    女士們、 先生們,請往這邊走。
  6. You cannot step twice into the same river.


用作名詞 (n.)
a false step
    錯誤,失策 a wrong actionA false step can cost us millions of dollars.一步失策會使我們損失幾百萬美元。
a pair of steps
    折梯 step-ladder
a step forward
    前進一步 a forward move
break step
    與…不一致,與…不協調 not in accordance or agreement with others
    break step with sb/sth He broke step with his party and supported a rival candidate. 和他哪些黨的意見書不高度,又想了扶持她的侯選拔人才人。 Three committee chairmen broke step with president. 兩個委會會的主席和特朗普總統征求意見不相符。
dog sb's steps
    跟蹤某人 follow sb
fall into step
    調整步伐使之與…一致,開始接受或遵循 take action to make sth move at the same time, begin to accept and follow sth
follow (in) sb's steps
    步某人的后塵 follow a similar occupation
guide sb's step(s)
    引導〔指導〕某人行走 direct sb to walking
in step
    步調一致 (of a person or behaviour) marching in such a way that each person's right foot and left foot move forward at the same time
in steps
    逐步地 gradually
keep step with
    跟上 follow up with
out of step
    不協調,跟不上; 不合拍 (of a person or behaviour) marching in such a way that each person's right foot and left foot move forward at different time as other people's
step by step
    一步步地,逐步地,逐漸地 gradually
take steps
    采取措施 take action
    take steps to-v We must take immediate steps to cope with the situation. 人們須得實時采用方式來對付某些的局面。
watch one's step
    小心行事,當心 act with great care
用作動詞 (v.)
step across1 (v.+adv.)
    訪問 pay a visit to a nearby person or place
    step across Step across and have tea with me tomorrow. 今天請前來喝一杯茶。
step across2 (v.+prep.)
    跨過 pass over without treading in or on
    step across sth I stepped across the stream and kept my feet dry. 我走過了蜿蜒的,不會有把腳浸濕。
step aside (v.+adv.)
    從權威地位退下 move from a position of authorityThere was mounting pressure in Congress to force him to step aside.國會里迫使他離職的壓力不斷增加。
step back (v.+adv.)
    后退; 退居不重要的部位 move into an insignificant position
    step back If you step back, you could fall down the cliff. 假若你直往退回,你肯定掉到峭壁下邊來了。 He doesn't want to step back from the centre of things. 他沒法退居無足重輕的價值。
step down (v.+adv.)
    退休,辭職 retire or leave a top position
    step down In a couple of years that high school principal will step down, and her job will be taken by the vice-principal. 哪一位學校教務主任干沒法多久就需要辭退,她的職務職稱將由副教務主任升任。
step forward (v.+adv.)
    站出來 offer oneself, as to help〔說明〕 step forward作此解時常不用于進行體。
    step forward Just then, the crowd divided and three men stepped forward to hand the citizens' request to the king. 正在慢慢那年那月,年齡層分手了,多個體戶跨出來把人民的想要傳達給羅馬皇帝。 step forward to-v I step forward to receive my prize. 我動向后去領獎。 step forward The police have asked for witnesses of the accident to step forward to help with enquiries. 人民警察讓案例的目擊者站來,為統計表者可以提供幫忙。
step in1 (v.+adv.)
    干涉,介入 become involved in; enter into
    step in The police are reluctant to step in. 民警不原插足診治。 If the local communities do not meet their responsibilities, the federal and state governments will step in. 若地區各社區網站不使用利用的主要職責,這樣的話聯邦市相關部門市相關部門和州市相關部門就是使用糾正。 The government may step in and try to settle the dispute. 部門也許要干預接到想辦法進行處理這次糾紛。 step in for sb Can you step in for me at the meeting? 我會在表態發言稿替就讓會兒嗎?
step in2 (v.+prep.)
    進入; 涉足 take a step into sth
    step in sth We had to step in mud over our ankles. 他們一定進到沒腳的泥塘。
step inside (v.+adv.)
    進入 enter
    step inside If you care to step inside for a minute, we can sign the contract straight away. 但如果我感悟到我辦公場所室坐一段時間,人們就能簡單把委托合同簽了。
step into (v.+prep.)
    干預,涉足 enter into; take a step into sth
    step into sth That would give the United States an excuse to step into their internal affairs. 那會給芬蘭一款 理由去調控這些 的內政。 His assistant stepped into the breach when the old surgeon was unable to go on with the operation. 當那外國朋友科婦科醫生不允許以后做微創時,他的幫手繼任他將微創實施了長久。 After graduation John stepped into his father's shoes to become a lawyer. 羅伯特高中大學畢業后,便遺囑繼承了他舅舅的衣缽,當過一位刑辯律師。
step off1 (v.+adv.)
    開始行軍; 起跑 start marching
    step off Be careful how you step off, it's a long way from the ground. 警惕你什么出走,那距地面太高。 step sth ? off Step off twenty feet and then place a marker in the ground. 先步測20公尺,再在墻上做次標出。 step off The men stepped off in good spirits. 魔劍士們意志豐滿地考量了。
step off2 (v.+prep.)
    從…走下來 leave by moving the feet
    step off sth As the hero stepped off the platform, he was surrounded by several children with bouquets. 當英雄角色走下黑板時,已被幾支手拿式小花束的嬰幼兒圍住了。
step on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    斥責(某人) scold sb
    step on〔upon〕 sth Mind where you put your feet, you could step on some broken glass. 考慮腳里,你可能會踩在碎玻璃窗上。 step sth on〔upon〕 sth He's the first man to step foot on the moon. 他是1個開始了太空的人。 step on〔upon〕 sth It's difficult to avoid stepping on her sensitive feelings. 無法不減傷她敏感的共情。 If you are going round stepping on people's toes like that you can't expect to have many friends. 比如你這種很多詆毀人,那么別想交好用戶。 step on〔upon〕 sb I shall step on her very firmly if she interrupts me again. 假設她接著打攪我,我就要一點兒禮貌地痛斥她。
step out (v.+adv.)
    步測 measure a distance by walking
    step out She steps out so actively that I have difficulty keeping up with her. 她搖搖擺擺走得過快,我非常難緊跟她。 When I go for a walk in cold weather,I like to step out to keep warm. 每當我在嚴寒的天汽除去遛彎時,為了更好地防寒保暖我都要走得好快。 step out He stepped out into the garden. 他渡過后進了園藝。 I'm stepping out a while to go for a walk. 我出散一陣子兒步。 step out She's really stepping out these days, isn't she? 這種時光她過得尤其非常開心,難不成不對嗎? I hear she's been stepping out almost every weekend. 聽說她每一周末都出進于社交交友施工地點。 step sth ? out Step out ten feet and then put a marker in the ground. 步測十公尺,隨后在地板上做一個標識。
step out on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    對(某人)不忠 be unfaithful to sb
    step out on sb No one told him that she had been stepping out on him for over a year. 并沒一些人問他他她已是出軌他年 多了。
step outside (v.+adv.)
    為解決…而爭斗 have a fight, as to settle an argumentIf you care to step outside, we can settle this.如果你愿意出去比試比試,我們一會兒就能把問題解決了。
step over1 (v.+adv.)
    走近(某地); 接近(某人) move to a place nearer to sb
    step over I have a suggestion that may be to your advantage. 你可以到我企業室內來一段時間嗎?我有了這個提醒意識里對是我的好處。
step over2 (v.+prep.)
    抬高腿走過… lift the feet so as to pass above sb/sth
    step over sb/sth We had to step over piles of broken bricks when we went to see our new house being built. 我就們去觀察也正在別墅建造的裝修完成的房屋時,自己肯定謹慎地跨過一大堆堆碎磚頭。
step up1 (v.+adv.)
    (使)增加,(使)加快速度 (cause to) increase or move faster
    step up Ask him to step up. 叫他一上來。 He stepped up to me to ask his way to the station. 他乘車問過到站去的路。 step up The girl stepped up to school. 女該子加快推進趨勢去上幼兒園。 He has stepped up into the management of the firm. 他升上廠家的經營層。 step sth ? up When John found he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace. 阿奇博爾德出現 要遲在了,就調高腳步。 The bus driver stepped the engine up. 公開各類汽車司機使熱車機提速正常的工作。 Radio and television have stepped up the tempo of the news. CD機和網絡電視機加快推進了文章的傳遞加速度。 The factory has stepped up production. 工廠里一步一步新增了工作。 Production is slowing down. We must step it up. 制造相對比較緩慢掉了了,我需求快速制造。 We must step up our vigilance. 大家一些 要提生當心。 The tempo has been stepped up. 強度些許點曾加了 了。
step up2 (v.+prep.)
    走上 go from a lower to a higher place
    step up sth The teacher called Dabao to step up the platform. Then the boy began to retell a story in English. 英語英文老師叫大寶走到演講臺。然后呢他展開用英語怎么說英文復述一名故事情節。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • She walked in short quick steps. 出自: A. Sillitoe
  • Life is an act of faith, each step a venture into uncharted territory. 出自: fig.
  • A figure who might have stepped out of a Raeburn canvas. 出自: J. Buchan
  • Alice was drunk and she stepped carefully along the passage. 出自: J. Carew
  • I..caught him as he was stepping into a taxi. 出自: L. Hellman
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